Time for a training assessment and to figure out what I'm going to do for my off season programming. I still need to take a lot of throws. Until I'm comfortable and happy with my numbers after 3-5 throws, I'm not where I want to be.
First, some goals for the off season: Front Squat 500, Back squat 585, Deadlift 700, Push Press 350, Close Grip Press 400, Strict Press 300.
Bodyweight goal: 255 by the new year.
Practice throwing goals (consistent throws, not PRs):
bs 40'
os 53'
hwd 43'
lwd 84'
hh 105'
lh 130'
20# sheaf 32'
wob 16'6" stand and learn how to spin
Now: the plan.
Monday #1 = 531 Fsquat/CGbench (assistance = back squats/incline bench/dips/GMs)
First, some goals for the off season: Front Squat 500, Back squat 585, Deadlift 700, Push Press 350, Close Grip Press 400, Strict Press 300.
Bodyweight goal: 255 by the new year.
Practice throwing goals (consistent throws, not PRs):
bs 40'
os 53'
hwd 43'
lwd 84'
hh 105'
lh 130'
20# sheaf 32'
wob 16'6" stand and learn how to spin
Now: the plan.
Monday #1 = 531 Fsquat/CGbench (assistance = back squats/incline bench/dips/GMs)
Monday #2 = hammer
Tuesday #1= 531 deadlift/push press (assistance = RDL/strict OHP/pullups/rows)
Tuesday #2 = stones
Wednesday #1 = wfd
Wednesday #2 = hammer
Thursday #1 = snatch/clean (assitance = plyos/high pulls/sprints)
Thursday #2 = stones
Friday = off
Saturday = stones/weights/hammers + wob/sheaf/caber (if I can), similar to a mock competition
Sunday = off
As the off season moves on, I'll become more comfortable with the little tweaks here and there on events and less work will be needed. At that time I'll probably combine events and take more time for rest, or work other events that are lacking, such as wob, caber or sheaf.
I'm happy with where 531 is taking me right now. I've been able to continue my training on lower calories as well as heal my shoulder without taking any real time off. I've started adding in some BBing reps after my 531 reps, similar to the BBB program, however a couple less sets.
As for diet, I've switched to a UD2 style setup, without the depletion training. Mon-Thursday are low carbs, calories around 225-250 protein, 50 carb and 50-60 fat which puts me in the 1700-1900 calorie range. Friday is a carbup to replenish what was depleted during the week, then Saturday/Sunday is a maintenance or slightly below phase. As I get closer to my goal weight, I'll transition Saturday/Sunday into more of a gain phase and slowly increase carbs throughout the week. I want to get my weight down and keep it off and then get strong at my new bodyweight. I will play deloads by ear.
If I'm feeling good still at the end of the 3 week 531 cycle, I'll continue into another cycle and then deload after that one. Things will slow down a bit in mid January as that's when my next son is due so I'll plan a deload in there then get back to training again asap.
I think that pretty much covers my off-season plan. Looking forward to getting after it. Ventura games coming up next weekend and then I'll dive into it with a short break for the Tucson games in early November. Then it's nose to the grind.
As the off season moves on, I'll become more comfortable with the little tweaks here and there on events and less work will be needed. At that time I'll probably combine events and take more time for rest, or work other events that are lacking, such as wob, caber or sheaf.
I'm happy with where 531 is taking me right now. I've been able to continue my training on lower calories as well as heal my shoulder without taking any real time off. I've started adding in some BBing reps after my 531 reps, similar to the BBB program, however a couple less sets.
As for diet, I've switched to a UD2 style setup, without the depletion training. Mon-Thursday are low carbs, calories around 225-250 protein, 50 carb and 50-60 fat which puts me in the 1700-1900 calorie range. Friday is a carbup to replenish what was depleted during the week, then Saturday/Sunday is a maintenance or slightly below phase. As I get closer to my goal weight, I'll transition Saturday/Sunday into more of a gain phase and slowly increase carbs throughout the week. I want to get my weight down and keep it off and then get strong at my new bodyweight. I will play deloads by ear.
If I'm feeling good still at the end of the 3 week 531 cycle, I'll continue into another cycle and then deload after that one. Things will slow down a bit in mid January as that's when my next son is due so I'll plan a deload in there then get back to training again asap.
I think that pretty much covers my off-season plan. Looking forward to getting after it. Ventura games coming up next weekend and then I'll dive into it with a short break for the Tucson games in early November. Then it's nose to the grind.
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