Training @ 1030a
Power snatch from floor up to 225x1x4sets
Hang clean up to 275x1x4
That's it. Wanted to do some heavy box squats but my 2 year old was being a handful and I just didn't have enough time. Also wanted to get out and throw a little but rained all weekend. Ugh. Looking forward to getting to work with some implements soon. Deloading next week but will still throw a little.
Snatches felt good. Getting a good bump and explosion before dropping under the bar. Still a bit of a press-out. Feeling faster and thats what counts. Hang cleans felt ok. Still trying to get a feel for the better form. Watched a lot of oly vids and noticed how they pull the bar into the crease of their hip before the 2nd pull. Tried this and things turned out much much better. Worked up to a few singles at 275 without much issue. Still more work to be done. I'd like to get this number up to 365 or so by mid-season.
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