Flat BB bench for speed 135x3x8, avg 3.19f/s, best 3.79f/s
Narrow grip incline bench 225x8, 275x6, 315x2, 225x6
Push press up to 275x2
Strict ohp 185x8
Dips bwx8, +45x8x2
16" narrow stance box squat 225x2x8, avg 2.86f/s, best 3.33f/s
Pullups bwx10x3
Db rows 125x5, 150x5x2
Broke out the PF today and had a little fun. Speed wasn't too bad but not where I need it to be. Going to be pulling this thing out on speed days more often. Was focusing on a slow and controled eccentric portion with a powerful concentric. Speeds were down as I wasn't really utilizing the stretch reflex. I like this though, felt good. Knees finally started cooperating after the 3rdish set on squats. Not that they were hurting, just stiff and didn't want to be explosive. Afterwards though they felt great. Bar was getting some serious hang time off my shoulders, lol. Didn't intend to go so heavy on incline but it felt good to hold something that heavy, it's been a while. Push presses felt solid and easy. Thought about going to 315 but didn't bring my belt so I just called it there. Dips felt good once my left shoulder got warmed up. It still gets pretty stiff from that log debacle a few weeks ago and then getting under the squat bar was pissing it off some. A few sets in and it was good. db rows were easy. Probably should have done 10s but I don't give a fuck. It would be nice if the dbs went up to 200, but oh well. Skipped speed deads and GMs as didn't have time, oh well. Pullups feeling easier. Strapped up, like a boss. O_o
Training#2 @ 12p
15.5# stone
*standing x10, best 45, avg 43ish
*full spin x8-10, best 51, avg 48ish
Working on pivoting my right and pushing hips forward while keeping the torso back as well as shoulders turned back longer. Making progress, though still drifting my torso forward. Need to push hips forward and hard onto the left leg. I'm liking this. Full spin is feeling great. Patient out of the back, driving forward off my left, getting my right down and separating. Just need to be more patient with the finish. As soon as my left hits the ground I'm all go. Need to wait just a hair longer to push my right hip through before exploding. Big throws on the horizon.
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