Training#1 @ 415a
Push press up to 330x1x3
Strict press 235x5, 240x5, 245x4
Bench up to 345x1x3
CGBP 265x5x3
Ring Dips x6, x8, x6
Band pushdowns 3x20
Good lift. Missed the first attempt at 330 push press then attempted again before racking and smoked it. No issues with the other two. Really wanted 245x5 but missed the last rep. Bench felt about as good as it's going to. Triceps feel like they might actually be growing & getting stronger. That's a win.
Training#2 @ 1215p
16# standing shot x6-8
16# full spin shot x6-8
16# full spin stone x4
Didn't mark any distances. Had a cone at 40 and thats where most of the stands were landing. Spins were a bit farther. Should've just thrown the stone. Had to concentrate on how to hold the shot and wasn't really able to concentrate on positions. Spin felt ok, really trying to hold my sight on the horizon during the drive phase for as long as possible. It's coming along but still feels so foreign to me. Stones are by far not a natural event for me. Watched video and something that sticks out to me like a sore thumb is how I'm jumping with my left leg vs blocking and putting that force into the stone. I know it's got to just be killing my distances. Talked with Andy Vincent for a while and he told me he doesn't even think about his lift side. He just thinks about a huge push with his right hip and right shoulder. I remember back in 2011 talking to Matt about weights and he told me the block on the weights were very similar to the block on the stones. At the time that made no sense to me because I was pretty awful at both. Revisiting that convo makes a bit more sense to me. When I throw the weights I plant my left and get on it hard. It's such a huge push with my right side. I never have an issue jumping with the weights. I went creeper mode and watched an old vid of Matts that has both stones and weights in it. He separates much better than me on the weights but its still similar. His stone looks the same though. Heavy post on the left, driving his right into the field. I looked at a couple videos of my finish with the weights and right as I'm pushing the weight into the field, my chest is up, hips are forward, right leg is driving and left is posted hard. I need to figure out a way to do this with a stone. Hmmm..
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