Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12/24/13 - push press (4x4) & bench (7x7)

Training @ 450a

Push press 280x4x4 (90%)
Strict ohp 225x3x3
Bench 250x7x2 (75%), 250x6, 235x5x2
Cable pushdowns
Seated db overhead extension
Seated cable wide rows (neutral grip)
Hammerstrength preacher curl

Couple notes here. Bench is a weak spot for me and continues to be just that. I used to have a good bench when my shoulders were healthier and I spent my chest workouts doing bench, incline, db bench, db incline, flyes, blah blah blah. Bench isn't that functional for me anymore so I greatly neglect it. With that said I still would like to build up a respectable bench again, however, putting bench after my overhead work just destroyed my projected max and any attempt at a % based workout, despite using a conservative max to base my percentages off of as well as using a training max of 90%. So with that said, I'm going to move to a 5x5 structure on bench and just increase 5lbs/week. This is the first week of the new program and I'm trying to pay attention to my body so I feel this would be the best move. I figure by the time I get to 315x5x5 AFTER all the overhead pressing, I should be back somewhere close to 400 or above. We'll see in about 35 weeks I suppose, haha. Push pressing felt solid, going to treat today as a 7x7 workout and go with 6x6 next week to stay the course on my other main movements. Squats Thursday!

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 23, 2013

12/23/13 - pulls (7x7) & fsquat

Training @ 445a

Deadlift to 315x7, 445x7x7 (75%)
Front squat 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, etc up to 365x3
Neutral grip pullups 5x3

Posterior chain is destroyed. Took everything I had to hit that 365 triple on front squat. Volume kills me. Overall the pulls weren't too bad. That last 2 sets were miserable though. Reps were very slow on the final set. I like this. Since my bench is a bit iffy due to the shouler, I'll start with 4x4 on push press tomorrow and go with 7x7 since it's lighter on bench and being very conservative with my max to base the % off of.

12/22/13 - Sunday training

Training @ 830a

18# shot
*stand non reverse x4
*stand w/reverse x8, best 43
*south african drill non reverse x3-5, best 47
*south african drill w/reverse x2-3, best 50

Couple things here:
1) I'm still finishing to early. Watching video in slow motion, my body STOPs as its facing forward and pushes straight ahead. My right shoudler doesn't get into the field before pushing. I'm thinking this may be why I'm jumping off my left. I need to push my torso longer before finishing with my arm. Going to work on that.
2) Working slow to fast on the south african drills. Trying to really get that right down and start pushing immediately. I'm trying to push my right leg past my left leg so that my left leg is a true block and is forcing my hip to stop to transfer the momentum. This, combined with a proper finish up top should get me moving in the right direction. Went 50ft on one of my south africans with the 18# shot which would be a PR but the majority of throws were 45-47. Got to stay on top of it.

49# wfd x10ish, best 47
25# wfd x4, best 92

Felt very weak here. The 49 felt SO heavy and I was having trouble accellerating through the finish. Positions felt great, just nothing behind them. I'll chalk that up to fatigue. The 25 felt really good. Speed was solid but final push was off. Still, 92 isn't awful for me with the 25, best is 95 so I can't complain.

16# hamer x6-8, best 142

Decided to skip the 22 today to avoid a dismal practice because of energy. The lighter, faster stuff is easier for me because it doesn't require as much effort. Even 100% effort with the 16# hammer is much less effort than 100% effort with the 22. Haha. Last 3 throws were all over 140. Need to keep in mind to really reach left and catch the hammer. I was sitting 135-137ish and the moment I let the hammer drift left (not the low point) and caught it sooner was the moment 140, 142 and 141 (respectively) dropped down.
Good overall practice that lasted a shade under 3 hours. Not going to practice next Sundays so that'll help me recover some from throwing. Going to fit all 3 events in during the week then head back to stone 3-4x a week next week. I'm hoping that after a month of throwing shot/stone 3-4x a week it'll bring up my numbers.

Friday, December 20, 2013

12/19/13 - stone

Training @ 1245p

15.5# stone
*stand non reverse x3-4
*stand reverse x3-4, best 49
*south africa drill non reverse x18-20, best 52

Slowed down the turn and worked on accelerating my right leg while keeping my right shoulder back to accentuate separation. Started very slow with drills, then took a couple slow throws, then a little faster drills, faster throws, more drills, throws, drills throws, up to a solid throw just shy of 53. Then took two more slow again and called it. A very productive stone practice for the first time in a while. Going to remember to do this every stone practice now (3-4x/week) so that by the time the season starts I can get after it.

12/18/13 - stone

Training @ 1245p

15.5# stone x misery

Some stone sessions are awesome, others are complete shit. Having a very tough time getting my right foot to turn to push the hip through in front of the shoulder. Need to start working middle drills and south africans, slow things way down an work on making sure my lower body is moving faster than my upper.

Side note: ordered an 18# shot.. fun

12/17/13 - ohp & stone

Training @ 515a

Push press up to 335x1, 315x1
Strict press 225x3, 235x3, 245x3, 275x1
band push downs 3x20
pullups 5x3

Wanted to go for 365 on push press but 335 was miserable. This is only 10lbs off my PR and the first time hitting some big weight since before my shoulder started acting up. Didn't feel like benching so I skipped it.

Training#2 @ 12p

15.5# stone x awful

Monday, December 16, 2013

12/16/13 - fsquat/pulls

Training @ 1230p

Front squat doubles to 405, 455x1, 405x4
Deadlift doubles to 545, 585x1
12" step ups 275x6x3

Nice little workout while on lunch break. I need to get back into pulling every week. I pulled 655 in 2011 and only pulled it once this year. I've made absolutely no progress in the last two years. 585 felt heavy off the floor but lockout was easy peasy. Hamstrings were pretty tight so coming off the floor felt iffy and slow. Front squat strength is down but I haven't front squatted much this year either. Got a little cramp in my left cap in the bottom position that was making me hesitant so I stoppeda t the single with 455. A few more weeks with fronts and I should be back close to my old max (515). Step ups feeling good. Push presse and bench tomorrow.

12/15/13 - sunday throws

Training @ 730a

24.5# stone
*stand non reverse x3-4
*stand w/ reverse x3-4, best 37 ugh

15.5# stone full spin non reversee x 6-8, best 51, ugh

Absolutely could not get my hips in front of my torso. Felt very stiff the whole time and couldn't separate my lower from my upper. This proved frustrating and the numbers show.

56# wfd x5-6, best 45
28# wfd x4-5, best 87

Ditched the strap today and hooked all my throws just as a mid off-season test to make sure my grip his holding up. No grip issues at all, including on the thinner handled ring handles I was using. Hand completely in tact w/no tears. Good distances despite not throwing a 56 or 28 in several weeks. Going to stick to the plan throwing the 49 and 25 in practice.

22# hammer x4-5, best 114
16# hammer x4-5, best 137

Haven't thrown a 22 in practice in ages but realized I need to start so I can work on my power with the heavier hammer. Changed my grip on the 22 so that all 4 fingers of both hands are on the handle, this gave me better control and the hammer didn't want to slip out as bad. Did the same on the 16 and I feel like I lost a little. I'll play around with it this week. Distances were solid, though I would've liked to have seen 140 with the 16. Was getting tired by then as we were a little over 3 hours in at that point.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

12/12/13 - squat/jerk

Training @ 1140a

15 min warmup on elliptical

Squat to 405x3, 455x3, 495x3, 405x5
Btn power jerk 185x5, 225x5, 245x5x2
Seated box jump to 36" for 4x5
HS preacher curls 2x20

Started to do some cable low rows but called it, had to get back into work. Satisified with the 495x3. I need to push this top set more and more every week. Jerks felt explosive, taking my time moving the weight up despite being anxious to get in the 3s on this.

12/11/13 - wfd

Training @ 1230p

49# wfd x10ish, best 51
25# wfd x8, best 91

Not an awful day but not great either. Fixed my issue with sprinting too far in the box by getting my left down sooner. Cues still are "slap the right side of the trig" aftet the first turn and a new cue is just to make the weight move FASTER than the sprint. That translated well. I'm going to be throwing the 56 and 28 this weekend so I'm anxious to see what comes of that.

12/10/13 - ohp/bench & stone

Training#1 @ 415a

Strict ohp 185x5, 205x5x2, 225x5x2
Flat bb bench 275x3, 295x3, 315x3, 275x6
3 board press 275x5x2
Band pushdowns & face pulls 2x20

No pain at all on the strict ohp. Def lost a little power but not too much and should be back pretty quickly as long as I stay at it. Bench feeling stronger and gaining confidence. The 3rd rep with 315 was def a grinder so I'm starting out pretty low (again). Hoping to get this up to a double w/405 by the beginning of the season. Only went for 2 sets with the board presses as my shoulder started to let me know it was getting fatigued and I didn't wan to push it there. Good sesh.

Training#2 @ 1230p

15.5# stone
*stand non reverse x5-6
*stand w/ reverse x5-6
*spin non reverse x8-10

Wasn't looking for any numbers. Not feeling much pop today after the heavy pulls yesterday and pressing this morning. Working on getting my hips through first on the standing. This is proving difficult to separate as it's not a very smooth transition for me yet. I'll keep working on it. Had a breakthrough on the spin for the last couple throws. Usually I try to get my left down immediately and start pushing but I'm always finishing too early before my hips are where they need to be so this time I focused on turning my foot the moment my right touches down, despite my left not being down. Much to my surprise (and delight) this put my right hip forward ready to push the moment my left came down and it was much easier to keep my upper body back to separate. Progress. I love it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12/9/13 - pulls

Training#1 @ 435a

Deads up to 495x1x5, 545x1x3, 585x1x2
High box squat 315x5, 405x5, 455x5, 495x5
12" Step ups 275x5x3
Neutral grip pull ups 3x5
RDL 315x5, 365x5x2

Good day. Haven't pulled heavy since the day I injured my abs in late October. Plan was to go to 495 and hit 10 singles with only 60-90 seconds rest between each. When 495 felt easy with only 45-70 seconds rest I decided to up the ante a little. 545 felt good and 585 felt really good. A bit slower than I had liked but that's going to happen when you don't pull heavy for 6ish weeks. In any event, it was a good first heavy sesh back. Weights were singing at the top on the squats. Speed felt really good. Still not sure if this is going to be beneficial to my throws but we'll see. Training just the power position depth makes sense as it allows me to go heavier while still keeping the speed. I'll keep them in the rotation for a while longer. I do feel that every couple weeks I should do a full squat session so I've got to keep that in mind. Step ups felt heavier than expected going from 235 up to 275. I'd like to get these 315+ before the start of the season. Unilateral leg strength is coming along though. No way I could I have touched this a few months ago with the same intsensity I had today. Rdls felt heavier than usual but I was pretty fatigued by then. Good day.

Was going to do some stone at lunch but decided to go home and hang with the family for a while. I'll pick it back up tomorrow.

Monday, December 9, 2013

12/8/13 - stone/wfd/hammer

2 mins jump rope and 20 mins cardio on Saturday 12/7 to get the heart pumping

12/8 AM weight = 278lbs 
*down about 15lbs over the last 3 weeks

Training @ 7a

15.5# stone
*stand non reverse x5-6
*stand w/ reverse x4-5, best 51 for training PR
*full spin non reverse x6-8, best 52ish

Focus on holding my left arm and right shoulder back so that I can lead with the right hip. Getting better. Pushing the right knee in hard trying to get it facing the field before I start pushing/opening up. Nice standing stone pr with the light stone. Going to be switching to a 17# stone soon. Spins felt ok. On the handful of throws I separated well I lost sprint and left about a foot in the trig. On the ones I sprinted well I lost all separation. Still working consistency here. On a positive note, I am getting better at separating. Just need to remember to hold my upper body back and make sure my hips stay in front of my torso. Productive sesh.

49# wfd
*one turn x5, best 45
*full x8-10, best 50

25# wfd x1 @ 91ft

Wfd feels good though I'm using up a lot of room in the trig. Doing a good job of staying back on the cast and not drifting forward, however, I'm sprinting so hard I'm using up all my real estate and landing very narrow at the front. Need to figure this out as I'm losing power on the final push into the field. Started getting it a bit better towards the end when I relaxed and focused on getting my right down sooner. Need more work here.

16# hammer x7, best 140

Goal today was to go 140 and call it. Was starting to get frustrated. Series went 127, 128, 138, 139, 138, 138, 140. Abdominals feeling good, no sign of a strain. Happy to get back into the swing of things here. Contemplaying utilizing a heavier hammer to train power for this event. I've gota lighter hammer to work on speed but I feel like I need a bit more sport specific power so throwing a 26-28 hammer might do that for me. I'll report back.

Friday, December 6, 2013

12/6/13 - wfd

Training @ 1215p

49# wfd
*one turn x5-6
*full x8-10
25# wfd x5ish
49# wfd x2

Fatigue setting in. 5 hours sleep a couple nights in a row slowing down my reaction time. First few throws with the 49 were good then everything went to shit. Couldn't get my left down in time, sprinting too far, not following through. Getting really frustrated. Switchd to the 25 and slowed things down and focused on positions and cues: stay on my left out of the back and counter against the weight to stay in the back of the box, push the weight towards 1:00 for the sprint, get the left down and push the weight into the field. Had a couple at 90-92 and a couple in the 87-89 range. Positions felt better and got smoother again. Took 2 throws with the 49 afterwards, just as a walkthrough to hit the positions and cues. Unk distances but they felt good. Managed to turn the shit practice around so I'm happy with that.

Finshed of the day with 2 mins jump rope and 15 mins on spin bike. Cardio FTW!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

12/5/13 - speed day

Training #1 @ 415a

15mins on elliptical

Hang power snatch 95x3x3, 135x3x3, 165x3x3
Squat to jerk 135x3, 185x3, 205x3, 225x3, 235x3x2
Neutral grip pullups 3x5
36" box jumps 5x5

Working on pushing my elbows out at the start of the power snatch, feelt much more powerful and the transition to the catch was much easier. The squat to jerks felt really good as well, very snappy. I'm hoping to work these up to 315 over the next few months, getting to a solid triple at 275-290 by the start of the season. Neutral grip pullups don't seem to bother the shoulder at all so I'm sticking with those for a while. Jumps felt good. I need to add in sprints soon.

12/4/13 - stone

Training @ 1215p

15.5# stone
*stand non reverse x4-5
*stand w/reverse x3-4, best 48
*full spin non reverse x2-3, best 54
*full spin w/reverse x2, best 52

Getting a bit more consistent. Realizing a couple things: If I sprint rotationally vs driving straight I absolutely cannot hold my shoulders back when I get to the front. If I sprint straight I can really use my left arm to push across my body and hold it long enough to activate my right hip first. Had one throw in particular that was money, but it was slow. That was the 54 and it felt great. Tried to speed it up and lost my separation. Need to continue with the drills, focusing on really pushing my left arm across my body when my right foot lands and pushing my right knee in and down to activate the hip faster than my left side is opening. Feeling encouraged with my stones as of late.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3/13 - ohp

Training @ 4a

Push press to 315x2x2
Strict ohp 205x5x3
3 board press 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 295x5, 315x5
Bb row 225x8x3
Band push downs 2x20
Band face pulls 2x20

Shoulder feeling better every week. Still getting sore by the end of the workout but def making progress. Lack of pressing over the last 2 months is noticeable with the temporary strength loss. Last rep on the strict presses were grinders. Fortunately though, despite being grinders there was still absolutely no pain. Happy to be on track to still making some solid gains this offseason. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13 - front squat

Training @ 445a

Front squat 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 365x3x2, 385x3x2, 405x3x2, 365x5, 315x8

Done. Didn't feel like all the other nonsense assistance stuff so I beat it up pretty good on the fronts. Core is destroyed from hammers yesterday, legs will follow suit momentarily.

12/1/13 - stone/wfd/hammer

Training @ 7a

15.5# stone
*stand w/o reverse x5-6
*stand w/reverse x3-4, best 47
*full spin x5-6, best 51

Trying to really work on keeping my torso back and leading with my right hip. Trying to get a bit more explosive with my right knee in pushing it in and down to get my hips square then pushing hard off the right and climbing my left. Definitely making progress on the stands, despite distance. It feels much smoother. Spins are still off. I can visualize what I need to do but when it comes down to it I'm moving too fast and it's falling apart. Going to do a bunch of drills without the stone going through the motion of the spin. Need to remember NOT to finish as soon as my left hits the ground at the front but instead to drive that right hip and hold my torso position as long as possible. I'm getting there very slowly.

49# wfd x 8-10, best 50
25# wfd x 4, best 92

Trying to remember to drive the weight forward instead of counter it. Mentally thinking about driving toward 1:00 or 2:00 vs straight into the trig. This is giving me a straighter sprint and a better position to finish. Feels good.

16# hammer x3, went 119, 125, 135 successively
20# hammer (w/4 winds), best 121

Not a bad start for not having thrown hammer since October. The 16 felt really good and I certainly wasn't going 100%. On the 20# hammer I was attempting to get it moving faster so I added in a 4th wind. This is a weird feeling when I've been going with 3 winds for so long. It's almost like I've got two 2nd winds as I can't hit full extension now until the 4th wind. I can't hit full extension on the 3rd and 4th winds as I'm losing speed and it becomes more of an up and down movement for me instead of side to side. By treating the 3rd wind the same as the 2nd wind it stays side to side and I can stay on it. Trouble now is that the ball has so much speed that when combined witht he weight, it wants to come out early. I had a couple that would have been really far but came out too early. Unable to decide if the 4 winds will be beneficial or not just yet but I'll keep at it for the next couple weeks and see.

Overall a good first practice (longer practice) back. Going to add in some wob next week.

11/29/13 - snatch/speed squat

Training @ 3p

Hang power snatch 135x3, 155x3x4
Squat into jerk 135x3, 185x3x2, 225x3x2

Need to keep my elbows out more on the snatches so it stays closer. Feeling pretty strong though, despite the lighter weight. Squats feel snappy and there is absolutely no press on the jerk. Going to keep adding 10lbs/week to these and try to get more work sets at the higher weights. Feels good to be moving the weight quickly again.

11/27/13 - wfd

Training @ 1215p

49# wfd
*1 turn x6
*full x9, best 51

25# wfd x7, best 94

Working on counting the weight better on the cast to keep me from drifting forward since I'm starting the turn earlier to be in a better position for the sprint. Still defaulting back to countering the weight for the sprint instead of actively pushing it forward for the sprint. I'm about 50/50 on these. Finish at the front feels pretty good though.

11/26/13 - bench & stones

Training#1 @ 415a

Flat bb bench up to 315x1, 225x20
3 board press 275x5x3
Strict ohp 135x5, 135x8, 185x5x2
band high rows 3x15
band low rows 3x15

Reading this makes me realize I forgot my band pushdowns. Oh well. Was going to doing do some bench dips but didn't want to stress the shoulder any more. It was already getting sore. No pain during the workout though, just some soreness so that's exciting. The negative portion of the bench was very slow and deliberate, as to not move anything around too fast or suddenly but the push felt great. Even 315 went up much faster than expected. Board presses felt good as well though my triceps were starting to die out. OHP felt very good as well. Was going to go for 8 on the second with 185 but my front delts were screaming so I called it there. Finished up with the band rows with a monster mini ust to get a little back work in and take some pressure off my shoulder. Going to start adding BB rows back in very soon.

Threw stones in the afternoon but forgot to log it and by now I can't remember what was done. haha..

11/25/13 - pulls & stone

Training#1 @ 420p

15mins elliptical to warmup & burn some cals

Deads up to 405x3, 315x3x4
24" box squat 335x5, 425x5, 475x5, 515x5
12" step ups 245x6x3
Netural grip pullups 5x3
RDLs 245x10, 335x8x2

Deads felt good for the most part. I could feel my oblique letting me know it wasn't 100% yet while I was on the 315. Went up to 405 and smoked an easy triple but oblique was getting sore and I didn't want to push too hard yet. Dropped down and hit a few sets of 5 just to get some reps in and work technique. I haev a bad habit of pulling prematurely (before the bar is against my shins) and consequently end up leaving the weight way out front which puts me in a poor position to drive my hips through. Focus today was to really sit back against the bar and pull back. Felt really good. Anxious to start pulling heavy but it'll probably about 4 weeks before I get any real weight on the bar since I'm only pulling every other week. Box squats felt good, plates were jangling at the top and bar was coming about an inch off my shoulders on every rep. Felt explosive. Step ups getting easier as well. Shoulder kind of bugged me on the pullups. If I relaxed and went all the way down to full extension it would really pull on the shoulder so I was cutting my reps a little short. The neutral grip let me use more of my inner back and took less rear delt/shoulder movement out of the motion. Overall a good workout. Anxious to bench tomorrow and see how the shoulder holds up. Goal is 315 but I'm not going to push it too hard if it starts hurting.

Training#2 @ 115p

15.5# stone
*stand w/step over x6
*stand w/reverse x5, best 48
*full spin non reverse x3-4
*full spin w/reverse x4-5, best 52

Not bad but still drifting too far forward at the front, over-loading my left leg or even getting onto my left too early. Watched some video and it looks like as soon as I get to the front I SHOULD be stopping all forward travel and turning that into lift whereas I get to the front and I keep drifting forward and consequently end up chasing the stone, no separation, etc. I need to keep my weight on my right leg and push my HIPS forward but keep my shoulders back. I'm going to try thinking about drawing a line from my right hip bone to my right shoulder and from a horizontal view, I want that line to be about 60ish degrees with my chest high to the sky, almost like I'm trying to limbo. Weird cues, yes, but we'll see if it works. I need to buckle down and get this stone figured out so I can be comfortable with it early next season. Stone again tomorrow.

11/20/13 - wfd

Training @ 1130a

49# wfd
*1 turn x5
*full x10, best 51

56# wfd x2, best 44

Really good session for the first one in 3.5 weeks. Trying to remember to slap the right side of the trig on the sprint and really reach back to catch it for a long push on the finish. Felt good but maybe a little sloppy. Going to try to clean it up sunday. First time throwing the 56 in practice in months. Very happy with the carryover from the 49.

11/19/13 - ohp

Training @ 515am

Push press up to 225x3x3
Strict press 135x5x3
3 board press 135x8x5
Band pushdowns 2x20
Band pulldowns 3x15
Band rows 3x15

Not bad, only minimal shoulder pain, seems to be feeling better but not trying to push it yet. Going lighter is allowing me to work on tech a little better: keeping the elbows in, spreading the bar with my hands, etc. 3 boards are going to be my equivalent of my high box squats. Fast and explosive just to train that top end. Triceps have always been my weak point in pressing so hopefully this will fix some of that. Still need to lay off dips for a while as it's too much load for my shoulder. Going to start doing seated dips against a band to still get into the same position that really torques it but much lighter so there's no pain and taking it through the ROM so I can get good blood flow to heal it. Was hoping to throw wfd but my FSA company had other plans. F.

11/18/13 - squat & stones

Took a couple weeks off to let injuries heal up. Going to spend the next month easing back into my full training program and at that point I'll be "rebooting" my offseason as well as re-evaluating off-season goals, etc.

Training#1 @ 445a

Front squat up to 315x3x3 beltless
24" box squat 315x5, 365x5, 405x5 all beltless, bar bouncing off shoulders
12" step up 225x6x3
RDLs 225x10x3

Good first workout back. Upper back a little sore from hiking yesterday and carrying my 3 year old in a backpack carrier. Core a little tight but overal felt pretty good.

Training#2 @ 1230p

15.5# stone
*stand non reverse x5
*stand reverse x3, best 46
*full spin non reverse x3
*full spin reverse x3, best 52

First time throwing a stone correctly since 10/27 due to the oblique. Had to really lay off at the Tucson games. Separation is miserable but everything else felt great. Trying to pull my left hand in wider vs right into my side so I can feel a bigger stretch in my chest and get my right shoulder moving faster. Changed my hand position so my left thumb is down and palm is facing out in the very start of the power position. Then I swing it wide and by the time my left arm is open my palm is facing down so when I pull in my elbow stays out, vs my palm in a neutral grip which makes it easier to pull my elbow down. Not sure if any of this really matters to those shot put guys and great stone guys but it made a difference for me in how I'm pulling my left and felt much more powerful, despite not havnig any separation. I'll be starting stretching this week to increase flexibility and mobility to hit better positions. Need to remember not to open my left arm until my left foot touches for the spin. Everything else is on course.

11/21/13 - snatch/squat jerks

Training @ 445a

Hang power snatch 95x3x3, 135x3x5
Squat jerks 135x3, 185x3x3, 225x3
36" box jumps 3x5

Thats it, didn't feel like more. Still easing back into it. I'll slowly be adding more jumps, sprints, and some misc other work as well. These felt good. Focused on recovering from the snatch before standing the rest of the way up. Same with the jerk on the squat jerks, those are a lot of fun. Shoulder a little sore from the the work but nothing that would prevent the injury. Feels good to be back in the gym.