Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5/31/11 - deads


hip snatches- 155x5, 175x5, 195x5 (first was very ugly)
hang cleans - 225x5, 245x5, 265x5
box deads off 6" boxes- 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5

+ core work = hanging leg raises

+ 1.5 mile walk with the wife & kiddo @ a brisk pace..

macros= 67f / 262c / 267p = 2742, ~75g carbs preWO

all things considered, the workout felt awesome. I've never hit 195 for more than a triple on hip snatches and all (except the first) felt really good with a good catch. Had to put some effort into the hang cleans, but they felt good as well. I'm very pleased with the 6" box deads considering my groin issue from last week.. didn't feel it whatsoever today. Kept it light, didn't want to push things. Squats this friday, hoping for some sets with 315 before pushing up in the 4s next week...

also took my first ice bath tonight.. holy shit that's cold, but my legs feel pretty great right now. I'm going to really try to get more involved with my active recovery..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5/26/11 - presses


incline bench- up to 275x5x3
strict OHP- up to 225x3x3
seated cable rows- up to 300x8x3
rope pushdowns
straight bar overhead pushdowns

+core work = lying leg raises, ab wheel, cable twists

macros = 69f / 271c / 273p = 2835cals w/ ~125g carbs preWO

5/24/11 - deads


hip snatches- up to 205x2 and 2 misses @ 225
box deads of 6" boxes- up to 605x3

3 sets of sledgehammer swings

*sigh* pulled my left groin on the 3rd rep with 605.. pretty minor, lots of RICE going on now..

5/21/11 - Albuquerque Games

2011 Rio Grande Highland Games- 1st place overall in A group
  • 22# braemar - 1st - 36'4" / 36'1.25" / 35'10.25" (extras = 35'9")
  • HWFD - 1st - 34'7.5" / 36'1.25" / 37'7.25" (extras = 36'10" / 37'2")
  • LWFD - 1st - 72'6" / 71'3.25" / F (extras = 75'3")
  • WOB - 3rd @ 13'6"
  • HH - 1st - 89'2" / 91'9.5" / 88'3" (extras = 86'5")
  • LH - 1st - 111'10" / 108'7.25" / 105'7" (extras = F / 106'9")
  • Caber - 3rd - 19' 110# - degrees / degrees / 9:15 
  • 20# sheaf - 2nd - 26' PR
Another great games, super awesome field and great implements. Thanks to Grant Oliver for putting on a great games.

Threw against Adam Brezina, Shawn Baker and a couple of others that came. Great competition and great fun. First few events went very well, then everything crashed down after lunch when we went to the hammers. Hammers felt terrible. Hips were slow, extension was awful and speed was pathetic. WOB actually felt good, I just couldn't get the weight behind me. At 13'6" I was clearing 15" easy, just wasn't getting it back, oh well. Caber was good, not too heavy, definitely not unmanageable, however, the wind was nuts. My first toss I went against the wind and had no speed at all, 2nd toss I had to dance with it for a while as it was getting blown off my shoulder and the 3rd toss I had to catch it twice before I even picked it as it was getting blown around.. meh, excuses are like aholes right? I need more time under a caber and that's the bottom line.

At the end of the day, it was a good games with great company. Looking forward to the next.

5/16/11 - throws

  • 16# stone - standing & south african
  • 28# WFD
  • 16# sheaf
technique work with the WFD and sheaf again, last training before albuqerque games. Learned to really sit back and let my hips do the cast

5/15/11 - throws

  • 23.5# braemar
  • 42# WOB (hit an easy 18')
  • 56# WOB (6 reps @ 14', 4 reps at 15')
  • light caber picks & carries
  • 28# WFD
  • 22# sheaf
technique work with the WFD and sheaf, just getting reps in with WOB

5/14/11 - throws

  • 16# open standing + south african
  • 42# WFD
  • 16# sheaf
  • 16# hammer

5/13/11 - presses


incline bench- up to 295x4
strict OHP- up to 225x4
incline db rows- up to 115x6x3
close grip press- up to 315x2, 275x4
+core work = lying leg raises, side bends, cable twists

5/12/11 - squats

am weight = 279lbs (been a while since I've seen that #)


front squats- up to 335x5
back squats- 315x5x3, then up to 405x5
pullups- BWx5x10
low back was fried, hard to stay upright for the heavier back squats..

5/10/11 - deads


hip snatches- up to 195x2
box cleans from knee height- up to 275x3
24" box jumps- BWx8, +50x8x2
3" deficit deads- up to 515x3

5/7/11 - Prescott Games

2011 Prescott Highland Games- 1st place overall in A group
  • 24.5# braemar - 1st - 32'.5" / 35'9" PR / 37'6.5" PR
  • 16# open - 1st - 46'10.25" / 47'4" / 49'6" PR (extras = 48'8" / 48'2" / 44'8")
  • HWFD - 1st - F / 39'9.5" / F (extras = F / 40'2.5" PR)
  • LWFD - 1st - 78'9.5" / 76'10.5" 79'1.75" (extras = 79'9" PR / 79'4.5" / 78'8.5")
  • HH - 1st - F / 74' / 95'6.5" (extras = 99'9" PR / 86'11")
  • WOB - 2nd @ 15'
  • Caber - 1st - 18' 100# - 12:00 / 11:50 / 11:55 
Great games, lots of PRs and much fun throwing with Brezina. Hats off to Brandon Hall for some incredible WOB height. Although he couldn't get it back over the bar, he was nailing 18+ standing, just insane. Big thanks to Mike Susmark for putting on another awesome games, he claims it's his last but I hope it's not as he puts it together really well. Definitely looking forward to next year.

5/4/11 - throws

  • 16# open standing + south african
  • 42# WFD
  • light caber
  • 42# WOB
  • 16# hammer
last practice before the prescott games

Monday, May 9, 2011


***updated for notes purposes, began approx 3 weeks ago

Monday - oly movements/deads/throws
  • stones/hammer/wob
  • hip/hang snatches: 3 sets
  • weighted plyo jumps- 5 sets
  • hang cleans: 3 sets
  • conventional deficit, box or floor pulls: work up to training max, drop to 4 sets of 3 @ 90% (every other week)
  • sumo deadlift: 8 singles for speed, 60% of training max + bands (swap weekly between conventional)
Tuesday - pressing
  • flat bench: work up to training max, drop to 4 sets of 3 @ 90% (every other week)
  • incline bench: 8 triples for speed, 60% of training max + bands (swap weekly between flat bench)
  • push presses: 3 sets
  • some form of rows: 3 sets of 3-6 reps
Wednesday - throwing
  • wfd/hammer/wob
Thursday - squat
  • back squats: work up to training max, drop to 4 sets of 3 @ 90% (every other week)
  • front squats: 8 doubles for speed, 60% of training max + bands (swap weekly between back squats)
  • RDL (or GM): 3 sets 3-5 reps
  • GHR: 3 sets 6-8 reps
  • weighted pullups - 10 sets of 3-5 reps
Friday - off

Saturday - throwing
  • stones/WFD/WOB/caber/sheaf/hammer
Sunday - off

*core every weight training day, pick 2-3 exercises and do 2-3 sets each

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5/3/11 - squats

am weight = 282lbs

training (singles)

front squats to 18" box (~3" above parallel)- 5s up to 315x5, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1, 425x1
back squats to 18" box- 405x3, 455x3, 475x3, 495x1
pullups- BWx5 x2, +35x3 x3, +45x3 x3, +55x3 (PR) x3
RDL- 315x6, 365x3, 405x3, 455x3 (PR), 315x8

macros = 63f / 301c / 283p = 3058

another good training day. I wanted to give my calf a rest this week due to last weeks issues and full squats aggravated the hell out of it before. I also thought I would be giving my knees a break by squatting to a high box, I was def wrong about that, knees weren't a fan of that at all. Couple that with a fried lower back from heavy pulls yesterday and you end up with a shitty squat workout. It was ok, but not nearly what I was expecting. Still knocking the PRs down.. pullups getting much easier with my decreased bodyweight, decided to keep adding weight and see how far I could go.. It was honestly harder to hold the db between my feet during the pullups than actually doing the pullups themselves.. Also pretty happy about the RDLs, hamstring is feeling good, no issues at all. 2 days of throwing to work technique and a day off then prescott games. Looking forward to this weekend.

5/2/11 - deads

training (singles)

hip snatches- up to 205x1 (PR) w/2 failed attempts at 225
box cleans from knee height- up to 275x1 w/a failed attempt at 295
24" box jumps- BWx5 x2
rack pulls from just bottom of knee- up to 725x1 (PR)

+ core work = ab roller & hanging leg raises

macros = 63f / 268 / 286p = 2818 w/~150g carbs pre-WO

took a page out of sean betz log and tried the box cleans, those are no joke, takes a lot more power to get that weight moving fast enough to get under it. Definitely like these. Hip snatches felt great, felt very explosive with these and can't argue with a PR.. the rack pull was my highlight.. I'm down 30+ lbs and still hitting massive PRs, my prior PR was 675 for a triple and I believe I may even have more in the tank. Great training day for me..

Sunday, May 1, 2011

4/30/11 - throws

  • 16# open- ~15 standing, 20-25ish south african + lots of drills
  • 16# hammer- 15-20 with only maybe 6-7 releases
getting a good catapult affect with the braemar throws, staying nice and closed off until after I begin pushing with my legs, noticing a bit of increased distance here, though didn't measure anything

south african felt great, did lots of drills working on footwork.. also focused on loosening up my upper body, once this happened I was able to flow into the power position and stay closed off longer much easier.. going to keep working on this.. i walked out a couple of the throws with my feet and hit around 43' or so.. satisifed with this, very productive for now.

very productive with hammer as well.. got that high point where it needed to be and the low point flowed very smoothly.. added a bit of speed and it jacked up my 2nd wind's low point.. so i slowed it back down and focused on staying to the right throughout which helped, maybe 95-105ish for distances, very little effort on the releases, just trying to get the positions down..

macros = ?? went to chili's for dinner with the mrs and it was on like donkey kong.. cheat meal FTW!!

last day of anitibiotics, hopefully this water weight will shed off and I can actually see how much weight I've lost this week.

4/29/11 - throws

  • 16# open- 5-8 standing, 12-15 south african + lots of drills
  • 30# WFD- 4-5 standing, 5-6 single spin, 6-7 double spin
south african feeling better, working on getting that right leg around fast while winding up my upper body

WFD felt way off, but I was just working drills.. did a few cast & drop drills focusing on foot placement on my first spin. I need to get this back to where it was before, my right foot landing about 3-6" outside of my initial left foot placement. did 5-8 of those cast/drop drills working on that, then added in double spins with no effort, not even sure I broke 60' on this today. also need to work on fixing my cast, I'm always setting my high point off my left shoulder and then the low point ends up being around 5 o'clock so then I have to fix it in order to get a stright drive to the trig.. time to watch vierra's figure 8 drill again.

macros = 66f / 259c / 287p = 2817cals, ~150g carbs preWO

4/28/11 - presses


incline bench- 275x2, 295x2, 315x2, 335x2
strict OHP- 205x2, 225x2, 245x2, 265x1, 275x2 (push press)
bb rows- 315x3 x3sets, 365x3 x3sets
close grip press- 275x3, 295x3, 315x3 x2sets

+core work = lying leg raises, side bends, cable twists

macros = 73f / 300c / 245p = 2861 w/ ~145g carbs pre-WO

was going to go with push presses after the strict presses but without a proper push press warmup, my knees weren't too happy with that, guess it'll be one or the other because I don't feel like dropping the weight all the way down and work up again just to warmup my knees for the movement.

4/27/11 - throws

  • 16# open- 5-8 standing, 5-6 south african + lots of drills
  • 16# sheaf- 8-10
  • caber- 5 picks/carries, no tosses
  • 16# hammer- ~8-10
didn't measure anything. working on dropping into a solid double post before opening up on the standing/braemar throws, feeling more explosive as well as a better/longer push on the stone

worked a bunch of south african drills and took a few throws, felt good, though still akward, going to take time getting used to

caber picks went well, tried to get them high, also worked on carries with a hard push against my trap then let it go. big caber (three 20' 2x6s bolted together) so I didn't feel like trying any pulls

trying to fix my hammer.. ball is always to my left and i have no pull on it. i also don't have a very good high/low point, my hammers are pretty flat. i focused on setting a high point off my left shoulder and a low point down right of my right foot, then worked on getting around fast to catch the weight at the right spot..

good throwing day for me

macros = 62f / 300c / 274p = 2862cals, ~100g carbs preWO