Training#1 @ 430a
Push press 275x3x3
Deadlift 575x3x3
DB rows 105x10, 125x10, 150x10
M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. PPress and rows felt as good as they could. Didn't struggle with any of the push press reps and the 150# rows weren't easy but weren't hard either. The deads were stupid. Every rep was a grinder. I'm feeling very weak, borderline overtrained right now. Getting little tweaks here and there are confirming it as well. Right tricep has been very very stiff last few days, left knee very achy, minor abdominal strain, and both shoulders feeling stiff. One more week then a sweet deload with lots of stretching and rolling.
Training#2 @ 7a
56# wfd
*one turn x8-10, best of 38
*full x8-10, best of 41
Was actually on the field at 630, but it didn't lighten up until almost 7am. Very annoying. Was also goddamn cold this morning, something I'm definitely not used to. Low 40s make it very tough to "warm-up". Took me about an hour before I was actually feeling good and hitting good positions. The downside was that I was exhausted by then and only had about 15 more minutes to throw before I had to get to work. Tomorrow I'm not training weights in the morning so I'll get to the field early and do a few laps and some dynamic stuff to warmup. Will dress warmer too so it takes less throws to get everything moving right. Going to throw weights again tomorrow and try to spend some time with the 28 after some one turns and fulls to warmup with the 56. Fun. Hammers thursday.
Need to start ingesting more protein. Recovery feels pretty blegh lately.
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