56# wfd
*one turn x5-6, best of 42
*full x6-8, best of 45
28# wfd x 10-12, best of 82
One turns felt good, lots of pop for the finish. Fulls felt really good. Didn't crush any of them, just hitting positions and looking for a big lift at the end. Looking forward to getting after this real soon. Lwd was frustrating me. Kept throwing very flat and didn't even realize it. Lots and lots of 77s and 78s with a couple at 80. Realized I had absolutely no lift at the end and a flat orbit throughout. Fixed that on my last couple throws and dropped one at 80 and 82. Satisfied for now. In February I'll dedicate some serious time to the weights, specifically the 28#er and hopefully I'll see some good progress.
15.5# stone
*stand x 5-6, best of 46ft
*full spin x7-8, best of 48ft
Meh.. standings feeling really good. Nice pop and pushing out over the trig. Spins still way off. Going to be spending a lot of time with these in January trying to get a nice and smooth transition. When I do a 180 drill I'm able to keep my right turning and get my left all the way around into a good power position, but when I do the full spins my left leg stops short and I don't get my hip all the way through. Lots of work to do.
16# hammer
*winds x3-4
*full x8-10, best of 131
Good tosses here. Started off in the high 1-teens and went up from there, adding a bit of effort with every throw. Called it quits at 131.
Overall good session. Feeling like I need a deload. One week of 3s which, personally, are easier than 5s despite being heavier. Then a max out week and I'm home free for a week of doing nothing. Can't wait, haha.
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