15.5# stone
*stand x6-8, best 45, avg 44
*spin x8-10, best 51, avg 50
I feel like I'm making progress in stone. Starting next week I'll be shifting focus to stone to get better prepared for the stone guys in Portland, Claw, Pton, etc. that I'll be having to go against. Every inch is going to count and I can't lose too many points as I'm going to need as many as possible going up against the Vincent brothers, Mckim, Zolk, etc on wob/caber.
On standing tosses I really focused on holding my upper body back. Not in the sense of holding it from twisting, but holding it and trying to get my belly to the sky, not letting it travel linearly. I can feel a much stronger snap and pull with the hips doing this. Felt good and going to keep after it. With a 15.5# stone, I need to make 50ft standing regular.
On the spins I tried to replicate that same power position. I have a tendency to have so much forward momentum that I'm chasing the stone into the field. I need to get my left down and hold that upper body position from a linear point of view. Not quite as successful here. Feeling really good coming out of the back. Trying to lead with my left knee and push it way out before anything else. Trying to keep my right on the ground as long as possible so that it snaps around into position and never stops turning. Throws are feeling pretty good overall but still more to work on. Finally, I need to watch the horizon longer as I'm sprinting. This will let me wind/coil/torque up more as my hips are leading the throw. I completely forgot about this today. I'll be sure to revisit this log before next stone sesh. Also, I need to get more flexible. My fat ass just does not like to separate and I know this is costing me valuable feet. I need to get this number up to 58ft. Man I've got a lot of work to do.
Time to get on a stretch/foam roll nightly routine.
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