Here's how I'm picture you're hooking the wfd. Nice and deep, index and middle finger over your thumb and the handle sitting in your palm. Notice in the first picture below how that ring finger callus is just chomping at the bits to be removed based on how I'm holding it. I've lost that callus many many times. This is what feels the most comfortable for my thumb and the most secure but doing back to back games I just can't risk losing the callus and I really don't like throwing with a glove. I like to feel the implement. Now fast forward to the next set of pics.
This is how I modified my grip so that I still get a real deep hook, but instead of keeping the end of the handle in the meat of my hand, I angle it so that it sits on my ring and pinky. The hook is the same but the handle is angled outwards more. In all honestly, I never feel it pulling on my pinky and ring finger. With that said, I don't have PsA so I don't know if this will work for you. I can tell you my thumb hurts A LOT more hooking like this because there is less weight distribution so the majority of the weight sits on your thumb. What I try to do is angle my wrist a little so it's taking about 30% of the weight off my thumb. Boatloads of chalk later and this atually feels more secure than the above photos. You've got to pick up the weight and let it crunch your ring and pinky together a bit but afterwards it feels very secure. If you angle your wrist so that your index finger knuckle is is the lowest knuckle that puts the majority of the weight on your thumb and off your back two fingers. If you angle your wrist the opposite it distributes the weight differently. At that point its personal preference. Tape the base of your thumb, pinky and ring finger or you're likely to filet one of those off too, but otherwise I've never had a callus on my palm itself rip off this way. Photos taken as a lefty because I'm right handed and can't work a camera with my left hand. I figured it would work since you're a lefty anyways, haha. Hope that helps buddy.
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