Thursday, January 23, 2014

1/22/14 - ohp & hammer

Training#1 @ 430a

Strict ohp to 275x1
Strict ohp 235x5x3
Speed bench 135x2x2, 155x2x2, 175x2x2, 195x2x2
Pull-ups 3x5
Push downs 3x20

Awesome stomach flu yesterday threw off the schedule. Wanted to double or triple the 275. Oh well. A single isn't too bad I suppose. 

Training#2 @ 12p

16hammer x4
22/16/16hammer x4 rounds, 109/134/140 on last round

Getting back in the swing of things. Felt good to get loose as move the hammer. Need to work with the heavy more so that I'm able to get the 22 to top speed in 3 winds.  Everything felt slow. Not a bad practice.

Monday, January 20, 2014

1/20/14 - speed pull/squat

Training @ 445a
Speed pulls 315x1x6, 405x1x2
18" de box squat 225x2x2, 275x2x2, 315x2x2
dynamic good mornings 135x5x3
Felt like shit this morning. Had some Breyers Reese Cup Ice cream last night that did not sit well. After the first couple work sets of pulls I went to the bathroom and threw up. Felt much better afterwards but still queesy so I kept it lighter and while I was still trying to move the bar fast, it certainly wasn't 100% effort. Work got done, that's what matters. Groin feeling better but won't throw stone until the end of the week. Overhead work and hammers tomorrow.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

1/19/14 - bench

Training @ 530a

Bench 225x8, 275x8, 315x5, 245x5x5
Face pulls / pull aparts 2x20

Short and sweet, about a hour with lengthy breaks in between benching. Goal was 315x3 so 5 was a pleasant surprise and felt like there was a bit more as well. Took most of this week off throwing. Back to the grind next week then going to deload from lifting before the last 5ish weeks before the Arnold.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

1/16/14 - fsquat

Training @ 430a

Front squat to 315x1x3
Gms 135x10x3, 225x10x2
BB rows 225x10, 275x8, 325x6, 225x12

Done and done. Wanted to hit some heavy front squat singles but groin is still giving me some trouble from Monday so I played it safe and didn't push too hard.

Today was my youngest boy's first bday. We had lots of fun, went to the childrens museum, home depot for some man time, wrestled and generally had lots of fun. Finished this wooden airplane swing I've been working on for his birthday present. Unfortunately I finished it after he went to bed so he won't get to play on it until tomorrow. When I get home from work I'll attach the rope to the swingset and the plane and hope he has lots of fun.

1/14/14 - bn jerk/speed bench

Training#1 @ 430a

BN power jerk to 295x1x2
Strict ohp 225x5x3
Speed bench 135x3x3, 155x3x3, 175x3x2
Pullups 5x3 & Band pushdowns 3x20
Jerks are still a bit foreign to me so I'm taking my time. Next sesh will work with 315 and slowly move up. I'd like to get in the high 3s by later this year. Strict ohp felt miserable but still hit my reps so that's good. Shoulder acting up this morning, meh. Decided to skip hammer and wob.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

1/13/14 - speed pulls/squats & stone

Training#1 @ 440a

de pulls 315x1x3, 365x1x5
18" de box squat 315x2x8
12" box step ups 225x6, 275x6x2
RDLs 315x6, 365x6x2

I like it.

Training#2 @ 1130a

18 & 16# shot for a lot of shithole reps

Monday, January 13, 2014

1/12/14 - stone/wfd/hammer

Training @ 730a

18# shot
*stand non reverse x4-5
*stand w/reverse x4-5, best 42
*south african non reverse x2-3
*south african w/reverse x2-3, best 48
*full spin x5-6, best 48

Need to be mindful and break the full into segments: entry, sprint, power position. Towards the end I was trying to reach for something behind the throwing box with my left arm in an attempt to slow down my upper body to allow my right to keep turning. It was working but still firing too early. Not a great session but not a poor one. I can visualize what I want to do in my head, but making it happen is proving difficult

49# wfd x8-10, best 47

A far cry from my 53ft PR but they all felt good, had decent speed and positions felt solid.

16# hammer x5, best 137

Been trying to manhandle this one too much the last few practices. Not relaxing and staying tight was really killing my distances. Loosened my grip on the handle and focused more on using the hips to push the ball and everything felt so much smoother, including my shoulder.

Bit of frustration here. I took Thursday off of squats in an attempt to rest up and feel less overtrained, however, I still feel run down and shitty. This annoys me as not even 2 weeks ago I took a full week and a half off to get over a cold. Did this really do nothing for me physically to take the time off? Arnold coming up quick, no time to rest right now, however, going to take a good amount of time off that last week to week & a half before the Arnold to make sure I'm fully recovered.

1/8/14 - stone/wob

Training#1 @ 12p

18# shot stands, south african & fulls..


Training#2 @ 530p

56# wob @ 16ft, made 2/15 attempts.. need to grease that groove and knock the dust off, leaving them all out front. Need to get timing back, pulling too early.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1/7/14 - ohp/bench & stone/wfd

Training#1 @ 440a

Push press to 315x2, 330x1
Strict ohp 225x3x2, 245x1, 255x1
Bench to 315x2, 315x1x2
Pullups 5x3
DB side raises & pushdowns

Increased calories significantly yesterday. Feeling better this morning, still sitting at 275lbs which is up a few from yesterday. Going to stick with the increased calories for one more day then drop down until Friday's scheduled cheat day. Energy much better this morning but still not 100%. I may make Tuesday a partial refeed day as well to prevent this from happening in the future. Can't complain too much as 330 is only 15lbs off my max on pushp ress and strict press went well. Bench is way down but I attribute that to shoulder injury preventing me from benching for so long. Moving forward.

Training#2 @ 1140a

49# wfd
*one turn x6
*full x8, best at 51, avg 49

25# wfd x1 @ 90ft w/low effort

Wfd feeling good. Really nailing driving straight and eliminating left drift. Lots of linear drive. Good practice.

18# shot
*stand non reverse x3-4
*stand w/reverse x3
*south african non reverse 2-3
*south african reverse x2
*full spin x3

Monday, January 6, 2014

1/6/14 - pull/fsquat & hammer

Training #1 @ 440a

Deads to 545x2x3
RDL 315x5x3
Fsquat to 405x3
22" box squat 405x5x3
12" step up 225x6x2

Done with the 7x7, 6x6, etc program. I just don't enjoy a predetermined plan. Down about 7lbs of bodyweight from trying to clean up the diet and inadvertantly eating too little. Will do a mini-refeed today since I won't have a cheat until Friday. With the weight loss and consequent loss of energy, strength felt way down. This is why I'm not a fan of the pre-programmed stuff. I end up pushing too hard and not listening to my body. Worked up to a few doubles at 545 which were hellishly slow but doable. Front squat felt pretty good but the 405 was heavy. Hammers at lunch, time to eat some calories befor then.

Training#2 @ 1230p

16# hammer x 10-12, best 133

Meh, energy still minimal. Warmups felt pretty good, took a couple extra winds to get my shoulder feeling good. Whenever I got after it I couldn't keep my timing/missing positions to really drop one out there. Slowed things down towards the end and just hit a couple with good positions. Calories going up today and tomorrow to refill glycogen levels and get back to a performance level. Stone tomorrow.

1/5/14 - Sunday throws

Training @ 730a

18# shot
*stand non reverse x4-5
*stand reverse x4-5
*south african drill non reverse x2-3
*south african drill reverse x2-3

49# wfd
*one turn x4-5
*full x10-12

25# wfd x8-10

Can't remember distances. Nothing special. First throw sesh back in about 2 weeks. Felt good to get moving again. No real focus here other than just hitting positions. Hammer tomorrow, going to start adding WOB in on a weekly basis.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

1/2/14 - squat (7x7)

Contracted a nasty cold on Christmas eve and have been working through it since. Finally started to feel a little better on Tuesday so I waited until today to pick up where I left off: 7x7 squats. On the ballot was 7x7 squat, BN power jerks and box jumps. Nothing too killer for the first workout back, still recovering from the cold......I quickly found out my body had other plans.
Training @ 1230p
Squat to 370x7x5 (75%)
Called it at 5 sets. Including warm-ups this took me about 60 minutes. Was on the home stretch with only 2 sets left and I was shutting down. Legs were wobbly and numb, was getting nauseous and lightheaded. The weight itself, rep by rep wasn't too bad but on that last set every rep made me feel worse an worse.
Screaming vagina? Meh, whatevs. I'll chalk it up to coming off of a bad cold, poor nutrition from the last week and first sesh back. 6x6 next week. Now I need to figure out how to stay focused on my work the rest of the day while my head is buzzing.