Training #1 @ 440a
Deads to 545x2x3
RDL 315x5x3
Fsquat to 405x3
22" box squat 405x5x3
12" step up 225x6x2
Done with the 7x7, 6x6, etc program. I just don't enjoy a predetermined plan. Down about 7lbs of bodyweight from trying to clean up the diet and inadvertantly eating too little. Will do a mini-refeed today since I won't have a cheat until Friday. With the weight loss and consequent loss of energy, strength felt way down. This is why I'm not a fan of the pre-programmed stuff. I end up pushing too hard and not listening to my body. Worked up to a few doubles at 545 which were hellishly slow but doable. Front squat felt pretty good but the 405 was heavy. Hammers at lunch, time to eat some calories befor then.
Training#2 @ 1230p
16# hammer x 10-12, best 133
Meh, energy still minimal. Warmups felt pretty good, took a couple extra winds to get my shoulder feeling good. Whenever I got after it I couldn't keep my timing/missing positions to really drop one out there. Slowed things down towards the end and just hit a couple with good positions. Calories going up today and tomorrow to refill glycogen levels and get back to a performance level. Stone tomorrow.
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