Squat up to 515x1x3, 405x8
2" deficit pulls up to 515x1x3
Btn push press up to 275x1x3
Strict overhead press 185x5, 225x5, 245x2+1
Pullups 4x5
Great workout. With the exception of having upper today as well, I'm going to stick with this for a while and keep adding 10lbs a week to the squat and deadlift. When I top out on squat then I'll reset at 495 and deads will keep going until they top out as well. Going to be making some big progress here in the next few months. It's time to squat 600 again (for the first time in 4 years, lol).
Training#2 @ 1245p
56# wfd
*one turn x6, best 38
*full x18-20, best 42, avg 41-42
28# wfd x8, best 83, avg 81
Changed orbit angle and was getting very nice linear drive. Still a bit fatigued from the games and this mornings workout was a bit tough so numbers were low but made some progress here mentally and decent overall numbers given the circumstances.
Focus here was to stop casting so high, however, still keep a little push out of the back. A few things to take away. Load my left hard as the weight is moving behind me to my left side then KEEP the weight on my left until it's time to turn. Every time I shifted back onto my right my low point drifted way off and it messed up my finish causing me to jerk and the weight to go way off to the left side. Stay on my left leg in the back. Push the weight away from the field and continue to push it all the way around me for a nice long orbit out of the back. This set me up for a very fast first turn and a long time time push the the weight for the sprint. Also am able to sprint a bit harder without losing position. From there, its the same as usual. Catch high, push down and all the way through into the field. I like the progress made here today.
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