Hang snatch up to a couple singles at 205
Hang clean up to a couple doubles at 275
Deadlift up to 585x1, 635xmissx2, 585x1
RDL 405x5, 455x5, 505x3
Pullups 3x5
Feeling excessively run down this morning from low sleep. Regardless of getting in a few mins late, had a stellar workout. Still focusing more on positions on the power movements than anything but had some good pulls. I got video of th 205 and 275 but they're so unimpressive there's no point in posting them. Focus here is just to keep my arms long and relaxed for a big pop at the hips. Need to push my knees out and land in a power position vs just letting my knees come forward and being a bit off balance with my back arched, meh. Deads felt fantastic. Typically I would be pretty heated about missing the pulls, however, my pulls at 585 felt the best they have in months. Can definitely tell the hams are getting stronger. I'm very slow off the floor, that's where I've always had a lack in power and not doing deficits on a regular basis showed today. 585 was slow to my knees then I locked it out so fast the bar started bouncing. I missed the 635 about 3" off the floor on both of them. Going start getting religious with the deficit pulls since that's my weakness here. Will alternate betwen 2" and 4" deficit, need to ramp up the leg drive. RDLs afterwards felt great. Really killed my glutes and hams, awesome.
Training#2 @ 630a
49# wfd
*one turn x10-12, best 45, avg 43
*full x12-15, best 49, avg 48
Focus here was to keep the weight a bit closer to me on the one turns as the weight is falling down to its low point out of the back. This gave me a bit more height and less to change regarding the angle at the front. Also was focused on catching the weight back as far as I can, really reaching for it. Nothing huge, obviously as I'm pretty fatigued, but these felt pretty good. The fulls were good. Started off real slow out of the back with a relaxed sprint and then a moderate finish. Worked into slow out of the back, medium sprint, huge finish. Then had a bunch of terrible throws going fast out of the back, big sprint and big finish. Made the adjustment to go fast out of the back, relaxed and easy sprint with a good push to zero then into a huge finish. Last throw of the day was 49 feet and was probably the least effort out of all of them. Going to keep working this. If I can come out of the back fast, push it to zero and relax the sprint and that combined speed is faster than slow out of the back and a hard sprint (which subsequently puts me in an awful finish position due to pulling with my left side) then that's progress. I've got to work with my own faults and find a work around so this is the most logical for me. Eventually I'm hoping to be able to push the sprint faster and faster and go 100%-100%-100% out of the back sprint and finish. Thats where the monster throws are going to be at.
Training#3 @ 1230p
15.5# stone
lots of middle drill foot work, pauses into a power position throw
Back to basics. My entire problem with ostone comes from rushing the finish aka blowing past the power position. I need to be able to get my left leg down fast then turn it into a power position throw by continuing pushing my right hip through into my left side block. So, I went back to 180 footwork drills with a pause then a braemar throw. Going to keep these up. Hopefully won't take long before I've got my finish somewhere close to where I want it. Moving the right direction here by taking a step back. Should restructure fairly quickly. Taking tomorow off to recover. Seeing Iron Man 3 tonight. Saturday will be stone/wfd/hammer/wob then prep for ABQ next week. Onward ho!
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