Monday, October 14, 2013

10/14/13 - offseason w3d1 - pulls & hammer

skipped day 4 of last week. Shoulder really bugging me lately and benching aggravates the shit out of it. Talked to Langford, going to keep up the rehab and see if I can do some 3 boards to train around the injury. Oddyly enough, stone doesn't bother it and neither does overhead pressing.

Training#1 @ 430a

Deads 515x8x3 (75%)
Rdls 365x8x3

Done and done. Pulls feeling strong. Tech looking good as well, get it to my knees and pull back hard, shooting my hips. In a few weeks this program has me hitting 585x5s. I'm excited.

Training#2 @ 1230p

16# hammer x16-20, best 139

Tried some different stuff here to make it smoother and got into a really bad funk that I just barely got out of at the end. By the time I was finished I was so exhausted the best I could muster was a 129. I changed my entry height in an effort to make the winds smoother, this resulted in smacking the ground on the first wind every time so I quit doing this. Then I sped up the entry some which resulted in flat out missing the catch on the 2nd wind. Somewhere in the meantime I was allowing the hammer to still drop to much and was hitting the hammer on the ground before release. Very frustrating day, probably a result of throwing Saturday and heavy pulls this morning. Just overall feeling beat up. Deloading next week (but will still throw). Last couple throws I slowed the entry way down and really focused on getting long on my left side on that second wind the hitting it from there. Last throw positions felt awesome, it just didn't have any juice on it to go. Lesson for the day: when you're over 140 consistently, quit trying to change things and just work on getting faster. I'll throw hammer again on Sunday just to relax and get a good hammer practice in again. I hate the psychological result of a bad practice.

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