Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/5/11 - offseason 5/1 ME lower


front squat- 225x3, 275x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 435x1 [30# PR]
bulgarian split squats- 95x8, 135x8x2
adductor machine- 130x25x4
ghetto reverse hyper- BWx15, +double mini band x15x3
dimel deads- 225x15x3

done and done. wanted to do some core but I was pretty trashed and the front squats took longer than I had anticipated. Front squats felt pretty good. At first they were feeling extremely "meh" and I didn't even think I was going to get 405. Plenty of warmups later and they were feelign alright. Added a belt at 315, first time wearing a lifting belt for squats in nearly 2 years. 315 and 365 both went up easier than they ever have. 405 wasn't even much trouble. By now, my left knee was giving me some grief, but I wanted to PR. Prior PR was 415, I got greedy and went for 435. Nailed it with more in the tank, but shut it down. No need to injure myself going for a bigger PR when I already got one. Moving on, I got a sick burn in the glutes on the reverse hyper, really dig this exercise. Since my gym doesn't have one, I took a swiss ball and put it on top of a bench, looped a band through the leg to put my ankles through, leaned down on the ball and held onto the bench to keep balance, then focused on exploding my legs up in the air as far as I could, really trying to feel the glute activation. Unable to get any stretch out of it, but the contraction was very good. Deload next week, very anxious.

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