Saturday, August 18, 2012

8/18/12 - throws: hammer/stone/wfd


14# hammer
*1 wind x 4-6
*2 wind x 4-6
*3 wind x 3-4, best of 130'

22# hammer
*3 wind x 4-6, best of 97'

15.5# stone
*stand x 2
*full spin x 4-6, best of 53'

28# wfd
*full x 6-8, 5 @ 81+

very happy with today's training. Didn't really push anything, just focusing on hitting positions. With the hammer, I need to relax and let my legs/hips take over. I'm doing a good job of getting long on the left side and really reaching to catch it high, but I'm just not getting any speed on it. Need to allow my hips to take over. switching to the 22# hammer after the 14# hammer felt like adding 100lbs. Was much slower and hit the positions, but again, not letting my hips fully take over. Moar work.

stone felt great, got a good hip pop on the stand tosses and started off slow on the spins. Very slow out of the back, hold the upper, open the left arm, push the right hip, finish.. stayed slow out of the back the entire time but tried to speed up the finish.. ended things on a solid 53' toss that felt slow but fantastic. Really looking forward to pushing this soon without having to think about it.

WFD felt incredible. I just wanted to feel positions and really work the finish, getting over the trig and pushing it out into the sector. Also wanted to work on keeping the weight close to my right leg on it's low point throughout the throw. Very little sprint but was getting a HUGE push on the finish. Sped up the sprint once and it came apart so I just went back to nice and easy, hit the position with a big finish. Going to keep doing this and slowly work on adding speed to the sprint. Once I get this all tied together, something very very big is going to happen on the weights. Can't wait!! Things are coming together and there really couldn't be a better time. 2 weeks out from pleasanton, nothing changes yet. Eyes on the prize, eyes on the prize.

Friday, August 17, 2012

8/16/12 - throws: stone/hammer


15.5# stone
*non-reverse stands x 5
*full stands x5
*180 footwork drill x 10
*180 drill w/stone x 5
*full spin x 10

14# hammer
*2 winds x 5
*3 winds x 3

getting more comfortable with the stone. pushing the right hip through and opening up my left arm while keeping my torso square to the back.. getting a good push on the stone. same thing on 180s, focusing on separating as much as possible and pushing the hip through. on the fulls, focusing on a very slow entry as to get into the position without blowing by and rushing my upper. these were about 50/50.. still have to take it slowly or else I finish too early.. more work

working on a long left side on hammer.. trying to really extend my right arm and kepe the left long. pushing my right shoulder back and down is helping with catching the hammer higher for a longer "chop" action. 14# hammer moves a bit faster than the 16# so it's helping with speed as well.. looking forward to pushing this a bit harder on saturday.

bodyweight is still sitting around 275ish which is good.. looking to start cutting again after pton. I'd really like to be 250 somewhere around decemberish.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

8/15/12 - deads/ohp + throws: wfd

#1 training

56# wfd
*1 turn x 15-16
*full x 4

focus on keeping the weight close and driving to zero as well as finishing up over the trig.. really pushing the weight into the field.. making good progress

#2 training

3100m row in 15 mins

531 (wk2) strict ohp- 163x3, 195x3, 215x6
531 (wk2) deads- 390x3, 445x3, 500x4 - left some in the tank
pullups- bw x5x10
bb rows- 315x6x2

hanging leg raises & hyperextension situps

starting to feel a bit run down from the non-stop sessions so I left a little in the tank on the deads so I could throw on thursday. ohp went well, back was pretty tired from the row, deads felt heavier than they should've but felt good nonetheless. hammer/stone thursday then rest friday and everything saturday. Pton is coming up quick.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

8/14/12 - throws: stone


15.5# stone
*stand x 6-8
*stand w/reverse x 4-6, best of 45
*180 drill footwork x alot
*180 drill w/stone x 6-8
*full spin x 6-8, best of 50

slowed everything down. On stands, focused on leading with rigth hip and leg arm while keeping my torso square to the back of the throwing area for as long as possible. Focused on transitioning forward with a hard left leg block to accellerate the right hip even more. Definitely coming along, but still missing the whole package.. reps...  on drills, focused on getting into the power position first and trying to look at 9:00 (or as far to my right as possible). split this into 2 movements: one=the turn, two=the throw. once these felt smooth, put them together starting with a slow spin then transitioning into an easy finish. Did a couple like this and tried the same but with an explosive finish and was hitting about 46-47 with the drill. A bit timid about the full spin, I decided to try it, but much slower than usual. Focused on coming out of the back slow, getting my right down then sticking my left just like the drill. Focused on holding my torso back, pushing my right hip and left arm while continuing to hold my torso back then popping it for a big finish. Thinking "slow to fast" really helped here. A couple very slow, smooth and controlled tosses had me out at 48-50 for 4 throws in a row to finish the day. Very happy with how this is coming. Will do the same next practice and work up to a little faster speed.

On a non-training related note, my Mrs and I had an OB appt today. Baby#2 is a BOY!!! So excited, due date is January 18th right now and everything is measuring good/healthy/on-time. Can't wait, my son will be so excited to have another little guy to play with.

On another non-training related note, I'm totally failing in the food pic category of this log. Need to step it up.

8/13/12 - squat/bench + throws: hammer

#1 training

14# training hammer
*1 wind x5
*2 wind x5

my core was absolutely crushed this morning from the new technique and all the tosses on saturday. Got to the point that I didn't want to push any harder for fear of injury so I just shut it down. Really feeling a long left side and catching it very far back. This is going to be huge once I dial it in

#2 training

7.25 miles on stationary bike in 20 mins

531 wk2 front squat- 260x3, 295x3, 330x6
531 wk2 bench- 235x3, 365x3, 315x5 (didn't follow suit on the last set)
high box back squat- 330x5x3 focus on speed
GMs- 225x10, 275x10x2
dips- bwx10x5

good session.. swapped out back squats for front squats in the 531 rotation as I feel this will help my core better for throwing. First time front squatting like this since march.. not as easy as I had remembered but not bad, felt good. Hit up high box squats afterwards, I took an 18" box and stacked two 35lb plates on it. First set was with both plates, second set with only 1 plate, and 3rd set just on the 18" box. Focused on exploding hard off the box. The 3rd set was the toughest and lowest, not as fast as I had wanted, definitely some work to do here. workout partner (which I rarely have) wanted to go to 3 plates on the bench so I just went to that instead of the even 300 that was RXd.. hit 5 and the shoulder wasn't a fan. Went over to dips and shoulder didn't like that either. I pulled my knees up and tried to be more upright when doing the dips and that took all the pressure off. triceps are smoked now.. good shit

8/11/12 - throws: stone/wfd/hammer


15.5# stone
*stand x 6-8 (non reverse), best of 44
*180 drill footwork x alot
*180 drill w/stone x 6-8, best of 49
*full spin x1 = no bueno

56# wfd
*1 turn x 4-6, best of 37
*full x 4-6, best of 41

28# wfd
*full x 4-6, best of 76

16# hammer
*full x 6-8, best of 119

20# sheaf
*spin x 4
*stand x 3

not a bad practice, putting several things together on all the events. Stone is getting better, smoother and cleaner. Focus on leading with my right hip and left arm while keeping the rest of my torso as square to the back as I can. On the 180s focus on keeping my torso facing approx 9:00 as long as possible while pushing the right hip and opening left arm. Still very sectional right now but it's getting smoother. Tried a full spin and opened right up immediately, need to do more drilling before going back to full. soon though.

weights felt good, missing the finish. Got after a couple of the full throws but just wasn't finishing strong, still back on my right leg. Need to work more on getting on my left and over the trig. lwfd felt pretty awful, was getting tired and legs were slowing down. Kept dragging the weight around me on the finish instead of pushing it out into the field. need more 80% reps here

hammers felt awful at first, then i got into the groove. a very long left side and a very early turn with the torso made a world of difference. had to do a couple 2 winds with no releases as my timing was off for the 3rd wind. took a couple that felt really good, very slow second wind, drove the right knee and extended out way over my left, turned my torso then another wind a little faster, but not much. Dropped several in the high one-teens with nothing on them, not even a strong finish. Should have this polished for pton

sheaf felt ok, just started trying to learn the spin.. the block is absolutely huge in this since there's so much momentum. lots of work to do here, haven't decided if I'll stick with it or not.. def need to practice sheaf more often so I can get a good number in Tucson or another games this year I do that have sheaf.

8/9/12 - throws: stone/hwd

#1 training

15.5# stone
*180 drill footwork
*180 drill w/stone

56# wfd
*one turn

didn't take notes about this sesh, just focusing on the usual things and getting the reps in

8/8/12 - deads/ohp + throws: hammer

#1 training

16# hammer
*1 wind x5
*2 wind x5
*full x5

working on turning upper body sooner and working the left side longer. Mental cue = right knee then pull right shoulder back and down. this will yield big results as soon as it becomes more natural

#2 training

2k row in 9:15, slow and easy

531 wk3 strict ohp- 175x5, 195x3, 220x5
531 wk3 deadlift- 410x5, 465x3, 520x5
pullups- BWx5x10
one arm cable rows- 135x5, 185x5

done and done, not bad.. ohp and deads felt solid. still not a fan of back work but trying to get it done regardless

8/7/12 - olympic work


30" box jump- bwx3x2, +44#kbs x3, +53#kbs x3

hang muscle snatch - 20x3x3
hang power snatch - 20x3x3
hang snatch- 20x3x3
full snatch- 40x3, 40x3, 60x3, 60x3, 40x5 (hang)
drop snatch- 40x3, 50x3x2
front squat up to 140x4

was told need to support the snatch with my traps, rather than my shoulders.. tried this on the drop snatches and it was a world of difference. exciting breakthrough. jumps felt good, def feeling a bit faster now but always room for improvement

Monday, August 13, 2012

8/6/12 - squat/bench/cardio


6.6 miles in 20mins on stationary bike

531 squat- 325x5, 365x3, 410x5
speed box squat- 275x5x3
GMs- 225x10x2
dips- bwx10

right shoulder still bugging me, need to rehab it some, nothing serious, just minor but put a damper in bench and dips, moving on

8/4/12 - throws: stone/wfd


15.5# stone
*full spin
*180 drills

focusing on popping right hip forward and using my left leg to post aka block. Learning the correct way to throw stones now, slowly but surely. I always thought I was supposed to get ON my left, not use my left to propel my right hip forward. Working on 180 drills to get separated. Also changed the way I sprint, moreso like a wfd now: instead of pulling my left foot around, I'm sticking it like I would a wfd.. this is helping me get around faster. Big things coming.

56# wfd
*1 turn

nothing new here.. just working on driving the ball down to zero and getting a good pull.. reps reps reps

20# sheaf
*bottoms up drill

working on driving the sheaf down to my right foot and getting a big pull, need to really start working this if I want a solid number in Tucson

Thursday, August 2, 2012

8/2/12 - throws: wfd & hammer

training #1

56# wfd
*1 turn x12
*full x 16-20

keeping things easy and hitting positions. keeping a good angle for orbit, separating and driving the weight then getting on my left. good all around. worked on making my first turn tighter and after the first 10ish throws I decided my first turn is pretty solid. I need to make sure I pay attention to my low point in the back. If I allow it to drift too far to the right, I have absolutely no room for error or I drift way to the left of the trig on the sprint. Keep that low point as far right as possible and I can get a nice straight sprint. Also, while playing with the cast, I started casting it towards 2:00 instead of in front of me. I noticed I got a much better drive to zero by doing this. Going to play with it some more on saturday.

56# spin wob x5

just getting the feel of things here. Very akward. Working on getting comfortable on the sprint and getting into position for a big pull. More work needed.

8/1/12 - deads/ohp + throws: hammer


16# hammer- 1wind x4... and break *sigh*


cardio: 2.5k row in 11:30.. slow and easy

531 strict ohp- 165x3, 185x3, 210x6
531 deads- 385x3, 440x3, 490x6
pullups- bwx8x4, x6+1+1, x5x2 = 50 total
db rows- 80x10, 90x10, 120x12

cable twists

muscular and cardio endurance is awful, lol.. that 490 deadlift was cakesauce, but I got to 5 reps and was crushed... tough to breath, muscles burning.. lol.. on the flip side, the cardio is helping out as I'm starting to recover faster between sets. Able to super set better and get out of there quicker.. good sesh

7/31/12 - snatches/plyos + throws: stones

training #1

15.5# stone
*standing x10
*full spin x10
*wheel drill x15

getting hip through better on the standing tosses, still focus on snapping that right hip and holding the upper body back. Need to push my knee through also..

semi-breakthrough on open stone. Going to try to pick my left leg up a bit higher as I'm turning. I've found that I tend to go immediately to the finish as soon as my left hits the ground. By picking my left up longer I'm still getting my hip around, but I'm giving myself just a fraction of a second to get my right foot turned forward and ready for the finish. From there I can start working on more and more separation. Going to be focusing on this alot over the next few practices.

training #2

24" box jump- bwx10, +25#kb x8, 35x8, 44x8, 53x8

muscle snatch- 40kg x3, 50x3, 60x3
power snatch- 60x3, 70x3, 80x3, 45x5 (from hip, focus on keeping bar close)
drop snatches- 40x3, 50x3, 60x3

getting much more efficient, pretty exciting. Feeling more explosive, going to be adding clean work in shortly

7/30/12 - squat/bench


cardio: 20mins on stationary bike, 8 miles

531 squat- 300x3, 345x3, 385x4
531 bench- 230x3, 265x3, 300x6
speed box squat- 275x5x3
GMs- 225x10x3

db curls

ran out of time and skipped dips, will have to move it along a bit faster next time