Saturday, August 18, 2012

8/18/12 - throws: hammer/stone/wfd


14# hammer
*1 wind x 4-6
*2 wind x 4-6
*3 wind x 3-4, best of 130'

22# hammer
*3 wind x 4-6, best of 97'

15.5# stone
*stand x 2
*full spin x 4-6, best of 53'

28# wfd
*full x 6-8, 5 @ 81+

very happy with today's training. Didn't really push anything, just focusing on hitting positions. With the hammer, I need to relax and let my legs/hips take over. I'm doing a good job of getting long on the left side and really reaching to catch it high, but I'm just not getting any speed on it. Need to allow my hips to take over. switching to the 22# hammer after the 14# hammer felt like adding 100lbs. Was much slower and hit the positions, but again, not letting my hips fully take over. Moar work.

stone felt great, got a good hip pop on the stand tosses and started off slow on the spins. Very slow out of the back, hold the upper, open the left arm, push the right hip, finish.. stayed slow out of the back the entire time but tried to speed up the finish.. ended things on a solid 53' toss that felt slow but fantastic. Really looking forward to pushing this soon without having to think about it.

WFD felt incredible. I just wanted to feel positions and really work the finish, getting over the trig and pushing it out into the sector. Also wanted to work on keeping the weight close to my right leg on it's low point throughout the throw. Very little sprint but was getting a HUGE push on the finish. Sped up the sprint once and it came apart so I just went back to nice and easy, hit the position with a big finish. Going to keep doing this and slowly work on adding speed to the sprint. Once I get this all tied together, something very very big is going to happen on the weights. Can't wait!! Things are coming together and there really couldn't be a better time. 2 weeks out from pleasanton, nothing changes yet. Eyes on the prize, eyes on the prize.

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