Training#1 @ 430a
Fsquat 370x3x2, 370x6
Gms 225x10, 275x10, 315x10
Cgbench 315x3x3
Pull-ups bwx5x5
Db overhead tri ext x3
Training#2 @ 645a
16# hammer
*5 winds no release x10
*3 wind throws x14
Keeping a focal point right in front of me at all times, especially the first wind. From there focusing on dropping my hips and pushing my right knee in to drive the ball. Lift the ball, eyes to the sky, drop, push the knee on the 2nd wind. Then extend to my left, lift the ball, watch the ball, drop the hips, push the right knee and big finish. Getting much more natural. Very slow movement getting high 1-teens. Going to do the same tomorrow then see if I can get after it on Thursday without missing the finish. If I start missing the finish on then I'll slow it down again. Focus here is to nail all the positions then as soon as the ball is above me, catch it, drive it and finish the hell out of it. Very happy with how hammer is coming along just in the past 2 weeks with the added hammer practice.
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