Am weight = ?
Training @ 545a
20# sheaf x15-18
15.5# full spin ostone x18
28# wfd x12-15
Sheaf = moar legzzz. Cutting my explosion really short by not getting a lot of leg drive. Tried pushing the bag away from me in the pendulum rather than straight down, though still not getting enough leg drive. Was trying to throw over a light post and was about a foot under it for the majority of the throws. I’m assuming the post is 30ft, but I dunno. Def need more legs though.
Ostone = need a faster left leg. Watching the video over and over again and I’m just blowing right over top of my left block. Instead of using my left leg to stop my left hip, I’m just jumping up and everything is falling to pieces. Just need more reps, lots and lots more reps.
28# wfd = I’ve been asking a few of the high caliber wfd throwers (approx the same height as me) what their strength and deadlift numbers were when throwing huge hwfd and lwfd numbers. I asked big Dan Williams how much he was squatting when he went 48’10” with the hwd in Tucson 2010. His reply: 715… Holy shit. Chatted with Francis Brebner beifly yesterday and he said he just did 400-500 for reps and topped out around 600 on the deadlift. This gives me hope. He said I’ve got a lot of potential on the weights, I just need to get over on my right side more to create a longer pull. This got me thinking. I wasn’t even going to throw wfd this morning but I wanted to try what he was suggesting. A longer pull, so more of an oval/ellipses shaped orbit, rather than circular. Score. First couple reps I hit it after the first spin and had a huge sprint forward, right over the trig, haha. Had to dial that back a bit but tried to get a super long pull on the finish and the results were great. I’m day 5 in a row training and squatted yesterday. My back is crushed and I’ve got no energy. Was dropping these at 78-79ft pretty consistently and moving much much slower than I am used to. I felt like the weight was moving so slow. Looking forward to spending more time with this and hopefully taking my wfd to the next level.
Tucson games on sunday. Time to stretch/foam roll/ice bath and get some solid end-season marks.
For your enjoyment (or mine, meh):
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