Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2/18/13 - de fsquat, me bench & stone/wfd

Training#1 @ 530a

Front squat (against choked efs mm bands) 225x2x5, 275x2x5
3brd press up to 385x2

GMs 225x8x3
Pullups 5x5
Ring dips 5 sets to failure

Good session. Didn't feel snappy on the front squats but didn't feel slow either. The bands tend to make me feel a little more beat up than usual. But good nonetheless. Going to work my 3 boards differently next time. I really liked the tricep activation in the 3 boards, however, with the 385 set I smashed my mouth pretty good with the board. No bueno when you're holding 385lbs over your head. Ugh. Dips getting easier, good. Once I can bang out sets of 10 with no problem I'll add in a dip belt.

Decided I need more pullup and dip work so lat on in the week I'm going to do a metcon consisting of jump rope + pullups + ring dips. I figure this will give me a little better conditioning training as well as get in some additional reps with the pullups and ring dips. I like this idea.

Training#2 @ 2p

17# stone
*standing x8, best 43ft
*full spin x11, best 48ft

Good toss with the 17 but I'm opening up early again. Watched A LOT of Randy Barnes shotput vid and noticed how fluid he is on the spin. Also noticed how he slams his right foot down. Watched videos and I can see how I just "land" on my right foot then spin. He gets his right down fast and brings his left around even faster. The weight transfer onto the left leg is immediate and he's got a huge block. I like this. Did some footwork drills later in the day but I'm going to give this a shot next time I'm throwing stone. Also noticed in this session I wasn't holding my upper body back like last week. Need to work on that more still, obv.

49# wfd
*one turn x6
*full x8

28# wfd x12, avg 77, best 79

I don't remember the distances on the 49 but wfd was not my day. I just felt disconnected. Truthfully, the tech wasn't off. I was just tight, slow and not much energy instead of loose and snappy. Will throw both again later this week so no worries.

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