Training @ 1145a
56# wob
14 x3/5
15 x6-8ish
16 x4/6 with plenty to spare.
First time throwing wob since the Tucson games in early November. Definitely some rust in there. The first attempt at 14ft missed and missed bad. I was like... wtf? So I took a step back, thought about it and took a "normal" pull. Cleared easy but didn't feel a long pull. Despite not practicing wob, I have watched a lot of wob video over the offseason. I took a video of myself and compared and I wasn't getting a good "scoop". So I decided to keep my "cast" short, keep my legs bent and loaded, then as the weight started moving behind me, straighten my legs, then drop and pull.. Tried this a few times and the weight kinked up. Cleared the heghts but was pretty meh. Tried a rep with completely straight legs, pushed the weight behind me, dropped and popped and while it was a bigger pull, it still wasn't scooping. So decided to try a hybrid of the two. Kept my legs bent and loaded, slow cast, just as the weight goes between my legs I follow it back, push it back a bit more, then drop and start pulling. Felt a huge scoop. Felt like the weight wanted to come out of my hands in front of me. By now I was at 15ft and it cleared by a lot. I wasn't even going to try 15ft but I wanted to see if I could come close. Killed it on the first rep. Missed the second. Killed the 3rd, missed the 4th and the rest were easy. On the last one my wife said it cleared by an easy 6". Didn't want to push th envelope so I shut it down there. Good day for wob. Going to give it a shot next weekend too. I'd really like to go 16'6 or 17' standing, but I need to start practicing the spin as well, you know, just in case.
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