Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2/19/13 - me deadlift/de ohp & wfd

Training#1 @ 515a

Log press from the rack up to 290x1x2, miss 310.
5" block pulls up to 655x1, miss 705

Called it there, wasn't in the mood for rows. Pissed something off my right left shoulder with the log. I'm not going to be power jerking it anymore. Its just not a usual movement for me and I could feel it jamming into my left shoulder with every rep. If I can't press it out, I can't get the lift. I don't really care about log press anyways. Hopefully this shoulder thing heals up pretty fast. It's my left shoulder so no real issues. I just hope I can still press, dip and pullup without pain. Last year's supraspinatus issue in my right shoulder lasted 4 months. So far it doesn't hurt doing any of those movements, it's just stiff and I can live with that. The 655 pull went up well so I really thought 705 would be in there, which was going to be a big pr. If I had known I wouldn't even come close I wouldn't have gone for it and just would've put 675 or so on the bar. Oh well, live and learn I guess. Talked to a few guys and it looks like a possible hamstring weakness so I'm going to up the weight on GMs on fsquat day and add some RDLs after pulls on deadlift day.

Training#2 @ 1215p

49# wfd
*one turn x8-10, avg 45ft, best 46ft
*full x6-8, avg 47ft, best 50ft

28# wfd x6, avg 82, best 85, only 2 under 80

Good wfd session. A good makeup from yesterday. Felt much more relaxed. Wasn't out to hit any specific numbers. With the 49 was just focused on getting a good position for the finish and getting as long as I could. Focused on the drive to zero and accellerating through the low point. Kept my sprint to a minimum and just worked the finish. Gradually increased sprint effort. Same with the lwd. Really focused on keeping my right arm relaxed. Noticed with the 49 and 28 that when I hit the right position and stay loose enough, I can feel my whole arm stretch and get very tight as I'm driving the ball and accellerating through the low point. This is the feeling I kept shooting for. Also noticed I'm sprinting a little too early and I'm finishing out a little to the right side which means I'm losing power that could be put into the implement. Overall a great practice. Really looking forward to throwing this again. I need to get in the habit of just relaxing and getting that long/loose right arm feeling.

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