oly squats (high bar, narrow stance)- 315x3, 365x3, 405x2, 455x2, 495x2, 405x5
pullups- BWx5 x8sets
lying leg curls x3 sets
macros = 57f / 273c / 301p = 2848
one of those meh squat days.. having issues with my left achilles tendon, a very strong dull pulsating pain, not sure why... I didn't do anything that caused immediate pain, I've been battling it for about a week now though and I'm wondering if it isn't the antibiotics I'm on for my sinus infection. The infection is gone and I've been on for 7 days so I'm just going to end it tonight so hopefully by my next squat session I'll be good.. also going to roll it out, ibuprofin and ice. aside from that, the squats felt good, looking for that 495 for a triple next, then I'll move up a little bit.. knees are responding well to the oly squats so long as I start wrapping them at 400.. diet is back on track after this weekend and weight is about settled back in..