Friday, April 1, 2011

3/30/11 - throws

lunchtime training throws
  • 16# shot, glide - 20-25throws, 65-75% focusing on form, hitting high 30s and a couple in the low 40s
  • 28# WFD - 5-6 standing, 4-5 single spin, ~10 double spin, 85-90% hitting mid-high 60s
  • WOB - 7-9 standing throws, 3-4 spinning, unk height
shot - went back to the glide, too inconsistent with south african, focusing on getting that power leg turned in while keeping the left shoulder pushed towards the back of the trig as long as possible. also focusing on waiting a split second longer so i can get into double post and get both legs behind the shot

WFD was meh, tried to be too fast with this and I think it screwed up the session.. energy was low and my back is still bothering me from front squats.. at least I got some reps in, going to repeat this with better reps on thursday night

WOB was ok, need to let the implement get behind me more before i start pulling, really allow it to get my chest to my knees... also still figuring out the spinning WOB, definitely harder than it looks

macros = 83f / 476c / 319p = 3957 cals

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