Monday, June 25, 2012

6/21/12 - throws: stone/hammer


15.5# stone
*standing x 8-10, best of 45
*spin x 12-15, best of 50

working a few things here. for the standing tosses, working on driving my right knee and hip and staying on my left longer rather than blowing past it. trying to throw left to center and then also working on twisting my torso back a bit more. on the open, was working on pivoting my left foot and loading earlier. focused on holding my upper body and slowing it down. focused on sweeping my right foot and keeping it straight, rather than kicking into the front of the trig. instead of leading with my knee and pushing in hard, i kept my right straight and pivoted my foot which brought my left around much faster. need to focus on separating and staying on my left as long as possible, throwing left to center again. lots of work here, hitting 47-50 much easier than before.

16# hammer
*1 wind x3, best of 98
*2 wind x3, best of 108
*3 wind x5, best of 114

getting tired at this point, not getting as loose as I'd like. had a couple I got a hold of but missed the finish, need to focus on reaching back more on the first wind, trying to set that low point at about 3 (per mikeP), looking forward to the next few sessions.

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