Wednesday, December 1, 2010

11/30/10 - pressing


flat bb bench- *add doubled mini bands* 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, 315x3, 225x8
push press- 225x3, 245x3, 275x3, 295x3, 315x0 (2 3/4 reps, couldn't lockout), 275x3
incline db rows- 95x8, 105x8, 115x6 x3sets
pushdown- *add doubled mini band* 200x8, x6, x4, *remove band* 200x10

great session, bench and OHPs felt great, up until that 315. Must be a mental block for me, I've done it in the past just haven't been able to get back up there. Between the banded bench and prior sets, my triceps were gassed. I got that 295x3 and it didn't feel too bad so I was hoping for at least a single with 3 bills, meh oh well. I start my deload after squats this thursday and my next training cycle will focus on OHPs so they will come before deads.. looking to get up to 275 strict and 325 push if all goes well.. might even throw some fun band work in there since I have the tricep strength of a 4 year old girl.

food - cutting week 2

8a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups corn cheerios w/ 16oz skim milk
10a- 2 slices pumpkin pie
1245p- 2 scoops whey
3p- 2 scoops whey, 2 scoops twinlabs carbs
7p- pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn, 2 small glasses milk & 1 piece chocolate cake

calories = ?

father-in-laws bday today so we had dinner at their house and I didn't restrict too much, probably still under 3500cals though and I'm not too worried considering sprints are on the to-do list for tomorrow.

in other news, went to see the baby doc again today and baby still hasn't dropped, wife is still measuring 2cm dialated and 60% effaced (sp?).. SO... we're going to go in thursday night  so they can apply cervadil (sp?) and then start the pitocin to get her induced on friday morning. I'm gonna be a daddy in less than 3 days.. super stoked!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

11/29/10 - conditioning/shotput drills


sprints - 40 yards x 20 sprints, all @ approx 50% w/ 5 seconds rest between sprints, finished up with 5 more sprints x 80 yards w/ 15 seconds rest each.. these really aren't sprints but they trashed me and the end result felt good..
5 sets 5 high jumps
shotput drills- blocking, deseating, 15-20 each, focusing on muscle memory here and putting everything together

food - cutting week 2

8a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups corn flakes w/ 16oz skim milk
11a- 8oz chicken breast & broccoli
1245p- 2 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
3p- 2 scoops whey, 2 scoops twinlabs carbs
7p- cheeseburger w/ lite mayo, lettuce, ketchup, tomato, medium red potato w/ 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese

calories = 2827, 66.3 F / 275.9C / 293.5P

11/28/10 - deads

90 days till Phoenix Games


hang cleans- 225x3, 275x3, 295x1, 315x0
high pulls- 315x2, 315x3, 335x3
deads- 405x3, 495x1, 585x1, 605x1 gym PR, 495x5
ghetto GHR- BWx10, x8, x6

+ core work: hanging leg raises & side bends

hamstring feels awesome, no more issues and I'm not too scared to push it any more.. despite being a training PR, I know I've still got a good bit in the tank, still going slow though, last thing I need is another re-injury. Shooting for 625 off the floor in the next 3-4 weeks, then on my way to 700 by the end of next year. still feeling the abdominal strain and it's putting a hindrance on my explosion for the hang cleans, hoepfully these will be 100% in the next week or 2..

food - cutting week 1

10a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups corn flakes w/ 16oz 1% milk
2p- 2 pb&j sandwiches
6p- 8oz chicken breast + broccoli
9p- 3 scoops whey

calories = 2509, 57.2 F / 226C / 276.7P

11/27/10 - throwing

91 days till Phoenix Games


LWFD - standing throws, single spins & double spins, double spins feeling weak lately.. hitting 57' single spin and having a hard time matching it with a double spin.. I think I'm working too many standing and single spins before moving to double spins as I'm getting pretty fatigued with them and feel pretty gassed by the time I get to double spins, going to get back in the habit of working double spins for the majority of training

open stone - a few braemar throws and a few glide

caber - absolutely trashed by the time this came around, probably 4-5 picks & carries and 1 actual throw, need to work on endurance, but I think my body is also just getting used to the lower calories..

food - cutting week 1

9a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups cheerios w/ 16oz 1% milk
10a- 2 nutri grain bars (mid training)
3p- quiznos: large prime rib & swiss on wheat, double meat, italian dressing, mayo
8p - 3 scoops whey

calories = 2982, 103.1 F / 246.7C / 273.4P

wasn't aware of the massive calorie content in the quiznos sandwich, kinda bummed out but stayed under 3k cals so I'm not too disappointed..

Friday, November 26, 2010

11/26/10 - fun with the mrs

92 days till Phoenix Games


core work- decline situps, hanging leg raises, reverse wood chops, russian twists

+ 5 laps in the pool

Mrs is feeling super preggo these days, especially since she's 1 week out from her due date so we decided to head to the gym for a swim.. I hit up some quick abwork before hand and we went and got in the pool.. unfortunately it wasn't as relaxing as she needed.. 

food - cutting

10a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups cheerios w/ 16oz 2% milk
430p- 3 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
330p- 2 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
7p- subway: footlong club on white, double meat, provologne cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo

calories = 2543, 48.1F / 256.7C / 277.4P

11/25/10 - turkey day trails

93 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 10a

sprints- 40 yards x 20 sprints, same as usual 5 @ 50%, 10 @ 70-85%, 5 @ 50%

5.5 mile mountain bike train with the father-in-law, 45mins riding time, avg speed about 7mph and to speed around 18mph... pretty fun, conditioning is getting better, however, the legs were toasted from squats yesterday combined with sprints this morning..

not really training per-se.. but meh, I suppose it fits

food - cutting day ?

9a- 3 scoops whey
1030a- 2 orange rolls
12p- 1 orange roll
330p- 3 enormously packed plates of turkey, mashed taters, corn, green bean casserole, carrots and rolls
6p- 3 slices pumpkin pie

calories = ??

took it easy today, I was going to go nuts with the french toast sandwich, but I realized I needed to hold off a bit. Too many calories are too many calories.. Next weekend I will crush the french toast sandwich and it will be amazing.. One ridiculous cheat meal per week, lol, that's my rule now..... for now at least, haha.

11/24/10 - squats

94 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

squats- 315x5, 405x5, 425x5, 455x5, 365x10
pullups- BWx5 x6sets
hang snatch- 135x5, 155x3, 185x3, 185x3

fixed the issue with the bar rolling down my back so that pretty awesome, just needed to bring my hands in a bit more to get tighter and create that shelf for the bar to sit on.. by spreading my hands farther on the bar, I kept losing tightness and the bar would just roll down. snatches felt pretty good as well and definately getting more explosive.. still have work to do

food - cutting day 3

8a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups cheerios w/ 16oz 2% milk
1130a- 2 scoops whey, 2 plain bagels
330p- 2 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
9p- outback steakhouse: 10oz ribeye steak & steamed veggies

calories = 2753, 50.7F / 271.7C / 303.3P

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

11/23/10 - pressing

95 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

flat bb bench- 315x3, 345x3, 365x3, 385x1+1, 315x5
inverted rows- BWx15 x3sets, +45x8, +90x8
strict OH press- 205x3, 225x3, 245x3, 205x4
CGBP- 265x5 x2sets, 275x5, 285x4

triceps are weak.. I just barely needed a tap on the 2nd rep with 385 and the rest was mine.. cgbp also sucked ass, but at least its getting stronger..

food - cutting day 2
8a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups cheerios w/ 16oz 2% milk
1230p- 2 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
330p- 1 scoops whey, 1 gatorade gel pack, 4.5oz shake'n'bake chops + 1/2 cup corn
7p- chipotle: chicken burrito, double meat w/ rice, pinto beans and pico de gallo

calories = 2922, 70.4F / 303.5C / 282.8P

11/22/10 - pulling

96 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

hang cleans- 225x5 x 3sets
speed pulls from 4" deficit- 315x1 x 8sets

+misc ab work

I tweaked the right side of my abs doing hammer winds on friday and it definately isn't 100% yet. I put 275 on the bar for hang cleans and it was just too much pressure, no need to push too early and cause a more serious injury so I dropped it down. Wanted to hit speed pulls against bands, but again, didn't want to put too much strain on my abs so I kept it at 315. All reps felt great, probably not as fast as they should have been since I haven't done deficits or speed pulls in nearly a year. Overall a decent session though.
food - cutting day 1

8a- 3 scoops whey, 3 cups cheerios w/ 16oz 2% milk
1230p- 2 scoops whey, 2 nutri grain bars
330p- 2 scoops whey, 2 gatorade gel packs
7p- 9.5oz shake & bake pork chops + 1 cup corn

calories = 2759, 69.1F / 268.8C / 282.8P
now that I'm back in the habit of watching my cals, it's time to begin my first 4 week cut cycle. It's pretty obvious that turkey day will be a cheat day, however, afterwards its right back on the bandwagon. took before pics which there is no way I'll be posting those and I forgot to weigh myself this morning but I imagine I'm in the range of 298-299 as I have been for the last couple weeks.

Monday, November 22, 2010

11/20/10 - throwing

98 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 10a

caber- picks & carries, worked on control
LWFD- footwork stuff, pretty exhausted, couldn't really get into these
stones- meh, 2-3 throws and that was it

caber really took it out of me.. did probably 10 picks & carries w/ 100lb caber on almost no food in the morning, this was a bad idea. Need to remember to eat in the mornings.


not worthy of posting

taking tomorrow off

Friday, November 19, 2010

11/19/10 - conditioning/drills

99 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

30 yards x 20 sprints w/10 seconds between sprints
1st 5 sprints = 50%
middle 10 sprints = 70-85%
last 5 sprints = 50%

+ 2 sets 10 high jumps

shotput- blocking, power position & glide throws w/ 12# shot
hammer- about 20 winds w/ 16# hammer w/blades.. focused on getting very long and keeping arms very straight, tweaked right abdominal, nothing serious. Definately need to step up my core work as I can finally see how it will pay off. Will be hitting core crushers, weighted crunches and side bends 2-3x/week to get my core conditioning up.


lets not talk about this, lol

bacon, egg and cheese roll

6 eggs
1 cup cheddar cheese
12 slices bacon

1448 cals, 113g fat, 10g carb, 97g protein

= soon to be revisited

11/18/10 - skwatz

100 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

squats- 405x5, 425x5, 455x3, 405x5
GMs- 225x10, 275x8, 325x6 - all incredibly easy

bar was rolling down my back again and after talking with a few people after my squat session, I think I'm holding the bar too wide and my rear delts are losing tightness. I squat low bar and always have, that's what's comfortable for me and I never had an issue with the bar rolling before. I looked at some previous vids of me squatting heavy and noticed that I used to keep my hands 4-6" inside the plates on each side. Over the past few months, I've put a good deal of size onto my shoulder girdle due to hang cleans, snatches and high pulls and it's just not comfortable for me to keep my hands where I used to, however, I think putting them wider is just going to keep this issue going. Next week I'll try to fix the problem and see how it feels. I wanted to get some front squats in but I need to get this regular squat dialed in again first. Afterwards I'll start hitting fronts pretty hard every other week. I wanted to get in some snatches and high pulls but didn't have time as it was taking me so long to analyze what was going wrong on my squats. Once it all starts clicking again I'll be moving along quickly.


8a- 4 scoops whey
11a- 3 sub sandwiches & 7 hot wings

*train @ 1p*
8p- burger king: double whopper, king fry, large choco shake
9p- 4 scoops whey

meh, whatevs..

on a side note, I came up with this super awesome idea for breakfast on thanksgiving. I'll call it the French Toast Sandwich. First, observe the drawing::

From top to bottom:

2 slices french toast
2 pancakes
3 scrambled eggs
6 slices bacon
3 scrambled eggs
2 pancakes
2 slices french toast

And yes, all smothered in butter and syrup. And no, I'm not dieting for thanksgiving, hell I didn't diet much yesterday either but I won't dwell on the past. This "sandwich" will be amazing and there will be photos. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

11/17/10 - WFD & blegh

101 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1245p

skipped conditioning today, going to see if no sprints/plyos will yield better squat performance the following day. Thinking of doing rotational cork work and SSC this day..

WFD- threw a bunch of standing, then on my 2nd single spin, ripped a callus off my right hand. Tried to put a glove on afterwards (which I didn't realize I had in the first place) and managed a single spin PR of 55', a few short throws later I called it as I just couldn't hold onto it the way I wanted to.


8a- 4 scoops whey
11a- omelette (6 eggs, 4 slices turkey, 1/3 cup cheddar cheese)

*train @ 1245p*
6p- 6oz taco meat, 1 corn tortilla, 1/4 cup cheese
8p- 4 scoops whey, 36oz 2% milk
calories= 2887, 122.9f/106.5c/338.0p

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

11/16/10 - pressing

102 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 1p

incline bb bench- 275x3, 295x3, 315x5
db rows- 120x10 x5sets
push press- 225x3, 275x3 x2sets
skullcrushers- 115x8, 115x6, 125x5
cable reverse flyes- 60x10, 80x8, 100x4


8a- 4 scoops whey
11a- omelette (6 eggs, 4 slices turkey, 1/3 cup cheddar cheese)
1245p- 2 nutri grain bars

*train @ 1p*
330p- 4oz meatloaf, 1/2 cup buttered corn
7p- tacos::: 8oz meat, 1/2 cup cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 flour tortilla, 2 corn tortillas + approx 50oz 2% milk
9p 4 scoops whey

calories= 4358, 197.5f/244.3c/403.1p

11/15/10 - conditioning/shot + explosive lower

103 days till Phoenix Games

training @ 12p

sprints = 30yards x 20 sprints w/ 10seconds rest
1st 5 sprints = 50%

middle 15 = 75-85%
last 5 = 50%

plyos = 10 high jumps -> 10 long jumps ->18 lunges, then 2 sets 5 high jumps +45 lbs

shotput drills = hip separation, blocking & glide. felt alright but not great. Hit 38+ standing with a 16# shot and 42+ glide which are both PRs, still working on form but it's getting better, I think once I drop some weight, gain some flexibility and explosiveness these #s will get a good bit higher..

training @ 6p

hang cleans- 225x3, 275x3, 315x3
deadlifts- *sumo* 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, *conventional* 455x1, 495x1, 545x1, 585x1 x2sets
banded box squats- *18" box, choked avg bands* 225x6, 315x3, 405x2

good session, especially considering the sprints and plyos earlier, still getting confidence back after my many hamstring issues and the 585 deadlift felt pretty easy, looking to get back up in the 6s here very soon.

7a- 4 scoops whey
11a- omelette (6 eggs, 4 slices turkey, 1/3 cup cheddar cheese)
*train @ 1230p*

5p- 4 scoops whey, 3 nutri grain bars
*train @ 6p*
8p- 8oz meatloaf, ~1.5cups buttered corn + 2 cups 2%milk (about 40oz)
10p- 3 scoops whey

calores = 4112, 161.5f/245.6c/422.9p

Saturday, November 13, 2010

11/13/10 throwing

105 days till Phoenix Games


caber - grabbed a caber I snapped a while back and decided to use it just for picks & carries so I could get comfortable under it. It's about 13' 80lbs, so it's pretty light. I taped it up with gorilla tape so my shotty fiberglass job wouldn't tear up my hands. A buddy is going to get some lead tape for the top 8 feet and we'll tape the whole thing again, I'd like to get it up to about 100lbs. I'm also looking at getting a 15' telephone pole to work picks and carries.. did about 15 or so pics & carries, ran 20 yards, turned around and ran back, that sort of stuff, just trying to get comfortable. That was pretty exhausting.

LWFD - worked standing throws, single spins, line drills and a couple double spin throws, feeling better, working on catching the weight farther back and getting a longer pull out of it. Also working on hook grip, still not comfortable, but it's not so bad either..

meh, who cares? olive garden for dinner and that's what counts..

got a hydrostatic bf% test today, 26% = FML, 218lbs LBM so that's not too terrible, going to focus on getting down to about 260 and 15% bf to increase flexibility and agility.. tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary with my beautiful wife so looks like the crackdown on the diet won't be starting until at least monday and there will definately be a break in it for thanksgiving..

Friday, November 12, 2010

11/12/10 - conditioning/shot/hammer

106 days till Phoenix Games


sprints = 20yards x 20 sprints w/ 10seconds rest
1st 5 sprints = 50%

middle 15 = 70-80%
last 5 = 50%

plyos = 5 high jumps, 5 long jumps, 5 high jumps, 5 long jumps

shotput drills = hip separation & blocking, was going to work glide but called it quits
hammer = 15-20 wind sets w/ blades, only 1 release that went about 80 feet with nothing on it, trying to stay long and loose throughout, as well as catching the hammer as far back and to the right as possible

7a- 4 scoops whey
10a- omelette (4 eggs, 4 slices turkey, 1/3 cup cheddar cheese), bagel w/ cream cheese
*train @ 1230p*

will update the rest of the food later

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Training Cycle

3 day/week weight training, focusing on conditioning, core & throwing


AM core + shotput drills, sprints/plyo jumps

Tuesday: bench
main lift
week1: flat bb bench
week2: incline bb bench
week3: flat bb bench
week4: deload

assistancepick 1 OHP (standing strict, push press)
pick 1 tricep press (CGBP, floor press, board press)
pick 1 rowing motion (db rows, bb rows)
pick 1 rear delt (face pulls, reverse flyes, upright rows)


AM core + WFD drills, sprints/plyo jumps

Thursday: squat
main lift
week1: power squat
week2: front squat or zercher squat
week3: power squat
week4: deload

pick 1 hamstring (RDL, GM)
full/hang/hip bb or db snatches (for hip explosion)
pick 1 shrug movment (bb shrug, db shrug, high pulls)

AM core + hammer drills/sprints/plyo jumps


mock HG meet - focus moreso on drills with 1-2 real throws

Sunday: deadlift
main lift
week1: sumo pulls followed by conventional to 85%
week2: deficit pulls followed by conventional to 85%
week3: rack pulls w/ warmups off the floor to 85%
week4: deload

banded box squats (for leg explosion)
hang cleans (hip explosion)
pick 1 glute movement (rev hyper, glute thrusts, bridges)

11/11/10 squat

107 days till Phoenix Games

am weight = 297lbs

training = squat
squats- 315x5, 365x5, 405x3, 405x2
RDL- 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
pullups- BWx5 x5sets
hang snatches- 135x5, 155x5, 185x ugly 3

WTF? did I forget how to squat? First time having 400+ on my back in over 6 weeks due to flu, stomach infection, sinus infection, groin pull, etc.. couldn't keep the weight on my back. Although it felt heavier than "usual" due to the layoff the squat itself wasn't that bad, but it took everything I had to keep it from rolling down my back, even when I put it in the sweet spot (on top of my rear delts behind my traps and squeezing my shoulder blades together).. I'm going to try switching bars next week to see if it helps. This bar didn't have knurling in the middle of it or the very ends so I couldn't even keep it from spinning by squeezing harder. Hams are very tight from the first week of sprints/plyos but RDLs were pretty easy, will get heavier next week. Wanted to do some high pulls but ran out of time after trying to focus too much on teh skwatz. Hopefully the plyos and sprints will help with explosiveness.. box squats, cleans and deads on saturday rescheduled from sunday. Sunday is mine and the mrs' 2 year anniversary. Time just flies, I'm so excited to spend the day with her!!

7a- 4 scoops whey
11a- omelette= 4 eggs, 4 slices turkey &1/3 cup cheese
1230a- 2 nutri grain bars
3p- 3 scoops whey
7p- 1lb ribeye steak, buttered broccoli, 1.5cups cheesy rice + approx 64oz 2% milk
9p- 2 scoops whey

cals= 4371, 180.6f/222.6c/457.2p

looks like I need to slow my role on the milk consumption

11/10/10 conditioning/WFD

108 days till Phoenix Games

sprints = 20yards x 30 total sprints w/ 10seconds between each..
1st 5 were only 50%, then the following 20 gradually increased up to about 80% then the last 5 were about 50% again
plyos = 5 high jumps, 5 long jumps, 5 high jumps w/ 45lb plate x2 sets
core = back 2 back plate twists w/partner, did about 20 or so each direction, feels good to be doing some conditioning and core work again..

WFD drills with LWFD (30# implement) = standing throws, line drills & single spin throws. once I felt comfortable I started marking and  improving without suffering form, my training partner would tell me if I was breaking down (chest down, bent over, etc). Managed 47' standing and 53' single spin, not great but again, just drilling and learning and trying to put it together without suffering technically.. also attempted a hook grip and now my thumbnail feels like it's going to fall off.. but after all the drills I felt pretty comfortable coming around with some power on the weight.. then again, I rarely had an issue with LWFD, lol.. time to get a glove

food7a- 4 scoops whey
10a- omelette (4 eggs, 4 slices turkey, 1/3 cup cheddar cheese)
*train @ 1230p*
3p- 3 scoops whey + 2 nutri grain bars
7-9p = lots of reese's cups and pizza

meh, cals unk, after pulling 2- 12's in front of a computer working claims I didn't feel like chicken and brocolli for dinner

11/9/10 pressing

109 days till Phoenix Games

flat bb bench- 315x5, 335x5, 345x5
superset w/ overhand bb rows- 315x5, 365x5 x2sets
standing strict OHP- 185x5, 205x5, 225x4
CGBP- 225x8, 245x8, 275x3
seated face pulls- 150x10, 165x8 x2sets

meh, OHP + bench in the same day is teh sux0rz, didn't realize bench would crush my OHPs like that.. feeling weak, first day back to weights after a 3 week layoff due to a cold, sinus infection and just being a whiner in general

7a- 4 scoops whey
1030a- 4 egg omelette w/4 slices turkey & 1/3 cup cheddah
1230p- 3 scoops whey + 2 nutri grain bars
5p- leftovers: 2 shake&bake pork chops w/corn
9p- 3 pigs in a blanket (turkey hotdog, sour cream, taco sauce and cheddar cheese) + 1 extra hotdog, 3 scoops whey and about 5 cups of 2% milk afterwards

cals = 4486, 191.6f/282c/408.8p

I said I was going to start watching calories, not eating good, haha.. Carbs ended up being about 80g too high and the fat about 40g too high, still getting things figured out, no worries.

11/8/10 conditioning/shotput

110 days till Phoenix Games

Going to give this training blog thing a shot.. just started my first 'off season' after my first 'season'.. 

Finished up with Tucson games 11/7

Braemar (21.5#) - 35+ PR = 2nd
Open (17#) - 41+ PR = 2nd
HWFD - 32+ = 3rd
LWFD - 65+ PR = 3rd
Sheaf - bombed out = 6th
HH - 86+ = 2nd
LH - 106+ = 3rd
WOB - 14+ = 3rd
Caber (18' 100#) - 85deg = 3rd

3rd overall is a good games, especially behind big Dan Williams and Shawn Baker made it pretty cutthroat for me..... but regardless, I'm very unhappy with the majority of my throws including the PR LWFD. Everything was off and the planets were unaligned. I was bent over for WFD, just wasn't getting my chest up. Wasn't getting tall or long or loose for the hammers, had no pull in the WOB and my caber/sheaf exerpience is very limited to begin with. I threw better with no blades in Flagstaff, hit the bar for every throw @ 16' in Flagstaff WOB and hit 65' even LWFD with a 30# implement last week.. About the only thing good for me was the stones, nothing else showed as if I trained at all.. I suppose that's inexperience. Time to quit bitching and drill my ass off. Going to be working the technical side of things very hard the next 4 months leading to the Phoenix games...

Today is shotput drills (hip tosses, blocking, gliding) + sprints/plyos and core work..

Also begin watching the calories more::

11/8/10 food
8a- 4 scoops whey
train @ 1230p
215p- 3 scoops whey + 2 nutri grain bars
7p- 1 can corn w/butter, 2 large shake&bake pork chops, 5 cups 2% milk
9p- 3 scoops whey

cals= 3092, 100.5f/183.8c/357.3p

not enough cals, need more fat.. need to add a meal around 10a