Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11/28/11 - offseason 4/1 ME upper


incline bench- 225x3, 275x3, 315x1, 335x1, 355x1, 365x1 PR
push press- 135x10, 185x10, 225x20, 245x10
pullups- BWx5x6
pendlay row- 135x8, 225x6, 275x5x4

ab wheel
cable flyes
one arm db overhead ext

Great sesh. Took a bit longer than I wanted but I'm happy with it. Nailed a nice little PR and I think there was a bit more in the tank. Push presses felt just terrible. The press itself wasn't bad, but my leg drive was killer. My hip started cramping up on the 20 rep set and my left knee was just cussing me out the entire time. I tried pointing my toes out and that did reduce pain. I need to make sure I do a proper warmup on my knees before these next time. Pendlay rows were fun as it's been a while since I did them. Didn't want to go too heavy so I stuck at 275 for some sets. Probably will go to 315 next time. Pullups were much easier today than they have been the last couple weeks. Time to start increasing reps per set and add in a few sets with weight.

unk cals, ate a whole pizza for dinner, tasted great, don't judge me. bodyweight is pretty steady around 283-285.

11/25/11 - offseason 3a throws


16# stone
  •  step over x8-10, best of 42
  • full x5, best of 39
  • SA drill x6, best of 39
56# wfd
  • stand x6, best of 27
  • one turn x9, best of 33
  • full x8, best of 33
28# wfd x5, best of 60

not a terrible session, but not a great one either. Stones felt pretty good, held back quite a bit on the fulls as I didn't want to pop the groin again. WFD felt pretty good, just wasn't going far. By the time I got to the fulls I was pretty tired so drive out of the back was minimal. Just focused on hitting positions. No energy at all come time for the 28, late on everything. Gotta start working lwfd back into my usual sessions.

11/25/11 - CF challenge


1 round for time

500m row
40 free squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups

my time = 5:40

Did some stretching and foam rolling afterwards, groin is feeling pretty good.

my lungs are teh suck. A friend of mine challenged me to a crossfit workout, named "the baseline workout" so I said what the hell, it was an off day and it's not like that workout would crush me. He finished in 4:36 so it looks like he took the cake on that one. Meh, oh well. I went back to work and ate 5 pieces of pizza just for good measure, I don't want to get too "fit".

Thursday, November 24, 2011

11/23/11 - offseason 3/2 ME lower & groin rehab


front squat- bar x10, 95x10, 135x10, 185x10, 225x10x5
kb swings- 36kg x20x3
glute thrusts- black band x15x3
rdl- 225x10x4

was supposed to work up to a heavy single on fronts but decided to rehab the groin instead. Probably could have worked up to the mid 3s without any trouble, but the volume work was needed for more than just one reason.

unk cals again, lol (protein over 250g)

11/22/11 - offseason 3/1 DE upper


speed bench with power factor + doubled minis
  1. 135x3 @ 3.46
  2. 135x3 @ 3.58
  3. 135x3 @ 3.58
  4. 155x3 @ 3.21
  5. 155x3 @ 3.46
  6. 155x3 @ 3.09
  7. 155x3 @ 3.09
  8. 145x3 @ 3.21
  9. 145x3 @ 3.71
  10. 145x3 @ 3.58
pullups- BWx5x5, +25x3x5
incline db rows- 85x10, 105x8, 105x10, 115x8x2
pushdowns- 200x12x2, 200x10, 200x12
skulls- 90x12, 90x10x3

+ core = hanging leg raises, ab wheel against band & cable twists

good workout, triceps are crushed. skipped biceps, meh..

unk cals..

11/19/11 - offseason 2/c throws


53# wfd
  • x10 standing, best of 27'
  • x10 one turn, best of 34'
  • x12 full, best of 34'
16# stone
  • x3-4 step over drills, best of 41'
  • x6 south african drills (right foot pivot), best of 42'
  • x4 south african fulls, best of 49 on the 3rd toss, pulled groin on the 4th toss which landed at 48'
great session with the weights. I'm happy with the distances because of how fatigued I was. Legs really take a beating with the heavy work, speed work and sprints in there. Stone was feeling really really good. Was really working on separation and being patient with my upper body. Dropped one out there at 49' and there was much more in the tank. Went for gold and pulled my right groin again. This is really pissing me off. It's very minor, again, but it still sets me back 2-3 weeks in my training. I'm going to see a muscular therapist about working that scar tissue. I've been analyzing video and I don't feel it's my technique that's causing the issue as my right foot is finishing the pivot, so it shouldn't be compromising the adductor the way it is. I pulled my groin pretty badly last year and never had it worked on, so I think the continued minor injuries are residual scar tissue tearing. I'm going to get that fixed and then work on a lot of side to side plyos to help strengthen the muscle. Not strengthen as in make it more powerful, but strengthen so that it can withstand more abuse.. bulletproofing per se.

unk cals (I'll probaby only list these once in a while for now)

11/18/11 - offseason 2/b throws


16# stone
  • x6-8 step over, best of 42'
  • x6-8 full standing, best of 43'
  • x15-20 south african, best of 47'
x5 100' sprints

blegh workout, standing felt good, spins felt off...wasn't getting good separation until the last 3-4 throws and by then I was pretty spent, majority were out around 45'

macros = ??

11/24/11 thanksgiving #2

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11/24/11 thanksgiving #1

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11/24/11 thanksgiving turkey

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11/21/11 dinner = kielbasa & potato bake

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17/11 - offseason 2/3 ME upper

weight training

ME strict OHP- 185x5, 205x3, 225x1, 245x1, 265x1, 275x1 (ties PR)
RE close grip presses- 135x10, 155x10, 205x20, 225x5 drop set 205x3 and tris are toast..
pullups- 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 = 96 total
ring flyes- BWx8x3

500m row in 1:32.4

notes: another solid session I'm pleased with. Haven't been able to hit the 275# strict press since I was up over 300lbs, now @ 280 I've finally got it back up there. I'm happy with this. Close grips annihilated my tris, moreso than I expected. I was toast after the 20 rep set. I was initially only going to do 5-6 sets of 6 on pullups then decided to do a ladder. Once I got to 8 reps it started getting pretty hard. Once I got back down to 6 reps it wasn't too bad anymore. I ended up stopping at 5 because I was finished with the rest of the workout and completely exhausted from the row sprint and just forgot about it. meh, I figured I did enough reps. Maybe I'll do something like this with rows next week. On a side note, how the fuck did Andy Vincent maintain that speed for twice the distance. Jesus, I thought I was going to keel over. I doubt the pullups, rack pulls or squats helped but man, that killed me.

foam rolled/stretched in the evening.

cals = 4163 w/ 274g protein

pic of dinner: http://jumbo-jake.blogspot.com/2011/11/111711-dinner-1lb-bbq-pulled-pork.html

couple vids to keep this log hoppin:

11/17/11 dinner = 1lb bbq pulled pork

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11/16/11 - offseason 2/2 ME lower

weight training

ME rack pulls from knee cap- up to 725x1, missed 745 because straps pulled loose
RE back squat- 135x10, 225x10, 275x20, 335x10
12" step ups- 135x10x3

notes: Happy with the 725 pull, pissed about the straps. When I got in the 6s I knew they were going to be a problem as they were unravelling in my hand. I was using some new ironmind straps and the material always did feel a little off, a bit smooth and almost slimy-esq. Back to the old school harbingers. I played it very conservative on the squats. I honestly don't think I could have gotten 315x20, however, I do know I could've gotten 365x10. Obv I didn't know this at the time or I would have loaded the bar up. The goal for this in my 2nd cycle of training will be 315x20 and 405x10. By the time all is said and done in march/may-ish, I'd like to be hitting 405x20 and 495x10. Big goals, yes, but its all the more rewarding when I hit the goal. I loaded 225 up for the step ups and my legs were too fried to go anywhere so dropped it down to 135. Felt pretty good. Nice leg pump and lower back is toast.

foam rolled/stretched in the evening.

cals = 3480 per my cal program, but I didn't include the 3-4 cups of pasta salad I had with dinner. I'm guessing would be real close to 4k. Protein was at 300g. I'm satisified with this intake.

11/15/11 - offseason 2/1 DE upper & throws

53# wfd
  • x10 one turn, best of 36'
  • x15 two turn, best of 38'

weight training

DE incline press with power factor
  1. 135x3 @ 3.71
  2. 135x3 @ 3.95
  3. 155x3 @ 3.71
  4. 155x3 @ 3.83
  5. 155x3 @ 3.71
  6. 165x3 @ 3.71
  7. 165x3 @ 3.58
  8. 165x3 @ 3.58
  9. 165x3 @ 3.58
  10. 165x3 @ 3.58
JM press- 135x10x3
pullups- BWx5x5
BB rows- 225x15, 275x10, 315x8, 365x5
band curls x15x2
band face pulls x15x2

notes- very pleased with this workout, both throws and weights. Throws felt pretty good, but need a lot more reps. Focus on the throws was fixing my left side drift and then getting up on the left. A couple of the full throws I tried to get after it but was missing the finish. I would get my left down and then just kind of sling the weight around me rather than get up on it and push the weight out. On the couple that I did do at about 80% effort, they were in the 37-38' range. Looking forward to throwing again.

Weight session went real good as well. Didn't feel like hooking up my bands so I just did incline with straight weight. Surprisingly, I got much stronger/faster in the last 4-6 weeks by using bands and the PF. Worked up to 165 and was still hitting speed. Thought about going to 175 but just stayed there and got some good quality work in. Decided to do some JM presses for my oh so suckage tricepz0rz. They burned.
cals = ?? 240-250ish protein.

ok, now on to the bread and butter of this post. Monday was mine & my wife's 3rd anniversary. My in-laws took our son on saturday night so we could have a date night. We went to a nice italian restaurant then had a gondola ride afterwards. The guy singing on the gondola had an amazing voice. It was a great night. I had arranged to have an "anniversary cake" (exact same flavors as our wedding cake) brought out as our dessert, however, when I called back for details on how to get it there the concierge bitch told me they wouldn't allow it so I had to ruin that surprise and just bring the cake home. Once we got to the restaurant I was informed otherwise. Regardless, they gave us a free dessert that was simply delicious. Afterwards, we stayed up until 1030pm. It was glorious, lol. Here's a few food pics from this weekend:

From left to right:

Creme Brulee, Walnut cake w/ fresh strawberry filling, 6 egg & turkey omelette, chickem parm, homemade lasagna

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/14/11 dinner = lasagna

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11/14/11 breakfast = 6 egg & turkey omelette

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

11/13/11 dinner = chicken parm

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11/13/11 - anniversary cake

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11/12/11 - anniversary dessert

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Friday, November 11, 2011

11/10/11 - offseason 1/3 DE lower

weight training

DE front squat with power factor, weight + choked monster mini bands
  1. 225x3 @ 3.46
  2. 225x3 @ 3.46
  3. 225x3 @ 3.58
  4. 225x3 @ 3.58
  5. 225x3 @ 3.58
  6. 225x3 @ 3.46
  7. 225x3 @ 3.46
  8. 225x3 @ 3.46
DE conventional deads with power factor
  1. 225x3 @ 3.83
  2. 225x3 @ 4.05
  3. 275x3 @ 3.71
  4. 275x3 @ 3.71
  5. 315x3 @ 3.46
  6. 315x3 @ 3.46
  7. 365x3 @ 2.58
  8. 315x3 @ 3.33
RDL - 315x5, 365x5, 415x3, 465x3 (PR)
pull throughs - green band x10x4

+core = ab wheel against MM band, cable twists, hanging leg raises x2 sets each

foam rolled a few times between sets of front squats and deads

Pretty happy with this session. Despite my lower back still being very stiff from high rep deads on tuesday, it held up really well. The 225 front squat didn't feel too difficult. I'll be moving up to 245 my next go around. I know that if I can front squat 225 and hit all the speeds my back squat is the same so when it comes time for me to back squat for speed I'll be going with 245 also. I'd really like to push this up to 315 (+bands) by the end of the off season but I'm not sure if I can progress that fast. I do feel that 275 is very doable.

I thought I might be able to push th envelope to 365 on deads since I wasn't using bands, but that was an eye opener that just wasn't going. Not yet at least. With some chalk and without front squats prior, maybe, just MAYBE I might be able to get somewhat close to 3.33. Goal for off season is getting in the 365-405 range @ 3.33f/s.

So far I'm very pleased with my first week of off season training. No throws this week, I'll add those in next week. Going to be throwing 2-3x/week, really working on drills and dialing in technique. I've got a lot to fix this off season. Last off season I need to learn how to throw. This off season I need to learn how to throw far. You guys better watch out next season, it's going to be a smoke show.

cals = ?? 240-250ish protein.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/9/11 - offseason 1/2 ME Upper

weight training
ME floor press- 225x10, 275x3, 315x3, 335x1, 355x1, 365x0
RE strict OHP- 95x10, 135x10, 155x20, 185x7
pulups- BWx5x6
ring rows- BWx10x3
shrugs- 315x20x3
band fyes- light x15x3

1000m row = 3:33

pretty good session. A bit bummed about floor presses but meh, what can you do? My all time PR on this is 385 and that was when I was weighing around 310ish and my bench was 415-425. Just goes to show how weak my triceps are. I can bench close to 400, but this 355 was a grinder. I initially thought I could grind out 365 but then it just stopped and wasn't going anywhere. Oh well, next ME bench session I'll do some board presses. OHPs felt pretty solid, had a crazy pump going. Got over ambitious and threw 185 on for my last set of 10, just couldn't get it and quit at 7. Need to check the ego at the door, completing all the reps is more important than seeing who much I can put on the bar.

cals = ?? 250ish protein, not bad, will start tracking total cals next week

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9/11 - 1000m row

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11/8/11 - offseason 1/1 ME lower

weight training
ME good mornings- 225x6, 275x5, 315x3, 365x3, 385x3, 405x3x2
RE conventional deads- 225x10, 315x10, 365x20, 455x10
12" step ups- 135x10, 225x10x2

a couple notes. Was supposed to do ME box squats and RE sumo deads today, but the groin pull is still bugging me a little. It doesn't hurt to do conventional deads or GMs so I went with those instead. Well, the combo of GMs + touch&go deads annihilated my lower back. I was going to do some RDLs, pull throughs and core but I was already trashed enough so I just called it there. Overall though, I'm pleased with the workout. I originally wanted to go 365x20, then 405x20 however, there was no way I was going to be able to put myself through that 20rep set again. I thought about it and I like this RE setup. A couple sets of 10 to get the blood flowing, a big set of 20 then add more weight and another set of 10. I think I'm going to stick with this for a while.

cals = ?? 220ish protein, not high enough, need to get on top of this


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/6/11 - Tucson Games

Tucson Games Results

braemar (24.5#) - 35'8 - 1st
open (16#) - 44+, pulled groin 2nd attempt & passed - 1st
HWFD - 39'11.25" - 1st - fouled 41'1 on extras
LWFD - fouled out - 11th
HH - 90+ - 1st -  96+ on extras
LH - 112+ - 1st
Sheaf - 28 - 1st - 30' on extras
Caber (18' 100#s) - 12:00 - 1st
WOB - 14' - 4th

Overall = 1st w/ 21.5pts, 2nd place had 25pts.

Was pretty happy with braemar, considering the stone is just terrible. I was expecting to toss a 21.5# stone like we did last year, then this thing showed up to haunt me. Oh well. Open was just terrible. Over anxious to pop that bad boy out there. Didn't get on my left, and didn't pivot enough before exploding = pulled right groin. Ugh. Very minor, but still, now it's going to sit in the back of my head all day long.

After the pulled groin, I was very timid about the weights. I took a 2 one turns and a full throw to warm up on HWFD. Really focused on getting on my left for both the sprint and drive. Tried to use my right leg as little as possible and you could definitely tell. The extra time I took to get on my left was driving me way left. Fouled my first attempt, then a sweet 39'11" on my 2nd attempt. I was befuddled when he pulled it in thinking there was no way it was that far. In fact, I went out to look at the divot and was asking others if that's really where it landed. When I was up again, I hit just barely to the left of the one before and it was 39'11.25". Took an extra and fouled a 41'1" and called it there. Happy with these considering the mind fuck my groin was giving me. Groin wasn't really bugging me, but then, I wasn't giving it a big reason to either and I was afraid to really push it. Ended up doing the same thing with the light weight, drifting off the the left due to a late sprint. Fouled all 3 and ended 11th place. They told me I should do a one turn on my last attempt just to get a mark. The current leader at the time was at 68'. I wanted 80+ so I went for it as I was pretty close on my others. Fouled it out, oh well.

After weights, we went to the sheaf. Sheaf has given me some issues in the past and the last time I was at a games that did sheaf was in may in albuquerque. I really wanted 30', but I knew I hadn't put the practice time in that I needed. I just focused on a big back swing and a strong pull. Came in at 18' so I could work on accuracy. This was my issue last year. First toss my block was a bit late, every one after that I got it fixed. Worked up 3 feet at a time until we got to 26', then we went 2 feet at a time. There were 3 of us in at 30' and because I had no misses until 30', I took 1st on count backs. I missed all 3 attempts, then took extras and really focused on a huge back swing. On my 3rd extra I cleared it for a huge 4' PR. That was the highlight of my day.

After sheaf we broke for lunch. I got about a 1/2 for lunch since sheaf ran so long. By the time I got to the hammer cage, everyone was ready to go and I had just gotten my boots on. I was granted 1 warmup/wind, clearly not enough. My first heavy hammer was 90+, then a couple terrible ones at 86. It was enough to win it. On my 2nd extra I finally loosened up enough to get my hips driving the hammer ball and dropped one at 96. Not happy but acceptable I suppose. Afterwards my hips shut down again for light hammer. 2 at 112 and 1 at 111. Blegh, didn't even take extras, just wanted to move on.

Caber was pretty fun, There were only 3-4 of us that actually turned it despite it being a relatively easy stick. Lots of T&F guys that throw pretty far, but no caber experience. All the picks felt easy, the first one I didn't get enough speed and landed @ 1030. 2nd one got incredible speed and I couldn't get my footing fast enough before the caber came off my shoulder, that didn't turn, maybe it was 75 degrees, I don't know. Last one felt solid. Got a good drive, and a strong pull, easy 12:00.

Last up was WOB. I've been having issues with WOB lately. I don't know if it's because I'm pulling early or I'm just not finishing the pull. I forgot to get video so I don't really have a way to analyze it at this time. I'm going to experiment over the next few weeks and see. Every pull was way high enough, even at 15', but it was either out in front of the bar or came down on top of the bar and didn't get behind it. Meh, whatevs. I ended up taking 4th at this event.

All in all it was a great games and was extremely fun. Can't wait to go back. Got lots of work to do this off season, starting with rehabbing this groin and taking a week off of throws. Looking forward to next season. Now it's time to get strong!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/2/11 - throws


30# wfd
  • x10 one turn drills, best of 60'
  • x10 standing throws, best of 46'
  • x5 one turn drills, best of 62'
  • x15 full throws, best of 66' 
Threw uphill at lunch again. 40 throws with the lwfd to drill in some technique and work on fixing some little things. Gained a bit of knowledge out of it. Started off with 10 one turns. Felt a good drive but the release just wasn't consistent. One throw I would have a great finish, the next 2-3 were off. So I wanted to add in some standing throws to simulate the delivery/finish portion. I staggered my feet, opened my hips and drove forward and up onto the left leg as I pushed the weight out. Akward at first, it felt pretty good by the end. And I could tell it carried over to the next set of one turns. Definitely felt a bit smoother and easier to get up on the left, but I still wasn't getting that big push out of the left. Something to keep working on. I had only planned to do 10 full throws, but the first 5-7 were terrible. I was starting my spin early, sprinting late, sprinting 6-8" beyond the trig, etc. Just wasn't clicking and it was getting frustrating. I'm not sure why all of a sudden my sprint was so much longer. I thought about it for a while then played with my cast a little bit. Recently I had gotten away from the Matt Sandford type of cast, pushing the hips around to the right then waiting for the weight to get to 12:00 before beginning my spin. I'm not sure why I got away from it but I went back to it and everything seemed to line up better and I quit going over the trig. From there I just needed to make sure my sprint phase wasn't late and I was driving straight. This was much easier with the different cast, so long as I got into position very quickly. Towards the last 4-5 throws I was really putting a lot of weight on my left foot for the sprint phase and it was eye opening how much additional speed you get by doing so. As soon as the weight hit the position in the back of the trig, I was already shooting forward and then I would explode off my left, get into position after the turn and try to simulate the same thing. As the weight was coming around into position after the 2nd turn for the finish I was already driving forward getting more weight onto my left, then exploded up onto it, blocking my right hip and getting a strong strong pull. Considering the best I've ever thrown this particular weight at the field I train at at lunch was 69', I was happy with the 66' which had about 80% behind it. I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm overtrained. I'm ready to relax, eat lots of food, take a couple ice baths, foam roll the shit out of my body and load up on vitamins and BCAAs so that I come into Tucson strong.

 macros- I don't know or care right now, I'll start tracking again next week.

11/1/11 - throws + weight training


16# stone
  • step over drill x5, best of 38
  • full standing x, best of 38.5
  • south african x10x best of 44
20# sheaf x 12-15, unk height

stones feeling good, not getting up onto my left as much as I need to but it's coming along. Threw uphill at lunch as usual, body is really feeling beat up, looking forward to the deload before competing sunday. South african felt good, nice and snappy. Sheaf went well, focused on blocking and a big back swing, both of which are coming along nicely. Also need to sink a bit more so I can get more legs into it. It all came together on a few throws and had some fantastic height, going to try to get 30ft in tucson.


hip snatch up to 205x3
push press up to 295x3, 315x .95, 315xF
hang clean- 225x10x3
lying leg raises x15x3

speed squats
  1. 225x3 - 3.21
  2. 225x3 - 3.21
  3. 225x3 - 3.33
  4. 225x3 - 3.33
  5. 225x3 - 3.33
exhausted is the way to describe that workout. I've been chasing that 315 push press for 9 months now. Last time I got it was in february and I was 300+ lbs. Now that I'm in the high 270s, it just doesn't want to go. I had it about an inch from lockout and brought it down like a dummy. Tried again and it was no bueno. Oh well.. a goal for this off season is to get this up closer to 350, maybe not 350 but as close as possible. Going to really start adding the pounds after Tucson.

macros- I don't know ore care right now, I'll start tracking again next week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

10/31/11 - throws


53# wfd
  • x12-15 one turn, best of 34'
  • x8-10 full standing, best of 32'
16# hammer x5, unk distance

Worked on a more straighter drive to the trig, rather than diagonal. I found that when my timing was right with the sprint, I would finish early out to the right. When my timing was off of the spring, I would finish late off to the left. Played around with this quite a bit and found a happy medium, throwing very slightly to the left and getting up on my left leg very well. I also found that when I sprint diagonally (over-rotate and hence, reaching for my foot placement), that by the time I'm in position, my legs are too far apart to get any good leg drive into the finish. I end up getting up on my left, but my right leg is almost locked by then and I'm losing a lot of distance. Once I fixed the sprint phase and was driving straighter (not completely straight, still over to the left a tidbit), my legs got into a better power position. It was easier to sink and drive forward up onto and over that left leg, getting a really nice lift and push for the finish. A couple times my right hip shot forward and I stepped over the trig. Going to work on finding a happy medium. By the time I got around to the full throws I was pretty exhausted so I was just going through the motions with minimal effort on the sprint.

Although slow, hammer felt really good. Really reaching to my right to catch the ball. Going to work hammer one more time before Tucson to get a couple good throws in.

Thought about throwing sheaf and WOB tonight, however, hand was pretty tired from weights plus the kids were already out trick or treating so I just relaxed with my family and hung out handing out candy. Probably won't throw wob again until the games but thats not a big deal. I can make minimal adjustments as needed. I'll throw sheaf once or twice and that should be good enough as well.

didnt count calories, protein was approx 260-280g which I'm happy with.