Tuesday, August 23, 2011

8/23/11 - assist/o-lift day + throws


oh squats- up to 135x3x2
hip snatches- up to 185x3x3
hang cleans- up to 225x3x3 & fail @ 275
push jerks- up to an easy 225, fail @ 275
pullups- BWx5x3
bb rows- 275x8x3

  • 16# stone, 10-15 standing, 10-15 spins

I'd like to do an oly meet next year so I need to spend some time learning the movements to be better at them. oh squats weren't too bad, but without oly shoes it's hard to really stay back on my heels without leaning too far forward. Hip snatches were easy, but I didn't catch them in a squat position.. worked hang cleans with nearly no dip. Everytime I got explosive with a good dip it really torqued down on my toe and hurt pretty bad, hence the fail @ 275. I was also trying to catch the clean oly style with elbows forward, rather than just a typical power clean. Push jerks are a bit new, but whenever I got a little dip, the weight got out in front of me.. Need a lot more practice, same issue with the 275, wasn't dipping enough and the pressure was making it hurt. I hate to sound like a whiny bitch, but that 45lb plate really fucked me up.

stones went really well. able to get semi-explosive but again it was mainly just a technique day. I'm hoping to get after it on friday when I train everything. At the rate my foot is going, I think I'll be good to go for pleasanton and the MN ren fest.. starting to get pretty excited now!!

macros = 69f / 422c / 303p = 3532cals w/ approx 150g carbs pre workot & 75g carbs pre-throws

8/20/11 - throws

  • 15# stone, standing & spin
  • 28# wfd, single & double spins
  • 56# wob, up to 15' & tapping @ 16'
  • caber, picks & carries w/ 20' 160# stick
decent session.. unable to get explosive with the stone but overall a good day for technique. wfd just wasn't there, couldn't get any action from my drive leg, pain just too much. wob felt great, cleared 15' super super easy, then tapped the bar at 16' a couple times. wob felt good, the picks were pretty good and the carries were ok, but I couldn't get a good sprint without increasing pain so I stopped at 3-4 attempts. overall a productive day, very happy the foot is healing well.

8/18/11 - speed


15" box squat- 95x alot x alot, 135 x alot x a few, 135x2x8 (for speed)
deads for speed- 225x2x2, 315x2x6 

spent a lot of time working on box squats, sitting back, contracting the glutes and firing the hips. started to really feel a pop off the box. i initially started with a 12" box but wasn't getting that pop so I went up. I'll work up in weight then drop the height down to 12" or lower. deads felt stupid easy, nice and snappy. foot felt better fsho, but not great.

8/17/11 - assitance + o-lift day


speed incline bench + dbl mini bands- 155x3x2, 165x3x6
standing strict ohp- up to 225x5x3
BW pullups- 8x8
seated cable row- 300x8x3
cgbp- 275x5x3

still a lot of pain on the foot, o-lifts were definitely out of the mind. Happy with the strict presses and pullups, keeping away from throwing this week to give time to heal.

8/14/11 - throws



showed up to the park with my strongman and highland games gear.. Had my xterra loaded up to the gills with weight and gear. During the drive over, the weight had shifted. When I got out to start unloading, I opened my tailgate and a 45lb plate dropped from about chest level on my right foot, just at the base of my big and 2nd toe..


Thursday, August 11, 2011

8/11/11 - throws

  • 28# wfd, single x10, double x15
  • 16# stone, standing x8, spin x8
great session, was able to keep loose, slowed things down and hit positions. Watching the video I see there are a few things I need to work on. I need to get WAY lower for the weights.. I think my cast might be a bit off to my left too so I need to work on that. Please feel free to comment about what you think may need to be changed or worked on. Thanks!!

8/10/11 - throws

  • 16# hammer x15-20
  • 53# wfd, single x5-8, double x10-15
  • 28# wfd x5-7 
hammers felt much better.. did 5-8 nice and slow, then sped it up a little as time went on until it broke somewhere around 20 throws, didn't go over 80-90%. wfd felt pretty terrible at first then slowly got a bit better.. didn't focus on drilling like I should have as hwfd was getting frustration.. need more reps

8/9/11 - throws

  • 16# hammer x15-20
  • 16# stone, standing x10-15, spin x10-15 
hammer went terrible, hips were too tight from the box squates yesterday, was able to get loose a couple times but hips were just too slow once I sped things up. Did get some quality reps in just going slow and hitting positions. stones felt pretty good, really able to get separated and deliver high, still need to work on getting more on my left before popping..

chicken parm for dinner, nom nom nom

8/8/11 - assistance + o-lift day


12" bw box squats x about 10 sets of 5-8, working on form and explosion off the box
clean grip hang snatch- up to 165x5x3
hang clean- up to 255x5x3
push press- 225x5x3
bb rows- 315x8x3
pullups- BWx10, x5

wanted to do some close grip pressing but didn't have enough time. took up too much time working on the box squats. focused on sitting far back and exploding off the box with my hips without rocking.. definitely felt the difference, need to start working this up so I can get that explosion out of the hole again.
went to a friends house for dinner, gnocci w/ steak and some extras, very tasty

8/7/11 - throws

  • 14# stone x8 standing (best of 43'), x8 spin (best of 47')
  • 56# wfd x5-8, best of 36' 
  • 28# wfd x5-8, best of 69'
  • 16# hammer x5-8, best of 118'
  • 56# wob x3-4 @ 13'
drove down to tucson to throw with Jason Barba and some of his crew. blegh, terrible session.. everything felt super tight and slow, not happy with this session. I sure hope he got more out of this than I did, haha..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

8/4/11 - speed day


box squats for speed (13" box + choked avg bands)- 225x2x8
flat bb bench for speed + dbl mini bands- 145x3x2, 155x3x6
sumo pulls for speed + short avg bands- 225x1x2, 315x1x6
rdl- 315x6, 365x6, 415x6
+banded pull throughs

not a bad squat session. I learned that I don't know how to properly box squat. Going to drop the weight way down and lose the bands until I can catch up my hams and glutes and get the technique right. I need to be sitting much farther back than I am and not rocking off the box like I currently do. Probably going to do strictly box squats (for back squats, I'll still do front squats) for the next 4-6 weeks until I get this fixed.. bench and sumos felt great, rdls had a nice stretch going on and finishing things off with the pull throughs felt awesome.

macros = 70f / 266c / 259p = 2844cals

dinner was turkey kielbasa + cheesy eggs = nom nom nom

8/3/11 - throws

  • 53# wfd x20-25, 70-80%, hitting 30-32'
  • 20# sheaf x5-8
  • 56# wob x5
used lifting straps on wfd and got some good reps in. finally a way to train wfd and get the reps without killing my thumb, this is going to help a lot. just threw sheaf and wob up in the air, working on technique..

macros = 65f / 242c / 280p = 2706 cals

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8/2/11 - presses

am weight=278.4


flat bb bench- up to 385x1, 335x3x4
incline speed bench + dbl minis- 135x3x2, 155x3x6
db rows- up to 177x5x4
push press- up to 225x5x4

+hanging leg raises & side bends

meh, shitty presses as usual. rows felt good though. meatloaf for dinner but it's not done yet so no pics..

macros = 67f / 244c / 280p = 2732 cals

Monday, August 1, 2011

8/1/11 - throws + deads

  • 16# stone- 15 standing, 15 south african
  • 16# hammer- 7 throws

hip snatches- up to 205x2x3
sumo deads- up to 455x1, 365x3x4
conventional deads from 2" deficit for speed- 365x1x8
850# tire flips x3x4 (supersetted with speed pulls)

+lying leg raises against bands & sledghammer swings on tire

solid session with the weights, never gone that heavy on deads before, definitely more in the tank, just easing my way into it. Speed deads were simple, tire felt good too.

throws also went well.. focused on getting that right knee turned in and snapping my arm. had a few really good throws, despite not measuring. did everything in slow motion and sped the last couple up. definitely feeling a difference. going to do this my next few sessions. hammer went well also, was just exhausted by the time I got to it. This 106+ degree weather @ 70%+ humidity has got to stop. I want my AZ dry heat back!!! I'll hit some extra hammer throws on wednesday after wfd.

my mrs made some AWESOME blackened chicken tonight, unfortunately I gobbled it down so quick I forgot to take a pic, sorry everyone, I'll try to remember next time.

macros= 61f / 254c / 270p = 2691cals

7/31/11 - throws

  • 16# stone- standing x5-8, spin x5-8
  • 28# wfd- 8-10 throws
  • 16# hammer- 8-10 throws
  • 56# wob- up to 15'6
  • 20# sheaf- 5-7 tosses
ok session, didn't really work on anything specific. Was helping a lot of other throwers so hard to focus on myself. Regardless, had a bunch of fun and hit a nice PR on wob.. back to drills tomorrow, then heading down to tucson on sunday to throw with an up and coming A thrower..

also hit some prowler action. 3x100ft (50ft each way) w/no weight and 3x100ft +90lbs

macros = 72f / 245c / 262p = 2695 cals

more food pix.. kept it simple today with a super awesome pb&j post workout.. hell yes