Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/26/12 - throws: hammer

am weight = 269.8 (day 3/4 low carb)


16# hammer
*2 wind x5-6
*3 wind x8-10, best of 114

still slow, trying to hit the positions and really catch it high. I seem to catch it high but I'm not actually applying force until the ball starts dropping. Need to kick that in faster. Also, trying to think about being more whippy seems to help me. I know sounds weird but thinking "whippy" lets me use just my hips and I can really feel my hips driving the ball. Need to work on getting my hips farther to the right side before I catch the ball so I can get a bigger/longer drive. Making progress, unfortunately it isn't translating to numbers yet. Really want to hit something big here before the end of the season

macros = 78/11/239 (f/c/p) 1741 cals

9/25/12 - deload training & throws: wfd


56# wfd x20-22, best of 43, about 15-17 over 40

great wfd practice. Finally getting comfortable enough in the positions to start ramping up the effort. Still more in the tank once I'm able to hit posistions faster, specifically after the first turn, so I can get more drive to zero and a bigger sprint.

training#2 - deload

fsquat- 155x5, 185x5, 225x5
back squat- 225x5x3
deadlift- 225x5, 315x5, 335x5
strict ohp- barx15x2, 95x15x2
pullups- bwx5x2

not bad, feeling stiff, felt good to get the blood moving, hammers tomorrow and rest until saturday throws.

macros = 105/30/230 (f/c/p) a tad over 2000 cals. Changed phones so lost my exact macro breakdown but that's about right. the two double doubles (protein sytle obv) contributed to the higher fat content. Was pretty damn good though so I'll take it

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/22/12 - throws: stone/wfd/hammer/caber


am weight = 272.6 (day 3/3 low carb)


22# braemar x5

go to get hips through faster, have no idea how these guys are going 45+ with this weight of a stone

15.5# stone
*180 drill footwork
*south african footwork
*south african throws x5
*full spin x5

still lots of work to do. right foot lands then stops then turns then stops. needs to be more fluid. Keep hips lower throughout, faster left leg = continuously turning right

56# wfd x10-12
28# wfd x5-8

was drifting forward on my cast, not sure why. focus on fast first turn then drive it down and a big sprint. Wasn't able to really catch any of these good, very stiff

16# hammer
*2 wind x3
*3 wind x8-10

worked on a very long pull on my right side. played with pushing my hips farther to the right on the "upswing" as to allow a longer pull on the right. Felt good, need to keep working this

caber (18' 80) x10-12

all turns, just focusing on a hard drive and really pushing my hips into the caber and pulling back, caber remains my achilles heel. will pull out the big boy next weekend and play with it.

overall a good practice, I say it all too often, but there's still plenty of work to be done.

macros = 92/60/227 (f/c/p) 1961 cals .. carbup tomorrow

Monday, September 24, 2012

9/24/12 - throws: stone

am weight = 277 (post carbup)


15.5# stone
*stand x10, best of 44
*180 drill footwork
*south african drill footwork, best of 51
*south african w/stone x6-8, best of 50
*full spin x10-12

few changes today that worked for the better..

standing: typically I slam my left foot down, push my right hip and open my left arm simultaneously while holding my upper body back.. then a huge push off my left leg for a block.. today, I not only slammed my left foot down, but I pushed it more to the left as well. That pulled my right around faster and was much more snappy. i like.

spinning footwork getting better. went to a throwing shoe on my right foot and easier to keep the right foot turning. couple things of note: on the south african, I feel very linear, not very rotational. I can get my left around fast, and separate well, but I miss the block. Instead of a good hard block, I get on top of my left and end up jumping the stone out there, in a sense. It ended up going farther than my fulls though, because I did indeed separate better.

things of note with the full spin: went back to sweeping my right leg aorund. I feel much more rotational doing this. I can get good linear drive with my left leg driving me through the sprint, and the right foot sweeping brings my left around faster and nailing a really good block. The downside to this, it's faster and I haven't timed my separation yet. Need to work on staying low, a faster left leg and better separation. Light years ahead of where I started back in february. I *think* I dropped one out at 54' as it was the only divot out there, but I didn't actually see where it landed so I'm not going to note it. I did have a great deal of throws out between 48 and 51 so progressing is being made. here are a couple vids

macros = will be somewhere around 90/30/225 (f/c/p) day 1/4 low carb

Friday, September 21, 2012

9/20/12 - pp/deads & throws: stone


531 (wk3) deads- 425x5, 480x3, 540x5
rdl- 225x10x2
531 (wk3) pushpress- 210x5, 235x3, 265x1
strict ohp- 95x10x2
bb row 135x12x3
pulldowns 190x10x3

skipped stationary bike

deads felt good... well as good as they can feel at 430 in the morning. rdls were simple, just wanted to get soem blood flowing. Going to start throwing some more bodybuilding, higher rep, lighter stuff in to work on conditioning and recomposition. push presses felt good once my shoulder was warmed up. Hurts more on the descent than it does on the press. Was only able to feel it pinch/ache a couple times so I decided to hit that last set as RXd and just did a single. Went up super fast and easy, no issues at all, no pain, nada. Happy with this. Dropped down to do some very light strict ohps and could feel it aching on about 1/2 of the reps. Nothing big, just a small ache, shut it down after 2 quick sets. Felt it ache on rows as well. Not as much as before.. it's progressing, just need to stay consistent with my rehab protocols.


15.5# ostone
*stand x15
*180 footwork x30+
*south african footwork x15ish
*south african w/stone x6-8
*full spin footwork x6-8
*full spin w/stone x6-8

stands felt good.. focusing on squeezing my legs together to get my hips forward as fast as possible while holding upper back. It's coming along but still, as always, lots of work to do. Lots of 180 drills with a very fast left leg. One of my problems is keeping my right foot turning, the slow left leg definitely has something to do with that. Speed up my left leg and stick it hard = right foot comes all the way around. Lots of footwork drills to get this in, started being able to hit the south africans by the last couple, feeling better. Some more footwork with fulls, working on a fast left left and it's starting to come together. Some full throws and was sort of nailing it by the end. Missing my block though, getting on my left leg rather than posting it. More to work on, but I think it's a step in the right direction.

20# sheaf
*bottoms up drills x5
*stand throws x3 and fork broke

sad face.. stupid fork

off day friday then a big throwing session on saturday. Beyond that, I need a deload. Going to throw monday and tuesday next week and a nice easy deload sesh on tuesday. Then I'm done till saturday. Lots of rest and active recovery.

macros = 98/79/223 (f/c/p) 2083 cals (day1/3 low carb)

increasing low carb days to 3 followed by a carbup.. going to do this for a couple weeks and see how this affects performance. The 2 low carb days hasn't been affecting too much, other than energy levels with reduced overall calories. If I can stick it 1 more day, that will give me a great deficit. The goal isn't ketosis by any means. Just a larger calorie deficit. My refeeds as of late have been larger than needed so adding the 3rd day will help offset the higher calories for that day. Weight is still hoving in the low 270s.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18/12 - throws: stone/wfd

am weight- 271.4


15.5# stone
*stand x6
*180 drill x6
*full spin x10

ugh, this is very frustrating. Getting my right through, but opening up way too early. after talking with some friends, I need to get more snappy with my left. slow -> fast -> faster from start to finish. Going to start working in south african drills as well so the 180 will transfer to the south african will transfer to the full spin. Need to stay as wrapped as possible while my right hip is pushing through, quick left leg to help pop the right hip, then a big finish. still so much work

56# wfd x10 much better, working on keeping the weight close, driving it down to zero then a nice smooth finish. got my mojo back after last weeks setback. hopefully can put some sauce on it ths weekend and see what happens.

macros = unk yet, will be roughly 90/30/225 (f/c/p) 1800-1900

9/17/12 - fsquat & throws: hammer

am weight after refeed- 276.2


16# hammer
*2 winds x8
*3 winds x10, all in the one-teens

working on getting aroudn quick to catch the hammer high, then pushing my right hip to speed the ball up and create a big pull.. its coming together. working from the finish back. once i can nail the finish, I'll start speeding up the 2nd wind

7.06miles on stationary bike in 20mins

531 (wk3) front squat- 285x5, 320x3, 360x2
back squat- 225x10x2
close grip bench- 135x15x2, 185x15, 135x15x2

skipped GMs.. feeling sore and beat up, very stiff lately. 360 was tough but there was more in the tank, just not much energy. deload next week. Going to start adding some more repetition stuff in like the higher rep back squats, that should help increase my muscular endurance and conditioning a bit.

macros = 92/29/224 (f/c/p) = 1824cals

9/14/12 - throws: wfd/sheaf

am weight = 275


56# wfd x20-22
28# wfd x6-8

20# sheaf
*stand x10
*spin x5

working on getting my finish back on course after messing it up earlier this week.. improvements but not quite where it needs to be

working on a big long pull on the sheaf. so far stands are much higher than spins, lots of work here

macros = 92/25/222 (f/c/p) = 1861cals

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13/12 - ppress/deads + throws: stone


15.5# stone
*stand x6
*180 drill x6
*full spin x12

focus on being more patient before exploding for the finish. Was able to hit the position correctly 2 out of the 12 throws, lol. Also figured out that if I get too comfortable coming out of the back, I tend to overstep with my right foot. This causes me to go through the trig more and when I land, I have a very narrow base and can't get onto my left at all. Did this for 3/4 of the throws before figuring it out. Went back to nice and slow and easy out of the back and everything felt good again. Opening up a bit early, but I'm moreso focused with pushing the right hip and keeping the right foot turning before finishing. Definitely made some progress today and looking forward to stones next week


6.73 miles on stationary bike in 20mins

531 (wk2) ppress- 195x3, 220x3, 250x ---
531 (wk2) deads- 295x3, 455x3, 510x6
pulldowns- 210x10x5

done and done, quick and easy. Deads were cakecause. Actually got a burn starting on the 4th rep, lol. Cardio is still meh, fatigue set in after the 5th rep.. 6th rep was easy to pull, but exhausting, haha. Should probably work on that but, meh, I'm not really worried about it. Shoulder is doing ok, still doing a lot of circles and internal/external rotations. 220 felt easy but it was getting sore so I didn't want to push it with the heavy set. Next week I'll do the first two sets again then call it. Hopefully the following week when I go back to 5s I'll be able to finish all sets without any worry. Was going to do some rows but last week it hit my shoulder a bit too hard and didn't want to chance it this week. Will add those back in next week. Pulldowns felt good and easy, no shoulder pain. Progress fsho.. looking good. Ventura games coming up in about a month, looking forward to it.

didn't track macros, just made sure to get lots of carbs, feeling good, I'll weigh myself tomorrow and see where I'm at post carb-up.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/12/12 - throws: stone/hammer/wfd/stheaf


15.5# stone
*stand x6
*180 drill x6
*full x4

focusing on keeping the right leg in-line with the left arm while holding the upper body back.. some improvements

16# hammer
*2 wind x6
*full x4

focus on catching high and pushing right hip to accellerate the ball, working slow to fast with a big finish


56# wfd
*full x 22-25

was focusing on the drive to zero for the finish, but after talking with another thrower, the finish is more of a sink and lift, rather than a drive and finish. Funny, because that's what I had been doing before. Back to square one, work the sink/lift finish until it's absolutely perfect. Then annihilate the sprint. More separation after the first turn = longer push to zero = bigger sprint.

20# sheaf
*stand x15
*spin x8ish

moved my grip out a little on the fork and it really helped. Could get a much bigger backswing and the block was right on. Focused on driving down to my right foot with a big pull. Trying to figure out the spin also, lots of work to be had here.

overall a good day.

no carbs until about 6pm. I decided that if I'm going to train the following day, I'm going to start my carbup the night before, that way I can start replenishing glycogen to be ready for training the next day. Weighed in at 271lbs at about 6pm. Probably bump up to 274ish tomorrow. Another week or so and I can get a solid look at weight loss. Feeling pretty good right now though.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/10/12 - fsquat

am weight = 274.6


6.54 miles on stationary bike in 20 mins

531 (wk2) fsquat - 265x3, 300x3, 340x5
close grip bench- 135x15x5
18" speed box sq- 340x5x2
gms- 225x10x2, 275x10

front squats felt brutally heavy, energy was nil. Should have probably had a carb drink or something pre-wo.. duly noted coming off of 2 low carb days. close grip felt good on my shoulder, it's coming along. Been using a 2.5lb plate and doing circles, internal and external rotations various times throughout the day. For the close grip, really focused on pushing my elbows in at the bottom coming off the chest, no pain at all on the close grips. Will push this to 185 next week and see how it feels. Been rainy here so unable to practice lately, really bumming me out. I want to go throw some shiz... supposed to clear up on wed so I'll hit 2 on wednesday, then thursday morning and friday afternoon. That should give me 4 practices for the week. Back at it full tilt next week.

Weekend was solid, about 1800cals each day, less than 50g carbs each day, fat right around 90g and protein 220ish. didn't track macros today, just made sure to hit protein and kept a solid carb intake throughout the day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

9/7/12 - pushpress/deads


6.61miles on stationary bike in 20mins

531(wk1) push press- 180x5, 210x5 and shut it down
531(wk1) deadlift- 370x5, 425x5, 480x6
light pulldowns x 5sets
light rows x 3 sets
5lb db - internal/external rotations/presses/backward & forward circles

shoulder not too bad today, still pretty achy. Went with pulldowns as they're easier on the shoulder. Push presses went well, forced to really use my leg drive which is a good thing with regards to technique. 210x5 was easy but I could feel my shoulder just a little on the lockout and as it was coming back down. Decided to shut it down there. Put 225 on for rows and felt the shoulder on about the 4th rep so dropped it to 135 and hit a couple sets of 15, nice and easy. Going to keep this up for a couple more weeks and hopefully in october I can get back on track with where I should be. Shoulder feels pretty good right now. Going to ice and heat tonight and do some more internal/external rotations with a small band. Just need to avoid additional injury and this should heal relatively quickly. Taking the weekend off then back to throwing next week.

high calorie day today, not really paying attention to calories, just going by feel as to when I feel satisfied.

9/5/12 - squat


6.75 miles in 20 mins on stationary bike

531 (1) front squat- 245x5, 285x5, 320x6
18" speed box squat - 320x5, 370x5, 320x5
GMs- 275x6, 225x8
close grip bench- 135x20, 215x5, 250x1 shoulder no bueno, 135x15

after doing some looking around on the interwebz.. it's my right supraspinatus that is bothering me from that "curling incident" about a month ago. Continuing with internal/external rotations. Ice/heat frequent + ibuprifin as needed. Will lay off pullups and presses for a couple weeks and then slowly add them back in. WIll have to play other exercises by ear so I can train around this. It's not bad, but it is an ache that is very uncomfortable. Just need to be more aware of it so I don't injure further.

back on the calorie bandwagon, need to start shedding some fat. taking a slightly different approach this time. While keeping performance and glycogen in mind, I'm going to do a sort of carb cycling to lower calories more and allow myself "cheat days" more often. Low calorie days will be along the lines of 225/50/80-100 (p/c/f) and high calorie days will be somthing like 225/500/50-70 (p/c/f). 2 low cal days, then a high cal day. Will play this by ear for a couple weeks before making a final decision if this is how I want to drop the remainder of my fluff. so, today's calories were as follows:

macros = 92/27/232 (f/c/p) 1901cals

9/1 & 9/2/12 - Pleasanton Games

Pleasanton Games Amateur National Championship


ostone = 44+ (2nd)
hwd = 40+ (2nd)
light hammer = 119+ (3rd)
caber 17.5'/110# = 10:15 (7th)
wob = 14' (6th)


26# bstone = 35+ (1st)
lwd = 75+ (1st) 78+ on extras, fouled a 81+
heavy hammer = 101+ (2nd)
challenge caber 20'/130# = 50deg
challenge wob = 15' (1st)

Very unhappy with ostone. It just fell apart. The nerves + recent changes on ostone were too much to put together and it just fell apart, despite the heavy stone which I thought was a really good stone. Lots more work here. 2 more games to hit 55+ or Craig will have my ass. Very happy with Braemar stone, but there's def more in the tank. HWD was ok, watching the video, really only my last throw was that solid. 2 throws over 40ft so I can't be too upset. Need to work that finish better then start attacking the sprint. Same thing on LWD. Fouled the first toss that was close to 80. 2nd was 75+ as I was playing it safe and on the 3rd toss I hit the ground with the weight coming out of the back which threw off everything and only went 73'. Fouled an 81' on extras and settled for 78+ on my last extra. Not a terrible series, not a great one either. Hammers felt good. Was awesome watching Nate bomb the hammers, going 127+ on lt hammer after hitting the cage on the way out. Really need to start using my right leg and pushing the ball harder. The orbit is feeling more natural, just need to get comfortable and add speed. Stop counter-throwing it, start pushing it. Caber was awful, lots of caber practice is in my future. Wob felt ok, just fell apart. Kept leaving it out front with PLENTY of room over the bar. Need to reach back more and sink my hips better so I can push them forward and get the "scoop" I need to get it under the bar. My last pull at 15' on saturday was perfect, but overcorrected my stance too close to the bar and knocked it off. Oh well, next time. Can't be too upset with my performance after taking 2nd on a STACKED field.

Very grateful to have competed against some of the best in this country and a very humble experience as well. Grats to Nathan Burchett in his 1st place finish as well as my Teammate Adam Brezina for taking 5th. Way to step it up bro. Got to meet a few new people as well. Thanks to Steve Conway for hosting a fantastic games once again. I look forward to going again next year and hopefully snagging a field record or two while I'm there. Thanks to Mike Qutermous for putting up with all of us as our Judge for the weekend. Huge thanks goes out to the volunteers that shagged and marked for us. Tip of the hat to all of my competition, I hope we all get to throw together again. Thanks to my beautiful wife Kristina Sullivan for being there to support me and push me every step of the way. I love you sweetheart!

Finally, thanks to Tod Stewart of Stewart and Tergerson Injury Law ( for sponsoring the team. I've worked with Tod both personally and professionally and can say without a doubt, if you're unfortunate enough to be involved in an auto accident, he's the guy to call!!

8/28/12 throws - stone/wfd


15.5# stone
*stand x5
*full x10

focus on keeping right foot turning with left arm before the finish, lots of work here

28# wfd
*full x14

slow cast, 60% sprint, huge finish up over the trig, don't foul

ready for pleasanton!

8/27/12 - throws: stone/wfd

training #1

15.5# stone
*stand x6
*180 drill x2
*full x8

push right hip harder.. need hips square to the trig before finishing

56# wfd
*full x15

work the finish more, need to sink hard, keep the weight close, big finish

20# hammer
*winds x5
*full x6

keep low point and orbit to the right. push right shoulder back as the ball is coming up the left side to catch it sooner. drive the ball with the right hip. keep first and second winds slow, work from the finish back


56# wob
*14' x 3/4
*15' x 2/2
*16' x 1/6

work on pushing the weight back for a longer pull, sink hips immediately and pull back hard enough to step back.

*18'/80#s x3/4 turns
*20'/100#s x0/6 turns

more legs. Need to keep hips lower throughout so there's less drop before the pull. Working on timing as well, keeping the caber against my shoulder, just need to work that hip pop

8/25/12 - throws: stone/wfd/hammer


23.5# stone
*stand x6, best of 36

15.5# stone
*wheel drill x3
*full spin x5, best of 51

28# wfd
*full x12, best of 81

16# hammer
*full x8, bset of 122

nothing big here, just going through the positions

8/24/12 - cardio/recovery


7.2 miles on stationary bike in 20 mins

foam roll & stretch

8/23/12 - throws: stone/hwd/lwd

don't remember exactly what went down, but it was pretty bleh

8/22/12 - deads/pushpress


531 (wk3) push press- 210x5, 240x3, 270x2 shoulder..
531 (wk3) deads- 420x5, 475x3, 530x5
pullups- bw x5x5
bb rows- 225x8, 275x8x2

got to find a way to work around the shoulder, think it's the long head of the bicep tendon but seems back a little farther.. pain isn't sharp, just an ache..started doing band/tube external/internal rotations and some indian club swings.

8/20/12 - oly/fsquat


ring muscle up tech work
power cleans up to 120kg x3x2, 100x3x2, 60x1xalot
531 (wk3) front squat - 125x5, 140x3, 160x3, 180x1
high box squat- 160x5x2
gms- 110x8x2
dips bw x10, x12, x3 shoulder hurting

shoulder issue really getting on my nerves