Friday, September 7, 2012

9/1 & 9/2/12 - Pleasanton Games

Pleasanton Games Amateur National Championship


ostone = 44+ (2nd)
hwd = 40+ (2nd)
light hammer = 119+ (3rd)
caber 17.5'/110# = 10:15 (7th)
wob = 14' (6th)


26# bstone = 35+ (1st)
lwd = 75+ (1st) 78+ on extras, fouled a 81+
heavy hammer = 101+ (2nd)
challenge caber 20'/130# = 50deg
challenge wob = 15' (1st)

Very unhappy with ostone. It just fell apart. The nerves + recent changes on ostone were too much to put together and it just fell apart, despite the heavy stone which I thought was a really good stone. Lots more work here. 2 more games to hit 55+ or Craig will have my ass. Very happy with Braemar stone, but there's def more in the tank. HWD was ok, watching the video, really only my last throw was that solid. 2 throws over 40ft so I can't be too upset. Need to work that finish better then start attacking the sprint. Same thing on LWD. Fouled the first toss that was close to 80. 2nd was 75+ as I was playing it safe and on the 3rd toss I hit the ground with the weight coming out of the back which threw off everything and only went 73'. Fouled an 81' on extras and settled for 78+ on my last extra. Not a terrible series, not a great one either. Hammers felt good. Was awesome watching Nate bomb the hammers, going 127+ on lt hammer after hitting the cage on the way out. Really need to start using my right leg and pushing the ball harder. The orbit is feeling more natural, just need to get comfortable and add speed. Stop counter-throwing it, start pushing it. Caber was awful, lots of caber practice is in my future. Wob felt ok, just fell apart. Kept leaving it out front with PLENTY of room over the bar. Need to reach back more and sink my hips better so I can push them forward and get the "scoop" I need to get it under the bar. My last pull at 15' on saturday was perfect, but overcorrected my stance too close to the bar and knocked it off. Oh well, next time. Can't be too upset with my performance after taking 2nd on a STACKED field.

Very grateful to have competed against some of the best in this country and a very humble experience as well. Grats to Nathan Burchett in his 1st place finish as well as my Teammate Adam Brezina for taking 5th. Way to step it up bro. Got to meet a few new people as well. Thanks to Steve Conway for hosting a fantastic games once again. I look forward to going again next year and hopefully snagging a field record or two while I'm there. Thanks to Mike Qutermous for putting up with all of us as our Judge for the weekend. Huge thanks goes out to the volunteers that shagged and marked for us. Tip of the hat to all of my competition, I hope we all get to throw together again. Thanks to my beautiful wife Kristina Sullivan for being there to support me and push me every step of the way. I love you sweetheart!

Finally, thanks to Tod Stewart of Stewart and Tergerson Injury Law ( for sponsoring the team. I've worked with Tod both personally and professionally and can say without a doubt, if you're unfortunate enough to be involved in an auto accident, he's the guy to call!!

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