Monday, March 28, 2011

3/28/11 - deads


hang snatches - 185x3, 185x3, 195x3, 195x3, 205x3
hang cleans - 270x3, 285x3, 305x4
deadlifts - 485x3, 515x3, 545x4
18" box jumps - BW+ 50lbs x8 x4sets

+core = hanging leg raises x3 sets

macros = 70f / 261c / 276p = 2828, ~125g carbs pre-WO

good workout, happy with everything except how heavy the cleans felt.. back is still a bit tweaked from thursday so I imagine that took some of my explosiveness, but all in all it was still a productive session. haven't done the box jumps before, just wanted to do something aside from plyo jumps, very little knee bend to land on the box, going to increase this to 24" next week and over the next few months increase the weight to +100 or so.. Weigh-in tomorrow then increasing calories to maintenance for 3 weeks until after the vegas games then dropping back down.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

3/26/11 - throws

thows training
  • 23.5# braemar, ~10 throws, 85-90%, low 30s with a couple around 35'
  • 16# open - south african, 5-6 throws, low 30s, blegh
  • 53# WFD, 4-5 standing throws, 3-4 single spins, 4-5 double spins, best just shy of 37'
  • 42# WFD - 3 throws, 43ish first 2 throws, then 48' last throw
  • 28# WFD - 5-6 throws, first was 68' and it went down from there
  • 16# hammer - ~10 throws, 100-110ish
braemar - felt off today, wasn't getting a good forward drive into double post and into the reverse C

open - felt horrible, felt like I've never done a south african before, just couldn't get on it. definitely need to drill alot more so that I'm comfortable going into the Vegas games

HWFD - felt good though not getting enough leg drive, that 37' was nearly standing, get some leg drive into it and I'll be hitting near 40'

42# WFD - just hit positions the first two throws and didn't focus on putting much drive into it, put some juice on the last one and it felt great, didn't measure it officially but it was about 2' off of the 50' flag which would be a PR for me

28# WFD - my thumb was throbbing at this point, lots of pain, got 2 good throws out there (and I wasn't really even getting on it) at about 68' before going downhill fast so I shut it down early

16# hammer - first time doing hammer since the phoenix games due to my abdominal strain. felt good, no issues hitting full extension. hit quite a few around the 98' range then added a little speed and was hitting 105s pretty easy. Just focused on hitting positions, getting long and keeping my balance. I'll start working on speed and power over the next week or so..

good session today, was out there for about 3 hours throwing with Brezina, Seckman and another buddy of mine.. definitely need alot of work on my south african but everything else seems to be coming together nicely. Looking forward to open, LWFD and WOB on wednesday.. going to try to do south african drills daily to get the movement dialed in.

macros = ?? 1st cheat day in nearly a month, lots of spaghetti, some protein shakes and ice cream for dessert, nom nom nom..

3/24/11 - squats/throwing


front squats (narrow stance ATG)- 305x5, 325x5, 345x5
pullups- BWx3 x10sets
RDL- 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 315x8

brutal front squats, left erector cramped up on the 4th rep of the last set and I finished the 5th rep anyways.. it's now saturday and I'm still paying for it..

evening throws training

  • 16# shot, south african - 25-35 throws, 75-80%, hitting high 30s/low 40s

  • macros = 66f / 278c / 282p = 2911, ~125g carbs pre-WO

    need to focus on keeping chest high instead of trying to lead bent over, just need to work on drills for this

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    3/23/11 - throwing

    lunchtime training throws
    • 16# shot, south african - 15-20throws, 75-80%, hitting high 30s/low 40s
    • 56# WFD - 5-6 standing, 4-5 single spin, ~5 double spin, 85-90% hitting mid low 30s
    • WOB - 7-9 standing throws, 3-4 spinning, unk height
    • 28# WFD - 4 throws, hit low 70s on the last 2
    shot - south african feeling better, need to work on really getting coiled up good and releasing explosively with a drive to the trig similar to braemar

    WFD felt good, in began my turn earlier on the first spin which made me wait what seemed like a lot longer before I could drive to the trig, however, when I did start my drive, I had incredible power. Only once did I actually put any juice on the final pull and nailed about 34' with minimal effort. going to start throwing HWFD on saturday's only. I find that it tears my thumb up too bad during the week so I'm going to go with LWFD drills during the week an both on the weekends focusing on full throws at a lesser effort

    WOB felt great, getting a really good stretch on the way back then dropping the hips and powering up. spin feels off, just need to get used to catching the weight and driving it upwards..

    macros = 59f / 268c / 271p = 2688 cals, 125g carbs preWO and another 35g during

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    3/22/11 - presses

    am weight= 289.6lbs


    incline press- 270x5, 285x5, 305x5
    push press- 255x5, 270x5, 285x6
    yates bb rows- 225x8, 275x8, 315x6, 365x5 x2sets
    close grip press- 275x6, 285x5 x2sets

    +core work= hanging leg raises, lying leg raises, weighted hammer spins

    macros = 66f / 262c / 292p = 2841, ~125g carb pre-WO

    good session, definitely feeling the effects of lower calories. I'm happy I bump calories up to maintenance next week for 3 weeks... close grips are improving so I'm happy about that, hopefully will be hitting all sets in the 300s here shortly. rows felt solid, haven't done yates style underhand grip in a long time, push press felt weak today, I definitely need to bring my wrist wraps so that I can get a good dip before I drive upwards, without them it was overextending my wrists and very uncomfortable, because of that I lost alot of leg drive.

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    3/21/11 - deads


    hang snatches - 155x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x1 (PR), 215x1 (PR), 225x2 (PR), 225x1
    plyo jumps - +50x5 x3sets
    hang cleans - 255x5, 270x5, 285x6
    deadlifts - 455x5, 485x5, 515x3+2(rest/pause)

    macros = 60f / 265c / 273p = 2754, ~125g carbs pre-WO

    all things considered, this was a great workout. several PRs on the hang snatch, mostly due to me not doing them in a very long time as I previously had been working hip snatches for the most part. Felt good to get explosive and nail my previous PR from the floor in the hang position for a double. Definately sapped energy for the rest of the workout. Cleans were easy until I got to the last 3 reps with 285, just didn't want to get up there. Deads weren't bad but I can def tell I don't have the same kind of muscular endurance I used to, by the time I got to that 4th rep I was crushed.. I guess that serves me right for training singles doubles and triples for so long, but again, all things considered this was an awesome workout. Weighing in tomorrow, should be under 290 for the first time in about a year.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    3/19/11 - throws

    lunchtime training throws
    • 23.5# braemar - 25-30 throws, 85-90% hitting around 31-33' with a couple @ 35'
    • 16# shot, south african - 35-40 throws, 75-80%, hitting high 30s/low 40s
    • 26# WFD - 10 standing, 10 single spin, ~15 double spin, 85-90% hitting mid 60s, put some juice on the last few throws and hit low 70s each time
    braemar- focused on driving forward onto double post while keeping square to the back of the trig as long as possible

    south african shot- focused on the active left arm while spinning, getting really wound up driving the knee inwards once in the power position, not focusing on getting down at all yet, felt good.

    WFD- broke part of my 5lb plate off the WFD on my first standing throw so it dropped down to about 26lbs. standing and single spins focused on driving the weight out past the trig as well as a good lift. same with double spin. after reviewing phx tape, I need to start my spin earlier as my high point is initially off my left shoulder. I think this may be causing me to use energy (that could be spent on drive) to correct the orbit and therefore lowering my numbers a bit. Will work on this

    macros = 53f / 330c / 272p = 2905 cals, 75g carbs preWO and another 100g during, by the end of the 3rd hour I was definitely feeling fatigue despite the calories.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    3/17/11 - squats


    front squats (narrow stance ATG)- 225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1, 315x5
    pullups- BWx5 x5sets
    RDL- 315x5, 365x5, 365x5, 315x8, 225x12

    felt a tiny bit of adductor pain during warmups yesterday throwing so I decided to cut back squats out all together for a couple weeks and just focus on front squats, felt good.

    macros = 69f / 237c / 288p = 2771, ~125g carbs pre-WO

    3/16/11 - throws

    lunchtime training throws
    • 16# shotput glide - 20 throws @ ~80% hitting about 35' each time, best 43'
    • 53# WFD
      • 10 standing throws
      • 7 or 8 single spins
      • 11 double spins @ ~80%, hitting around 30-32' each time, best 36'+
    evening training throws
    • 23.5# braemar - 10-15 throws @ ~80% hitting 30-32', best 35'+
    • 16# shotput south african - 10-15 throws @ 35-37' w/ minimal effort, best ~46'
    • 30# WFD
      • 10 standing throws
      • 10 single spins
      • 5 double spins, all slow and ugly, terrible 
    double sessions today due to going to the in-laws for st patty's day dinner. happy with braemar, focus on driving forward a bit more and getting into that reverse C as well as pushing out over the trig

    HWFD felt awesome, really getting a good pull both foward and upward, nailed that 36' throw after 20+ throws and was pretty happy with it..

    glide felt terrible again, something just isn't clicking so I tried south african in the evening, everything felt more natural and with minimal effort was hitting decent #s, put a little power (~90%) behind a couple of the throws and hit a good starting distance. going to keep up with this for a bit and see if I can get some good #s out of it..

    30# WFD blew ass, the standing and single spins were great but when it came time for the double spins I was slowing things down too much and throwing off my balance. I need to focus on keeping speed on the drive and just lessening how intense my release is when I'm trying to work on form.
    macros = 59f / 264c / 280p = 2746 cals

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    3/15/11 - presses

    am weight= 291.8lbs


    incline press- 295x5, 315x3, 335x2, 315x4
    standing strict overhead press- 205x5, 225x3, 245x2
    cable low rows- 300x8, 345x6 x2sets
    close grip press- 275x6, 275x5 x2sets

    macros = 62f / 312c / 312p = 3118, ~150g carb pre-WO
    meh, it was an alright workout, can't expect PRs every week, but I definitely need to get on a structured peridization type plan as far as weights/reps, I believe that would be more beneficial than just winging it every week. was feeling off today, mostly I assume due to the heavy rack pulls and max hang clean yesterday. I increased cals a bit the rest of the day to help with recovery..

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    3/14/11 - deads


    clean grip hang snatches - 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3, 185x3
    plyo jumps - +50x5 x5sets
    hang cleans - 225x3, 275x3, 295x1, 315x1, 335x1 (PR)
    rack pulls from knee level - 495x3, 585x3, 635x3, 675x3 (PR)

    macros = 68f / 275c / 261p = 2802, ~125g carbs pre-WO

    only good bar to snatch with (aka has knurling on the ends) was being used by some douche doing high box squats so I had to improvize and go with the clean grip. The felt good, definitely takes some explosiveness to get the weight all the way up there, a few of the reps were press-outs so I'll be working on that. definitely feeling more explosive on the plyo jumps and the hang cleans felt great today. I knew I was going to go for that 335 again so I didn't go all out on the rest of my working sets. I got under the first attempt with 335 but couldn't hold onto it so I tried again and nailed it, felt realy good. Also nailed a sweet pr on rack pulls. Haven't done heavy rack pulls I re-injured my hamstring early last year and this was a very nice reassurance that everything has healed up nicely. Could have gone a bit higher but I'm very happy with this, especially in the calorie deficit. 2 more weeks and I'll increase the calories to maitnenance level to stabilize my weight for about 3 weeks, then dropping back down afterwards.

    Saturday, March 12, 2011

    3/12/11 - throws

    training throws
    • 23.5# braemar - 15-20 throws, best 35'5" (PR for this stone)
    • 16# shotput glide - 10-15 throws, best 41'7"
    • 53# WFD
      • 7-9 standing throws, best 30' (PR)
      • 7 single spins, best 33'5" (PR)
      • 7-8 double spins, best 34'5"
    • 30# WFD - 8-10 double spins, best 64'8"
    happy with braemar, felt good. focused on driving forward into double post then getting the chest super high.

    glide was all off, I was finally able to get good hip separation but that was by the last couple throws and I was hitting a wall with my arm. note to self- stay down, get that front foot under me, and get the hips around, then follow through to double post and release. need to remember to keep things slow for now.

    53# WFD was good, standing and single spin throws really helped me learn to drive forward as well as upward for the release. Nailed a couple PRs in this so I'm satisfied. Started hooking on the single spins so by the time I got to the last couple double spins my thumb felt like it was going to fall off. That definitely limited how hard I could drive to the trig and pull. Need to get a glove so I can throw 50-70% without hooking and save my thumb for my 80%+ throws.

    30# WFD was also good, just worked slow double spins focusing again on driving forward AND up on the pull/release, most of them were high 50s without much effort and pretty slow, put a little juice on the last 3 throws but was exhausted by then. 

    Overall a good day. Spent 4 hours throwing as I was helping teach a friend of mine the throws. Looking forward to next week as the abs should be feeling ready for hammers again.

    macros = 66f / 269c / 280p = 2815 cals, ~approx 150g carbs pre&during throws, could've used another 50g... then again, I was throwing for nearly 4 hours

    3/10/11 - squats


    back squats (rehab)- 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x2 ** 225x3
    front squats (narrow stance)- 135x5, 185x5, 225x5 x5sets
    pullups- BW x5 x5sets
    adductor feels good, though I could feel a little pain on that 2nd rep with 275 so I dropped the weight. Felt it again on the 3rd rep with 225 so I shut it down. No issues at all with the narrow stance front squats. Felt good to get down there ATF and once my knees were warmed up no knee issues at all. It's now 2 days later and my legs are still pretty trashed, haha. Looking to push the bill a bit further next week.

    macros = 63f / 270c / 274p = 2792, ~125g carbs pre-WO

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    3/9/11 - throws

    training throws
    • 23.5# braemar - 12-15 throws, 32-34'
    • 16# shotput glide - 8-10 throws, 41-43'
    • 56# WFD - 5-7 single spins - 27-29', 4-6 double spins, 32-34'
    • 28# WFD - 5-7 double spins, 65-69'
    • 56# WOB - 3-5 standing and 3-5 spin
    energy was crap today after the stones, need more preWO cals on days I throw. Felt really fatigued on the double spin HWFD and WOB, felt tired and slow on the LWFD... will add 2 nutri-grain bars (my typical post-WO nutrition) around the first 30 mins of training to help sustain energy throughout. Also need to remember agua..

    macros = 68f / 278c / 270p = 2859 cals, ~approx 125g carbs pre-workout (not enough for throwing days)

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    3/8/11 - presses

    am weight= 294.8lbs


    incline press- 275x3, 295x3, 315x3, 335x3, 345x1
    standing strict overhead press- 205x3, 225x3, 245x3, 275x1
    db rows- 120x10 x4sets
    close grip press- 285x5, 285x5, 285x4

    macros = 69f / 273c / 277p = 2865, ~125g carb pre-WO
    good day for some PRs.. both 335x3 and 345x1 were PRs and left a bit more in the tank on the 345 single..  strict OHPs felt awesome, the 275 was very slow but still managed to lock it out and hold it for a couple seconds before bringing it down.. rows were easy as always and despite some pretty burned out triceps, I pushed my way through the close grip presses..
    down 10lbs in 1 week at this time, mostly water obviously.. energy feeling good throughout the training, despite lower calories, the high carbs pre workout are definitely helping, feeling better about dropping weight without strength loss, just need to stay focused, 3 more weeks of low calories then back to maintenance for a couple weeks. looking forward to throwing tomorrow.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    3/7/11 - deads


    hip snatches - 155x3 x5sets
    plyo jumps - +50x5 x5sets
    hang cleans - 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x0 x4tries (aka high pulls)
    deads - 495x3, 545x3, 585x3

    macros = 72f / 266c / 274p = 2861 with approx 125g carbs pre-workout... felt great the whole workout, no energy issues, going to stay with this for a while

    that 335 just did not want to get up there, I got under it once but had to drop it as I couldn't hold onto it.. doesn't help that it was the last set and my snatches/prior cleans sapped my explosiveness.. overall, I'm satisfied with the workout for now..

    3/3/11 - squats


    squats- warmups up to 225x3 then injury

    went to the doc after feeling a crazy burning sensation in my groin area.. turns out I tore a muscle fiber in the adductor region that attaches to the pelvic bone. common injury, 3 weeks heal time, easy to re-injure.. ibprofin + lots of bodyweight squats to flush blood after the pain goes away, will hit narrow stance front squats for a few weeks as well

    macros = 70f / 271c / 283p = 2876 with approx 125g carbs pre-workout... unable to determine how this would have worked throughout the session due to leaving early with the injury

    no training this weekend, going to a wedding that I am the best man in.. should be fun, rehearsal dinner friday night so I won't be paying attention to calories then, also not watching cals on saturday..

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    3/2/11 - throws

    training throws
    • 23.5# braemar - 12-15 throws, focusing on coiling up as much as possible and staying away from moving around the stone, therefore utilizing the block, most throws were about 28-32' with a couple up at 35' at 80-90% effort
    • 16# shotput - focused on glide transition as well as keeping low througout and keeping that left shoulder in front of the right until it's time to open up, slowed down the glide a little and also focused on getting that power foot under me and into position, thew very light, maybe 60%, a few of the throws really hit the positions right and went out about 44-45', without much effort, the others were 40-43'ish, whenever I tried to put a bit more juice on the throw, everything sped up and the positions were off, need more reps
    • 53# WFD - 5-7 single spins working on sinking after the spin, 27-31'. did another 9-12 double spins and hit 35' a few times with little effort, focused on speeding up the cast a little, sinking after the spins and driving to the trig, again probably 70-80% effort here
    • 30# WFD - 5-7 double spins, just slow and maybe 70%, all throws around 60-65', form started breaking down with fatigue around an hour and 15 mins so I called it there..

    macros = 54f / 269c / 277p = 2849 cals with approx 125g carbs pre-workout

    started losing energy hard around the hour mark, going to need to add carbs during the workout on training days to maintain energy for the intensity level I train..

    3/1/11 - pressing


    incline bb bench- 295x4, 315x3 x3sets
    hammerstrength BTN presses- 2pps x10, 2+25pps x8, 3pps x5, 3+25pps x1, 3pps x3
    cable low rows- 300x8, 300+45x6 x2sets
    CGBP- 275x4, 245x6 x2sets

    macros = 63f / 274c / 272p = 2786 with approx 100g carbs pre-workout... not enough