Monday, March 7, 2011

3/7/11 - deads


hip snatches - 155x3 x5sets
plyo jumps - +50x5 x5sets
hang cleans - 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x0 x4tries (aka high pulls)
deads - 495x3, 545x3, 585x3

macros = 72f / 266c / 274p = 2861 with approx 125g carbs pre-workout... felt great the whole workout, no energy issues, going to stay with this for a while

that 335 just did not want to get up there, I got under it once but had to drop it as I couldn't hold onto it.. doesn't help that it was the last set and my snatches/prior cleans sapped my explosiveness.. overall, I'm satisfied with the workout for now..


  1. Looking strong. how did the 585x3 feel?

  2. Thanks Chip.. Felt good, considering it was the last set of the day while on a 1200 calorie deficit.. Definitely had to work for that 3rd rep, looking for 605x3 in the next few weeks
