Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 - deads


hang snatches - 155x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x1 (PR), 215x1 (PR), 225x2 (PR), 225x1
plyo jumps - +50x5 x3sets
hang cleans - 255x5, 270x5, 285x6
deadlifts - 455x5, 485x5, 515x3+2(rest/pause)

macros = 60f / 265c / 273p = 2754, ~125g carbs pre-WO

all things considered, this was a great workout. several PRs on the hang snatch, mostly due to me not doing them in a very long time as I previously had been working hip snatches for the most part. Felt good to get explosive and nail my previous PR from the floor in the hang position for a double. Definately sapped energy for the rest of the workout. Cleans were easy until I got to the last 3 reps with 285, just didn't want to get up there. Deads weren't bad but I can def tell I don't have the same kind of muscular endurance I used to, by the time I got to that 4th rep I was crushed.. I guess that serves me right for training singles doubles and triples for so long, but again, all things considered this was an awesome workout. Weighing in tomorrow, should be under 290 for the first time in about a year.

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