Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28/11 - deads


hip snatches- 145x3 x5sets
plyo jumps- BW+50x5 x5sets
deads- worked up to 585 for an easy single

abs were still feeling iffy so I didn't push too hard.. going to take the next couple weeks off of speed work with the bands..

started dieting again today:

starting weight = 304
goal weight = 270

macros = 65f / 266c / 279p = 2815 cals which is about 60% of maintenance.

centralizing carbs mainly around training to minimize losses while in a deficit. going to stick with this for about 4 weeks then move back up to maintenance cals for a couple weeks before the vegas games.. then back to dieting.. less BW = more explosiveness and better conditioning..

2/26/11 - HG Competition

2011 AZ Highland Games Comp - 2nd place overall
  • 24.5# braemar stone - 3rd - 32'9.5" / 32'6.5"/ 32'3.25"
  • 16# open stone - 2nd - 42'7.5" / 43'11.75" / 41'7"
  • HWFD - 4th - 36'2.75" / 34'7.5" / 32'8.5"
  • LWFD - 1st - 68'6" / 74'5" / 71'11.25"
  • HH - 3rd - 84'8" / 86'10.5" / ?
  • LH - 2nd - 103'2" / 105'10" / 112'3"
  • Caber - 8th - 2 attempts before going to larger caber, best attempt was 80degrees
  • WOB - 3rd - 15' standing & hit the bar @ 16' spinning for the first time
Great games, great competition and great throws!! 5PRs and 2nd place overall, can't complain.

Braemar felt great, though looking at video, I definately had more room to explode as well as could've stayed in contact with the stone longer.

Open felt good, still need to work on getting that power foot under me asap as well as staying low until its time to explode..

HWFD felt great but for some reason I lost my drive to the trig on that last throw.
LWFD was incredible. I was really looking for 70' here and just smashed it. I was really dismayed at my first throw and knew I didn't put the juice on like I needed to. No holds barred on the 2nd throw and it showed.. ended up taking extras but couldn't break 75'.. just a couple more in the low 70s and a 66' throw due to lost footing

HH is where my day went downhill.. warming up I tweaked my lower abs on full extension. I think I initiated this on monday but wasn't sure.. well this poised a problem as whenever I went for full extension, it hurt like hell to drop back down fast enough to pull.. Not happy with these throws, but all things considered 3rd place isn't too bad.

LH was a little better. I decided to stay upright for my first two winds then go for as much extension as I could before the release. The first two were a bit slower and when I figured out it was working well I gave it some juice on the last wind. It was indeed a games PR for me, but nowhere close to what I'm hitting in training since I couldn't get extension on my 2nd orbit, only my 3rd and I'm guessing it was only 70ish% extension before the pull.

Caber was blegh, I need to practice this. I can't wait to get my caber finished.. just need to plane it, glue it and fiberglass it.. hopefully will be done by next weekend so I can start working on it.

WOB felt good, though I could feel my lower abs yelling at me when I stood and threw. I decided to learn how to spin WOB since I need to learn it anyways. I'd like to stand as long as I can then go to the spin if I need to. I hit an easy 15' standing but since I knew I def wouldn't have 16' standing in me, I went to the spin. Hit the bar twice and then just under it. Just need to figure out the dip and drive upwards rather than forwards.. Will be practicing this as well..

Had a great time throwing with some very tough competition. Thanks to Jon, Isaac and West for helping me figure out the spin WOB. Thanks to everyone for pushing me to get the PRs. Looking forward to the Vegas games in april..
Barring injury, this will be a great event for me. Time to buckle back down into training and go for some more PRs!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2/23/11 - recovery

recovery workout

stationary bike- 12 mins, level 10
circuit- 1 set, 15-20 reps
  • ATF squats- 95x20
  • strict OHP- 95x20
  • pulldowns- 120x20
  • pushdowns- 50x20
  • db curls- 20x15
  • cable low rows- 120x20
  • round back GMs- 95x12
  • arched back GMs- 95x10
  • RDLs- 95x20
  • ATF squats- 95x15
shotput drills- focused on setting up in braemar position with maximum hip separation so that when I squash the bug" it will cause me to coil up even more for a better release. also attached a mini-band to the rack and focused on gliding while holding the mini band, allowed me to feel better separation while getting my toes and legs in position.. need to focus on getting that back foot down and open immediately to allow continuous flow into the power position and release.

stationary bike- 5 mins, level 10

nice little recovery session, went into the workout feeling tired and worn down, achy, knees sore, etc.. came out feeling great.

2011 PHX games in t-minus 3 days (almost 2).. looking forward to some huge PRs..

2/21/11 - throws

training throws
  • 22# hammer- 16# hammer is broken so had to use the heavy hammer, just focused on a wide orbit, long arms and hitting points at the bottom of my orbit, needed to get the extra session in to get more familiar with my new boot blades..
one last session remains before the phx games, some light weight training to flush blood into the muscles and help with recovery..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/20/11 - throws

training throws
  • 15# braemar for warmup
  • 15# open stone- 10-15 throws, 38-42', still working on transition from glide to power position, need to slow down, rushing the transition is causing me to open too early
  • 28#WFD- 8-10 throws, PR 69'10, almost @ 70.. need to drive harder towards the trig
  • 56#WFD- 5-7 throws, 28-32', again: drive hard to the trig, stay low through both spins, for some reason I was breaking at the hip and leaning forward which was throwing my balance off.. by the time I figured this out, my thumb was killing me and my energy was shot
  • 16# hammer- positions first, then speed..
  • caber- worked the girls caber just so I didn't have to work hard.. focused on pulls since my picks and carries aren't an issue. focused on pulling the caber into my hip while sinking then popping my hips forward and pulling straight up (like an upright row) very explosively.. took a few times to get this figured out but once I did, it was gravy. Moved to the 13' 130ish lb caber and pulled a few easy turns with that one.. NOW I'm looking forward to caber in the games next weekend..

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2/19/11 - throwing

training throws
  • 23.5# braemar stone- 3-5 throws, 30-32'
  • 16# open stone- 5-8 throws, 37-40', working on transition from glide to power position, need to keep shoulders square to rear of trig for as long as possible, focus on relaxing and pushing the left shoulder forward, therefore positioning the stone farther behind the hip
  • 56#WFD- 5-8 throws, low 30s, focus on drive to the trig and wait after the 2nd spin, stay low though both spins
  • 28#WFD- 8-10 throws, mid 60s, again: drive hard to the trig, stay low through both spins
  • 22# Heavy hammer- don't drag hammer around before lifting, lift early, set the high point behind me and drive the hammer down then pull hard
2011 Phoenix Highland Games in t-minus 7 days and counting. One last training session and full deload for the week. Will do some very light cardio and stretching on wednesday, then some shotput glide drills with a mini band to work on staying square to the rear of the throwing area..

2/17/11 - squats


13" box squats w/choked avg bands for speed- 295x2 x4sets, 315x2 x4sets, 335x2x4sets
squats- 405x3, 475x2, 515x1
GMs- 275x8, 315x8, 365x6
pullups- BWx5 x3sets

2/15/11 - presses


incline bb bench w/doubled mini bands for speed- 165x3 x3sets, 175x3 x3sets, 185x3 x4sets
incline bb bench- 295x5, 315x3, 335x2
push press- 225x3, 275x2, 315x2
bb rows- 315x8, 365x5, 405x3, 315x12
CGBP- 275x6 x3sets

+core (standing weighted curnches, leg raises)

2/14/11 - deads


hip snatches- 135x3 x5sets
plyo jumps- BW+50x5 x4sets
3" deficit deads w/short avg bands for speed- 365x1 x2sets, 385x1 x2sets, 405x1 x4sets
deads- 495x3, 585x2, 605x1

+core (cable twists)

2/10/11 - squats


13" box squats w/choked avg bands for speed- 275x2 x4sets, 295x2 x4sets, 315x2 x4sets
squat- 425x4, 455x33, 495x3
GM- 225x8, 315x8, 365x8

core- (cable twists, weighted side bends)

2/8/11 - presses


incline bb bench w/doubled mini bands for speed- 165x3 x3sets, 175x3 x3sets, 185x3 x4sets
incline bb bench- 295x5, 315x3, 335x2
push press- 245x5, 275x3, 295x2, 315x1
single arm cable low row- 210x5 x3sets
CGBP- 265x6, 265x6, 265x5

+core (standing weighted crunches, hanging leg raises)

2/7/11 - deads


hip snatch- 135x3 x5sets
5" deficit deads against avg short bands for speed- 315x1 x2sets, 365x1 x3sets, 405x1 x3sets
deads against avg short bands- 405x1, 495x1, 545x0, 525x1

core (weighted side bends)

2/3/11 - squats


13" box squats w/choked avg bands for speed- 275x2 x4sets, 295x2 x4sets, 315x2 x4sets
front squat- 315x5, 365x3, 405x1
pullups- BWx5 x5sets
RDL- 335x6, 375x5, 425x2, 315x8

2/1/11 - presses


incline bb bench + doubled red bands for speed- 165x3 x3sets, 175x3 x3sets, 185x3 x4sets
incline bb bench- 275x5, 295x3, 315x5
push press- 245x5, 275x3, 315x0, 275x2
CGBP- 255x6 x3sets
low cable rows- 300x8, 345x6 x2sets

1/31/11 - deads


hip snatch- 135x3, 155x3, 175x2, 155x2 x3sets
deficit deads for speed- 365x1 x2serts, 385x1 x2sets, 405x1 x2sets
deadlift- worked up to 585x1

1/27/11 - squats


13" box squats + choked avg bands for speed- 275x2 x4sets, 295x2 x4sets, 315x2 x4sets
front squats- 315x3, 335x3, 385x1, 275x5
RDL- 315x5, 365x5, 415x4, 225x12
pullups- BWx5

+core (weighted side bends)

1/25/11 - presses


incline bench + doubled mini red bands for speed- 165x3 x3sets, 175x3 x3sets, 185x3 x4sets
incline bench- 275x5, 295x3, 315x3
standing strict OHP- 205x5, 225x3, 245x2
CGBP- 245x6 x3sets

+core (hanging leg raises & cable twists)

1/20/11 - squats


13" box squat + choked avg bands for speed- 225x2 x3sets, 275x2 x3sets, 315x2 x6sets
squats- 405x3, 455x3, 475x3
RDL- 315x6, 365x5, 415x3
pullups- BW x5, x3

1/18/11 - presses


incline bench + doubled minis for speed- 155x3 x3sets, 175x3 x3sets, 185x3 x4sets
incline bench- 245x5, 275x3, 315x2
standing strict OHP- 185x5, 205x3, 225x4
db rows- 120x8 x4sets
CGBP- 225x6, 245x6, 265x5


Monday - oly/deads
  • hip/hang snatches: 5 sets 3
  • weighted plyo jumps- 5 sets 5
  • hang cleans (or high pulls): 3 sets 3
  • deficit deadlifts against bands for speed: 8 singles with 60-70% of max bar weight
  • deadlifts: work up to a near max (of the day) single, this does not mean max out
Tues - pressing
  • incline bench against bands for speed: 10 triples with 60-70% of max bar weight
  • incline bench (or flat bench)- 5/3/1 style
  • strict OHPs or push presses (switch off every 2 weeks): 5/3/1 style
  • close grip press: 3 sets of 5-8
  • some form of rows: 3 sets of 5-8 reps
Wednesday - throwing
  • stones/WFD
Thursday - squat
  • box squats w/bands for speed: 12 sets of 2 reps with 60-70% of max bar weight
  • front or back squats (switch off every 2 weeks) - 5/3/1 style
  • RDL (or GM): 3 sets 5-8 reps
  • pullups - 10 sets of 5 reps
Thursday evening - throwing
  • open stone/hammers
Friday - off
Saturday - throwing
  • throw everything as much as possible
Sunday - off

1/16/11 - deads


deads- 405x5, 495x2, 585x1, 635x0, 605x1, 495x5

+core (rev wood chops, decline situps)

1/13/11 - squats


squats- 405x3, 455x3, 495x3, 505x2, 405x6, 225x12
RDL- 315x5, 365x5, 385x5, 185x?
pullups- BWx5 x3sets

+core (weighted side bends)

1/11/11 - presses


flat bb bench- 275x5, 315x3, 335x3, 365x1, 315x5, 275x10
strict standing OHP- 185x5, 205x3, 225x2, 225x2, 135x8
CGBP- 225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x6
chest supported row- 135x8, 225x5, 225x5, 270x3->drop180x5->drop 90x8
dip machine- stack x15, x15, x10
rear delt flyes -170x8, 170x6, 170x6

1/10/11 - deads


hip snatch- 135x5, 155x5, 165x3
hang snatch- 185x3
deads- 335x5, 425x3, 515x2, 565x1, 605x1

1/6/11 - squats


squats- 405x5, 455x5, 495x2, 405x5
pullups- BWx5 x3sets
RDL- 315x5, 365x5, 385x5

1/4/11 - pressing


standing strict overhead press- 205x5, 225x5, 245x2, 245x1, 225x4, 185x6
BB rows- 275x5, 325x5, 325x5, 225x10, 225x10
CGBP + doubled mini bands- 185x5, 205x4, 275x3 x3sets
db incline press- 115x5, 115x5, 115x4
standing cable face pulls- 200x15 x3sets

1/2/11 - deads


hang cleans- 225x3, 275x3, 295x3, 225x8
high pulls- 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, 225x6
deads + short avg bands- 225x2
deads- 425x2, 515x1

12/29/10 - squat


squats- 315x5, 365x3, 405x3, 425x3, 455x2
RDL- 225x5, 275x5, 325x5, 325x5
pullups- BWx8, x5

12/28/10 - pressing


push press- 225x3, 275x2, 295x0, 275x3 x3sets
incline bench- 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, 315x2, 225x8
db rows- 120x10 x3sets
CGBP- 225x6, 245x5, 225x5, 245x3

12/22/10 - pressing


standing strict OHP- 185x5, 205x3, 225x3, 245x2, 265x1, 225x4
flat bb bench- 275x3, 315x3, 335x1, 315x3
CGBP- 225x6 x4sets

My son has arrived!!! Ezekiel Michael Sullivan, born 12/3/10 @ 615pm, 8lbs 1oz, 20.5" long. Sadly, short thereafter I caught myself an upper respiratory infection and have been out of training until today. Today's training still sucked as I'm still on antibiotics.. Now I'm just catching up my log!!

12/2/10 - squat


13" box squat + doubled avg bands- 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 365x2, 385x1, 405x1
speed box squat- 315x2 x4sets
RDL- 315x6, 365x5, 405x5
pullups- BWx5 x5sets