Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 - offseason 13/a throws


16# stone
 *hip pop drills x8, best of 45
 *step over drills x8, best of 46'6 (PR)
 *full standing x8, best of 47 (PR)
 *south african x20, best of 52'6 (PR), 10 out of 20 landing 50+

great throws session. focused on getting my hips through first and holding my upper body. Felt that was happening on a good bit of these, but really have to try to make this happen. Going to take a lot more reps before this comes naturally without having to think as much about it. Happy with the PRs in everything. Once I get this figured out, the stones will start being a strong point for me. Looking for 50 standing and 55+ open soon.

macros = ?? lots of spaghetti for dinner. since I tracked calories for about 2 weeks, I know what it takes to get my protein in and that's really all I'm concerned with right now. I'll start tracking again in the next couple weeks.

1/28/12 - offseason 12/a throws


16# hammer
 *2 winds, best of 93
 *3 winds, best of 98

 *stand, best of 28
 *one turn, best of 36
 *full, best of 37

28# wfd, best of 71

16# stone
 *step over, best of 42
 *south african, best of 47

good day. focused on staying really tall for the hammers, not much effort put into these, no blades. wfd felt good, despite being my first session in 4 weeks due to the bicep injury. stones felt off, fatigue set in by that time and just couldn't feel the positions.

macros = ??  oh well

1/27/12 - food

$0.39 tacos back @ del taco.. score
came home to a mrs who had pizza ready for me.. double score
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

1/26/12 - offseason 12/3 ME bench & DE incline


500m row in 1:37 for warmup/conditioning

flat bb bench- up to 405x1, 410x0, 335x6
speed incline bench + double efs mini bands
  1. 135x3 @ 3.33
  2. 135x3 @ 3.33
  3. 135x3 @ 3.33
  4. 135x3 @ 3.46
  5. 135x3 @ 3.46
  6. 135x3 @ 3.58
  7. 135x3 @ 3.46
  8. 135x3 @ 3.58
pullups- BWx3x2, +25x3x3, BWx3x5
db rows- 120x10x4
dips- BWx12x3, x8x2

db curls

cals = ?? hot dogs, ice cream, etc.. need to buckle the diet down, haha

1/25/12 - offseason 12/2 oly movements


500m row in 1:38 for warmup

full squat cleans up to 120kg x1
btn jerks up to 100kg x1

pinched a nerve or something on the inside of my left elbow. I think it's from taking too wide of a grip. Aching pain starting at my elbow and pulsing up to my shoulder and down to my pinky. Hurt like a motherfucker so I called it a day. Took about an hour for it to go away, very strange. Will pay more attention to grip next time. Bummed out because I was looking for a big number today, oh well. always next week..

macros = ?? mrs made potato soup/breadbowl for dinner, delish

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1/24/11 - offseason 12/1 ME lower

18" box squats against doubled jumpstretch average bands (green) - up to 495x1
box squats for speed, same box, same band tension
  1. 225x3 @ 2.96
  2. 185x3 @ 3.57
  3. 185x3 @ 3.46
  4. 185x3 @ 3.46
  5. 185x3 @ 3.46
  6. 185x3 @ 3.33
  7. 185x3 @ 3.46
  8. 185x3 @ 3.46
rdl- 315x10x3
band gms- avg x15x3
bulgarian split squat- BWx12x3

macros = 192f / 477c / 340p = 4992 cals, lulz

5 eggs, 1lb red potatoes, 1/2 cup cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream = NOM NOM NOM

1/21/12 - 2012 AZ Winterfest Strongman

2012 AZ Winterfest Strongman
overall = 7th place

log press = 270lbs, missed 290
farmers walk/chain drag medley = 265/600, unk time
deadlift = 675lbs (+20lb pr), 3rd place
tire flip/sandbag medley = 750/275, unk time
atlas stones = 360x3

Had a great time at my first NAS competition. Scott Porter runs a clean show, looking forward to doing another in the future. A few notes:
  • my cardio blows, both muscular and cardiovascular. Need to work on this, not only for competition but for everyday life
  • my triceps are weak. killed me on the log press. I strict pressed 285 last week but I couldn't push press a 290lb log, that's ridiculous. on a side note, I need to work on my technique as I kept getting super dizzy and almost passing out as the log was on my shoulders. I was told I'm doing it right, but there's got to be something I can do differently to avoid this. Possibly gripping the log more towards the front?
  • I lost my grip on the sandbag and that screwed me bad. I was running a great time with the tire and even the pick on the sandbag was easy. When I started moving with the sandbag I lost my grip and had to readjust, that also ended up making me take more time to recover and costing close to 10 seconds.
  • Deadlift was solid, but needs to be stronger
  • uncomfortability with the stones cost me some serious points. Heaviest stone I had loaded before was a 300lb stone and that was hard as shit. Event was max stone for max reps over bar, 2 attempts permitted. I was going to open with the 280 stone until Scott Porter gave me a silly look so I upped it to the 320. I'm glad I did because the 320 stone was cakesauce. Unfortunately, everybody else in my class passed it and went right to the 360 stone. I took the 360 stone for 3 reps when I was up again and everyone else went onto the 410 stone. 2 were successful, one guy doubled it. I really think I had a good shot at that 410, but my attempts were done.
Regardless, great competition. I'm a bit more experienced now so I know what to expect for my next one. Considering I'm a Highland Games athlete first, I had a lot of fun and I hit PRs so I'm very happy with how everything went down.

Here are a few vids:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1/19/12 - offseason 11/b throws


16# hammer
  • 2winds x8, best of 109
  • 3winds x6, best of 109
doing something wrong here. have been 105-120 for nearly a year now. everything else has increased remarkably except for hammer, this pisses me off. going to be watching a lot of videos of vierra and a few others that have similar body types. a couple things just off the bat I think I need to do is not lean as far backwards and really reach to my right to catch the ball.. I need to not only twist and catch it, but I need to reach and create that bigger orbit.

macros = 96f / 489c / 313p = 4091 cals

1/18/12 - offseason 11/a throws


16# stone
  • step over drills x9, best of 43'
  • full throws x8, best of 42'
  • south african x10, best of 51'6.5"
stone series went like this: 46, ?, 49, 51'6, 50'3, 49, 48, ?, 50'9, 47, 50'2

ecstatic. fantastic stone session.. groin tightened up on my on the 9th throw so I took one more for good measure and headed out. No pain today so it's all good, looking forward to the next stone sesh..

macros = 92f / 536c / 295p = 4096 cals

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/17/11 - offseason 11/2 ME strict OHP + DE close grip


strict OHP- up to 285x1 (PR), 225x8

close grip speed bench
  1. 135x3 @ 3.71
  2. 135x3 @ 3.83
  3. 155x3 @ 3.46
  4. 155x3 @ 3.46
  5. 155x3 @ 3.58
  6. 165x3 @ 3.33
  7. 165x3 @ 3.46
  8. 165x3 @ 3.58
  9. 165x3 @ 3.71
  10. 165x3 @ 3.71
pullups- BWx3x10
wide grip neutral cable rows- 195x12, 300x10x3
dips- BWx10x4
db curls- up to 50x12

felt like a machine today. was only going to go for a tiny 5lb pr on the OHP and it didn't feel too hard so I upped it to 285 for a sweet 10lb pr, then dropped to 225 for a solid 8 reps. Bicep is healing very nicely, no issues with the db curls, pullups or wide grip low rows. Starting to think I might just be able to be competitive in this strongman on the 21st. Very exciting.

macros = 130f / 275c / 305p = 3538 cals

1/16/11 - offseason 11/1 ME squat + DE deads


squats- up to 565x1, 405x8

speed deads
  1. 225x3 @ 4.32
  2. 275x3 @ 3.71
  3. 335x3 @ 3.46
  4. 335x3 @ 3.33
  5. 335x3 @ 3.46
  6. 335x3 @ 3.33
dimel deads- 275x15x3
Gms- 225x12x2

very happy with this session. First time having 500lbs on my back since 7/21/11 (yes, I looked through my logs) and this is also the first time I've had 550+ on my back since december 2009, before my hamstring injury. On top of all that, I just pulled 605 for a triple 2 days ago, so yeah, I'm pretty happy about this. I think I'd be pretty damn close to 6 if I were 100% fresh. I just need to start getting under a heavy bar more often. Will work on this in the future.

macros = meh, didn't pay attention

1/14/11 - Iron Fest

Iron Fest Competition @ East Valley Crossfit

Event1: Clean & Jerk - 131kg 1st place
Event2: 3RM pullups - +30x3, 3rd place (last)
Event3: 3RM deadlift - 605x3, 1st place

Overall = 1st place

I've been training olympic lifts at East Valley Crossfit with one of the coaches there as I'd like to do an oly meet sometime later this year with some respectable numbers while not looking like a fool technically. To help show my support for the gym I decided to enter in the competition. The first 2 events were set, however, the 3rd was drawn from a hopper the day of the event. The options for the 3rd event were as follows: 1RM deadlift, 3RM deadlift, 315 AMRAP in 3mins, 3 rounds: 275x10 + 50DUs or 1000m row + 30rep deadlift @ 275. I lucked out by getting the 3RM deadlift. If the double unders had came up, I'd have been screwed, lol. The others I think I could have made do.

macros = ?? chorizo burrito, protein shakes, ice cream, italian sub.. etc

1/12/11 - offseason 10/2 ME upper


incline bench- up to 370x1 (PR)
pullups- BWx3x10
strict OHP- 135x10, 185x8, 205x6, 225x4x2
dips- BWx12x2
tri pullovers- 95x10, 115x8
db curls x alot for rehab

very happy with the PR, been chiseling away on incline for some time now and it's finally paying off. Elbow was hurting today for some reason, just very stiff. I shattered my right elbow back in 97 and was reconstructed so the weather gets to it sometimes. Pullups felt ok, though I could feel my bicep acting up, however, considering I'm only a week and a half out from injury, it feels pretty good.

macros = ?? I stopped couting at 3k cals

1/11/12 - offseason 10/b throws

16# stone
  • step over drills x5, best of 42
  • full throws x6, best of 43
  • south african x24, best of 50' even
awesome sesh today, snuck in that PR of 50' even on the stone, maybe even 50'.25".. lol. worked again on keeping that torso straight as my right is coming around into place, then as my left is following, worked on really wrapping tight and waiting for the left to hit the ground before exploding.. making strides forward

macros = 121f / 379c / 355p = 4047 cals

1/9/12 - offseason 10/a throws

16# stone
  • step over drills x8, best of 44
  • full x13, best of 44
  • south african x24, best of 49'
good throws with the stone. Tried a few new things out. On the standing tosses I'm keeping my chest up and back straight rather than rounding. Once I got my feet in position and torso turned backward, I dipped down, pivoted my right foot and exploded up, all in one movement. I got a sweet stretch reflex and put another foot or two on the tosses, especially considering my dead legs from speed work yesterday. Spins felt good, worked on gettig that right leg into position while keeping my torso straight to the trig, as the left was following around I worked on better separation. It's all coming into place, expect big throws soon.

macros = 135f / 445c / 309p = 4217 cals

1/9/12 - offseason 10/1 DE lower


speed squats + choked efs monster mini bands
  1. 225x3 @ 3.46
  2. 225x3 @ 3.58
  3. 245x3 @ 3.33
  4. 245x3 @ 3.71
  5. 245x3 @ 3.46
  6. 245x3 @ 3.58
  7. 245x3 @ 3.46
  8. 245x3 @ 3.46
  9. 245x3 @ 3.46
speed deads + doubled efs monster minis
  1. 275x3 @ 3.62
  2. 275x3 @ 3.95
  3. 315x3 @ 3.58
  4. 315x3 @ 3.58
  5. 315x3 @ 3.58
  6. 315x3 @ 3.71
  7. 315x3 @ 3.58
  8. 315x3 @ 3.46
rdls- 315x5, 365x5, 415x5, 465x5(pr)
seated box jumps from 12" box to 24" box- BWx10x3

solid sesh, happy with speed, happy with rdls, moving along nicely.

started tracking calories again, moreso for protein consumption and total cals than anything else:

macros = 90f / 337c / 300p = 3325

1/7/12 - offseason strongman day

deads- up to 585x1, easy peasy
log press- up to 270x1x2
anchor chain drag- 600x50'x2

I tried a 235lb farmers but after about 5 steps my bicep got aggravated. I didn't want to push it so I called it there. I really wanted to flip the tire, get some sandbag work and stones in but it'll have to wait. If it's not feelign better by the 21st I'll be skipping some events..

1/6/12 - offseason 9/3 ME lower


front squat- up to 405x1, 455x0
deadlift- 405x5, 455x5, 495x5, 545x1x2
16" step up- 135x8x2
KBS- 32kg x15x2
box jump up to 40"x3

meh, decent session. broke down on the 455 and let it come forward. hit some decent deads, nothin impressive. Was using bumpers so I couldn't get any reps @ 545 without weight falling off so I just hit 2 singles.

Monday, January 16, 2012


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Friday, January 6, 2012

1/5/12 - offseason 9/2 DE upper


speed bench
  1. 135x3 @ 3.46
  2. 135x3 @ 3.96
  3. 155x3 @ 3.46
  4. 155x3 @ 3.58
  5. 155x3 @ 3.46
  6. 155x3 @ 3.33
  7. 155x3 @ 3.46
  8. 155x3 @ 3.46
  9. 155x3 @ 3.58
  10. 155x3 @ 3.58
bb skullcrushers- 115x8, 125x8, 135x6
dips- BWx12x4

cable pulldowns- 4x15
cable rows- 3x15

db curls 4x15 (left), 6x25 (rt)- rehab on right

good sesh, triceps were fried, starting to feel a difference on dips, getting easier. 135x6 is a huge PR for me on skulls as I've never gone above 110 before. Felt good, though lots of pressure on the elbows. Going to work them in rotation with heavy close grip pressing. Bicep feeling a little rough still, used a 15lb db and nailed a few sets of 25 reps to flush the blood in there. Took it easy on back work too with some light pulldowns and rows. Could feel the bicep activating as the lat was fatiguing, but nothing negative. Happy with the workout with all things considered.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1/4/12 - oly training


clean technique with the bar
full cleans up to 3 singles @ 132, felt it in my bicep so I shut it down
jerk technique with the bar
full jerks up to 308, pressed out the first one. took a break and nailed the 2nd

happy with how the technique is coming along. The coach I'm working with said I should be jerking 400+ once I get the hang of the technique. Anxious to start moving big weight

1/3/12 - offseason 9/1 DE lower


speed squats against choked efs monster mini bands
  1. 225x3 @ 3.46
  2. 225x3 @ 3.58
  3. 225x3 @ 3.46
  4. 225x3 @ 3.33
  5. 245x3 @ 3.09
  6. 245x3 @ 3.09
  7. 245x3 @ 3.09
  8. 245x3 @ 3.33
speed deads against doubled efs monster mini bands
  1. 225x3 @ 3.83
  2. 225x3 @ 4.08
  3. 225x3 @ 3.83
  4. 275x3 @ 3.49
  5. 275x3 @ 3.71
  6. 275x3 @ 3.83
  7. 315x3 @ 3.21
  8. 315x3 @ 3.33
dimel deads- 225x20x3
db reverse lunges- 25x10, 40x10
seated box jumps (12" box seated onto 24" box)- BWx10x3

good sesh, box jumps were killer. Jumping from a seated position is much harder, getting rid of all the stretch reflex. Typically I would hold dumbbells, but didn't want to chance anything with the bicep feeling the way it has been.

12/31/11 - offseason 8a throwing

16# stone
  • x3-5 step over drills, best of 39
  • x8-10 stands, best of 42
  • x8-10 south african, best of 48
56# wfd
  • x4 standing throws, best of 28, tore bicep on 4th throw
let my upper rush the weight into position and popped my right bicep on the 4th standing toss. fucking stupid. no brusing, no connective tissue injury, just a muscle belly injury. ice + ibuprofin + aggressive rehab should have me back up in a couple weeks. Placing in the strongman comp is out of the picture now as I'll def be passing stones and tires.. oh well.. will still go pull and do farmers for shits and giggles, have a few friends competing there as well..

pretty bummed out

12/29/11 - offseason 8/3 ME upper

strict OHP- up to 275x1
pullups- BWx3x2, BWx5x10
cgbp- 225x5, 275x5, 295x3, 315x3, 225x10
dips- BWx10x4
cable row, wide neutral- 270x10, 300x10x2
face pulls- 170x15, 200x15

lying leg raises & ab wheel

good sesh, pullups and dips coming along.. OHP felt heavier than usual, expected after DE upper on monday

12/28/11 - offseason 8/2 ME lower


deads up to 635x1, fail @ 665, 585x1
squats- 315x5x3
rdl- 315x8x3


12/26/11 - offseason 8/1 DE upper

speed incline + dbl efs mini bands
  1. 135x3 @ 3.33
  2. 135x3 @ 3.46
  3. 135x3 @ 3.33
  4. 135x3 @ 3.21
  5. 135x3 @ 3.33
  6. 135x3 @ 3.33
  7. 135x3 @ 3.21
  8. 135x3 @ 3.33
  9. 135x3 @ 3.33
  10. 135x3 @ 3.33
pullups- BWx3x6, +25x3x4, +45x3x2, +45x1
dips- BWx10x2, +45x10x2, +45x8, BWx5
hammerstrength row- 5pps x8x3
db extensions- 45x8, 45x6

good sesh, happy with the pullups and dips.. incline was on a higher bench today so band tension was more, hence not increasing weight above 135.

food porn contd

homemade new york style cheesecake
christmas eve dinner
christmas dessert
christmas dinner
choco chip cookie + oreo + brownie = defuckinglicious
throwback mac&cheese
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