Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/12/11 - offseason 10/2 ME upper


incline bench- up to 370x1 (PR)
pullups- BWx3x10
strict OHP- 135x10, 185x8, 205x6, 225x4x2
dips- BWx12x2
tri pullovers- 95x10, 115x8
db curls x alot for rehab

very happy with the PR, been chiseling away on incline for some time now and it's finally paying off. Elbow was hurting today for some reason, just very stiff. I shattered my right elbow back in 97 and was reconstructed so the weather gets to it sometimes. Pullups felt ok, though I could feel my bicep acting up, however, considering I'm only a week and a half out from injury, it feels pretty good.

macros = ?? I stopped couting at 3k cals

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