Monday, February 25, 2013

2/25/13 - me fsquat/de bench & wfd

Training #1 @ 5a

Back squat triples up to 475x3
Bench against doubled EFS mini bands 155x3x3, 185x3x6

Pullups 3x5
Ring dips 3x5
Band push downs 2x25

Today was supposed to be heavy front squats but I've skipped heavy back squats for the last few weeks for some uknown reason. With the strongman coming up on saturday I don't want to squat heavy too close to competition so I just back squatted today and that'll be the extent of my squatting this week. Will do a deload type of session on wednesday then just throw thursday and friday while resting up for Saturday. Was really looking for 495 for a triple and was confident for a double but didn't want to chance missing the triple. No worries. Completely forgot about GMs, lol. I'll do some rdls tomorrow after my speed pulls. Bench went well, kept it light and fast. I forgot how much I like benching against the mini-bands. MMs are a little excessive for me on bench so I'll stick with the minis. Pullups and dips felt good, just didn't feel like tons of sets. Wednesday or Thursday I'll do some more.

Training#2 @ 12p

49# wfd
*1 turn x6
*full x12

28# wfd x6

No tape measure today, just looking for positions, specifically the finish. Looking for a very long right arm and a good stretch as I'm driving to zero with a big pop for the finish. Stepped off my very last lwd throw and was 83 steps w/ 12.5 size shoe so I'm happy with that as it wasn't the farthest one out there. Will throw the 56 late next week. For now, sticking with the 49. I like how it's really helping me with speed and catching the weight at the front. Good stuff. Stones tomorrow.

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