Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/12 - benchmark back squat & hammer

Am weight = ?

Training#1 @ 445a

back squat up to 525x1
step ups to 18" box 135x10x2
lying leg raises & russian twists x2 sets

Got to the gym late so it pushed everything back, not to mention working up to a max effort squat takes longer than a typical session. Regardless, good effort on the back squats. Certainly wasn't expecting that as I was just hoping to get 495 for a single. Hopefully I can push this up to 600 by the Phoenix games, we'll see. Def got a lot of work ahead of me this off season. I'm ready for it. Tucson is the last game of the season for me so I'm starting my next week on the 29th. I'll compete on the 4th, but I'm not going to do a full deload like usual. I'll train Mon-Wed and throw on Thursday then rest Friday and Saturday, then compete Sunday.

Training#2 @ 630a

*16#x2 + 14# x1 x12 rounds.

All 3 winds. I like going 3 times in a row before breaking. Can get in more reps and can work on things while I've got it fresh in my mind. On the downside, hammers take a lot out of me. Good thing I have the 14# hammer to finish off with. Ideally I'd love to have 2 more 16# hammers but oh well. I've got a 22 and a 20 so I'll eventually throw those in when I'm more satisfied with my tech. Few things to note today:

1) Brought stance closer.
2) Didn't stagger feet.
3) Focused on pulling my right elbow back as far as possible on 1.
4) Focused on a huge orbit vs speed.
5) Tried to get extremely long and "whippy" on 3.

Missed the finish, way too early. Need to drag through the low point before finishing big.
Going to start working just winds as drills before actually throwing as I feel that's needed to really drill the positions in consistantly. I need to be consistent at getting long and very loose on 2 and 3 so I can use my hips to drive the ball around. Lots of work on this over the next few months.

Macros? still too early, probably the same as Monday. Day 4/4 low carb, training tomorrow so I'll get a good weigh in before the carbup. Was 269 yesterday.

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